What to play with children on the street: winter games without snow



How to have fun on the street, if there is nothing anything contributes to neither the construction of a snow fortress, no races from the mountain on sleds, nor a lot of bulleting snowballs? We have collected one and a half dozen ways to have fun in the fresh air even in weather, not pleasing snowflakes and snowdrifts!

Warm snow

Complete snowballs in the presence of minimal fantasy and skill can be without snow! How? Yes, easily! Construct them from the primary materials. The main thing is light and low value. Type of old socks stuffed with foam rubber. Now you can arrange both "knockout" team of the opponent, and "Darts" for some kind of drawn target. You can still "sculpt snowballs" from the paper used. After that we divide the platform into two fields, and the company is two teams. And throwing "snowballs" to the enemy territory. The team that on the site at the moment of the conventional signal will be less than paper snow, will be defeated. The main thing is to collect all and dispose of everything: not our way back. In the forest can be popped with cones, just carefully. It is better to arrange a cranch basketball with them - throws to the accuracy in a basket or bucket.

Warm snowman

Build a snowy woman (or a man), too, you can also not only from snow. You can, again, divided by the team, declare a competition for the very snowman-like sculpture from any girlfriend - on the frame of sticks, for example. And you can simply arrange the construction of a beautiful snowman, for example, from several old pillowers, stuffed with rags and rags. To the courtyard to decorate, create a winter mood and put a real snowball.

Ice bubbles

When there are no snow yet, but a rather strong cold - already there, you can arrange such aesthetic entertainment as a show of crystal bubbles. In the cold, soap bubbles begin to gradually crystallize - and turn into balls. To arrange crystallization yourself, we must carefully throwing a snowflake on a bubble. And if you split the soap water into two parts and in one of them drop glycerin, then you can perekly that these bubbles will freeze slower.

Ice Mosaic


Actually, again, in those days when the precipitation does not fall on our head, but the temperature in the yard is good such minus. Many water with paints in different colors, pour into the poverty, which do not particularly feel sorry (for example, in plastic plates) - and freeze. Then we release colored icebreakers and decorate the space with such fun installations. They can also play for some time instead of balls. For example, everyone becomes in a circle, and the leading of the middle is climbing the ice to whom God will send. Who is not swelling, broke the "pass" - dropping out of the game.

Ice treasures

Freeze, immersing in water in some tanks, small items. For example, coins. Now you can arrange seek-seekers, damaging them in poor places - and whose team will bring together more treasures. And then you can still arrange a competition for the defrosting "bank": who will quickly accumulate the state, defrosting the "deposits" in the literal sense: heated breathing and hands.

Racing on "stilts"


Instead of skews, skis and skates, when there is no such thing in them, you can use other mats. For example, tin. You take tin cans. Strong and strong cord. Thug in a jar of two holes, stretch the cord, adjust it to the length so that you can keep in your hands, and tie into the ring. And now I will surpass in the new sport for the Winter-Sunday Olympic Games!

Racing on "Rope"

Blacks on the ground line - and competing, putting hands, move along them, like on a rope. I got up, stumbled - everything, it means, "fell, crashed." Take up time - who will quickly pass the "cable" track. You can draw complex trajectories with overtakes.

Field hockey

If you wish in hockey, you can drive in every surface, including not snow-covered and not icy. Instead of the bus, you can use mop or sticks, instead of washers - tennis or other balls (or ice). You can arrange team games with race balls on the rollers - and even on great.

Winter golf

We will need a stick, tennis ball and a small hoop. One team is built up at a distance of ten meters (or how much to install) from the hoop laid on Earth - and everyone should be in turns to try to drive the ball into the circle. We consider glasses, we define the victory. As an option - one person is appointed by the captain of the team and drives the ball into the goal of a series of shocks. And he defeats the one who will drive him in Julakhup for less attempts.



The heathy game is the game of all times and peoples! More precisely, the mass of games, because each place and time has its own options. First, everyone should remember exactly how it was played in it (and as it was called!) He has in his childhood. Secondly, to master fresh views. Here, for example, Vorony Fifteens. They participate exclusively chrome birds, so that one leg of each participant should be tied to a scarf or handkerchief: jumping on one! Or monkey salts - and what, very relevant in the coming year. Then the leading catching out of the runaway, watching how he moves - and must copy his ways to movement (for example, he starts jumping - and you jump).

Hunting chains

Catch up and dodge in itself fun, but Gurt do it even more cheerful than one. We combine in pairs - or in whole chains - and distribute the role of hunters and victims for the first time. Which, it is clear, change when you insolvent at least one "link" from one group - at least one "link" from another group. It is especially interesting to be driven by chains and couples in the forest, driving out from trees that are stored to embed between team members.

Tailed relay

You can compete - whose composition will be competed to compete - whose composition will quickly achieve the appointed finish, without finding. You can practice the option with inventory - every two "trailer" is kept from two sides. One object (scarf, a branch or something), and it is important to get to the desired goal as soon as possible, while maintaining the entire chain of people and items.

Falconary fight


Completed in the north he warmer game. We get everyone on the right foot, press the left, we cross hands on the chest. We jump, trying to push the opponent with my right shoulder so that he began on both legs. But only not falling, his fall of your victory is not considered! Then we take a break and change the "jogging" leg on the left. Useful entertainment at the bus stop, when long-long there is no bus, and the contemplation of a gloomyless hit road drives into a deep longing.


Everyone becomes a semicircle at some distance from his friend, and the leading occupies the place in the center - so that everyone is clearly visible. Dentaling on the spot, it periodically makes any unexpected and sharp pa or just movement - and everyone should quickly repeat it. Who was wrong or kneaded - dropping away. It remains the strongest dying, he becomes the next "driving".

Decorating trees

And one more strange, but aesthetic fun in the yard. The trees now look sad: no summer green clothes nor you with winter white. So let's decorate them! You can cling to them leaves and flowers from materials like felt. You can - small knitted mittens. You can - Christmas toys (what birch is worse than the Christmas tree?). You can - ribbons or written on multicolored paper wishes. For example, soon the snow finally went!

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