Favorite foreign songs are unrecognizable in translation. Guess the melody!



Sometimes listening to some excellent foreign song and I want to cry straight. And then you watch the text and think: what kind of garbage?! "Child-baby, LLC, love you La La La," and that's all ?? We rumbled and found the texts in the most popular compositions.

But that life is honey, try to guess who sings it! We guarantee, you heard all a hundred times on the radio. Go! (Answers are written under the songs with white font, just put them on the cursor).

Song about love vampire

Look, in my eyes emptiness

Look your love sucked blood from the veins

You know, for me you will forever remain

Just temporary clouding reason

Twist in My Sobrayty, Tanita Tikaram

Song of the doomed on torture

Time can knock

Collapse, silently, down.

Heart - on pieces

And start praying -


Tears in Heaven, Eric Clapton

Song Alcoholic Tunyader

I have to live and I have to

Solve your problems with

Money, which is just paper with faces, I remember.

I drink every day

And it is a little cool my temperament,

But never cool him completely.

Karmacoma, Massive Attack

Song of God

Come on

Check me.

Make their soul


And I let you go sins,

You know, I can forgive.

Personal Jesus, Depeche Mode

Song of some finished psycho

I'm already sick of you - so much I adore you.

I love all dirty tricks

And the tangled games in which you play with me.

Cosmic madness in your eyes ...

The peace will come and give us

Again, depriving the meaning of our existence.

Space Dementia, Muse

Song of the Bremen Musicians

They burned casino

It collapsed with terrible sound

Frightened Claude, ran back and forth

Withdrawing guys from fire

When everything is over

We had to look for a new place

Our time in Switzerland approached the end

And it seemed that we would not cope

Smoke On The Water, Deep Purple

Song about women's suffering

License for love, Insurance from separation

Issue all your memories in gold.

He has an angel's eyes, but the heart of ice

Without a doubt,

He is charm

Donzhuan, hearty,

Ladies' man!

Smooth Operator, Sade

Song about "1984" Orwell

They dedicated their lives

Total control over it.

He is trying to please them all

This bitter man is he.

For a very long time his life does not change,

He fights without ceasing

He cannot defeat this fight.

UnforGiven, Metallica.

Lady Melissandra song

Together with my memories

I squeezed fire.

My sadness, my joy,

I don't need them anymore!

My passion destroyed

Together with excitement in voice

Destroyed forever

I start from scratch ...


Song "What I see - I sing"

I like playing the guitar,

I like to sing,

My musicians accompanied me,

When I sing my song

I like to empty a glass,

Vodka is best

Like light tequila,

Which is best to drink with salt

Cancion Del Mariachi, Antonio Banderas

Song Nisterbarda

Tell me that you do not need diamond rings, and I will be glad

Tell me that you only need something to buy for money

Yes, I don't care about money, you can't buy love for money


Fallango fan song

I want to be your beloved,

I, I want to wrap you in a bath towel,

The same pink as the sheets on which we are lying

After all, pink is my favorite chalk! Yes!

Pink, Rolling Stones


"We were born in patients," you hear from them,

My church does not offer to his abuse of sins,

She relieves: "Pray in complete".

The only paradise for me -

Stay alone with you

I was born sick, but I like it,

I kept to heal.

Amen, Amen, Amen!

Take Me to Church, Hoizer

Song-manual future superstar

My mom told me when I was still small

That we are all born the stars.

She curled me hair and lipstick painted me lips

Before the mirror of his boudoir.

"There is nothing wrong with that you love yourself as you are,"

She said, "because he created you perfect, baby."

"So keep your head above, baby, and you will go far

Listen to me when I say. "

Born This Way, Lady Gaga

Song winner

I crushed

In response to your applause.

You brought me fame and happiness,

And all concomitant to them.

Thank you everybody!

The struggle was not necessary, and I had to be disadvantaged.

For me, this is a challenge in the face of all mankind,

So I will not lose,

I need to go forward, only forward.


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