Why are you really a good daughter: pics.ru knows!



Feel a bad daughter is one of the popular national sports in the space of the former USSR. That's just tired of him a little. PICS.RU decided to offer you an alternative today.

If you thought that we now remind you that you are not a lipenka, not a pocket, not a cloferier and not the killer, you were mistaken. You are a good daughter, you exactly for the reasons for which you used to consider yourself bad. See myself.

Because you have not implemented Mamina Ambition

I did not become the second Vanessa May, the third Maria Curie and a hundred pizzot twenty-fifth director of the school. You did not become famous for the path, you write not those books, are not exhibiting in those galleries, or even, about horror, just ordinary, a happy man with a family from her husband and three children, or, on the contrary, five cats, pleasant work and Favorite hobby.

In other words, you lived our own life, and we hope to continue in the same vein. And, you know that, on the very matter, this is the best thing that children can do for their parents. In addition to the homemade postcard on March 8 in the second grade and a glass of water in old age, of course.

Now Mom, maybe, does not understand something, and on a deathly apparent, how to unlock: God, but I didn't break my daughter with my daughter, I would give a violin, which I hated me at the same time ... It's good that Other! So it will be. Truth.

Because you did not lead to manipulation


Mom manipulates not to manipulate, and because of that generation, where almost no one knows how to build communication in a different way. This vicious circle has long been time to break. Believe me, your mother in his youth tormented with his mom here is accurately the same! So RVI with manipulation for yourself and for young mom. Implement it is really passionate (much more permanent than any career ambitions towards her daughter) a dream, which she from hopelessness drove inside. Well, if you have enough patience, teachi to communicate in a new way. In the end, she once to teach you not to throw a cum and tie the laces of patience.

Because you are not so raising a child

Not anywhere to go, we have to be a good daughter, you have to be a good mother. And to good mothers are now completely different requirements - and we have become different. Your mom is simply not yet aware of the changes of the methods, and the result she wants all the very one you achieve.

Because you do not answer calls and sms immediately


Firstly, the dependence on constant calling on the relationship is akin to Nicotinova, the symptom associated with it even has a medical name - nophobia. Do not hobble vicious addiction, you support the sick mother on the way to recovery. In addition, the fact that you do not hang on the phone, waiting with the heartbeat of any news from Mom - well, if she does not lie in the hospital, of course, says that you broke the umbilical cord. Few people think about what is the expression. And it is not only about the dependence of the child from the mother. After all, through the umbilical cord What? That's right, juices from the mother sucks. Nutritious. When you are in the tummy, it's good. When you yourself in the tummy you can grow, already just bad. Leave my mother's nutritious juices mom, be a good daughter. Are you already? Well done what!

Because you speak the wrong tone

This means that you have a tone at all. In the sense of his voice. It's all your own, who expresses your emotions. Why is it so important? Look a little higher about the umbilical cord. Your voice, my face, my life means, the juices from mom will not pull. Well, and the fact that mom did not like the intonation or emotion itself is, quoting Malyshev, the norm. More precisely, its option. Like it, I do not like it. Such is life, and you, though a good daughter, but still not the ruble silver.

Because you refused to help her

Instead of exploiting no longer such a young mother in the tail and in the mane, you wake up your needs and its capabilities. Yes, perhaps you do not like how she will sit with a child or make repairs. This is the zone of your responsibility, you have the right here to evaluate: what is suitable, which is not. It is better to politely thank and refuse than to make your mother's bad mother, who did not cope with the help and revealing their inability to navigate your real needs. Let him remain a good mother, you love her and do not wish any other.

Because you asked her help


A person is a social being, he lives not according to the principle of "do or die", in nature he has been registered attempted to find help from loved ones and tribesmen if such assistance is needed. And who is closer to you than Mom? Who can you trust the same? If you believe that your mother is worthy of seeing you weak and use your trust, you are undoubtedly a good daughter. Without sarcasm, if that. You just need to get used to this thought.

Because you did not give her grandchildren

Rarely who discusses it, but women just want to continue their genetic line as men. Well, mostly. Here is mom and worries. But to experience the guilt about the fact that you chose not to continue yourself, or continue a little later, the same thing is that you have a guilt for the chosen profession, the scrambled eggs instead of bunting for breakfast and in general any choice that actually concerns you. Desires desires, but the body and life are yours, and your mother can regret, but you have no guilt for you. In the end, remember about my own life and about the umbilical cord. And never forget never.

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