Vedic culture: How the Indian Scriptures have been transported and that they said about women


Social networks are filled with edification: "According to the Vedas, her husband and wife should not have common friends," "Vedas say that a woman who bought a dress herself, does not become happy," "Vedic woman after dinner makes her husband Massage Stop." Stop Stop Stop!

Pics.Ru is aware that Vedas are a completely specific historical and literary monument of India. And it became interesting for us what was there in the original, before the render of Lord Torsunov, Nashevice and others like them.

So, Vedas are a collection of the oldest sacred scriptures of Hinduism. Immediately, say, neither the Buddhists nor Christians, of course, do not recognize the Vedas as their sacred writing. So you need to choose something one. Or Christ, or, say, Indra. These guys are not friends.

Vedas contain mantras, a kind of prayer, which must be used in various rituals, and reproduce them very precisely, to sound. Total Four:


Veda hymns consists of about 10522 mantras, praising gods. Here is this kind:

O Multi-Friend, you crushed the Cooner with Danan the Beforeruck, about Indra. I killed the growing, evil, the wrongful you killed a powerful (club) about Indra.


Veda sacrificial formulas, it describes how to properly carry out sacred rituals. For example, how to sacrifice a horse or goat.


Veda chasing, contains mantras for combustion. You can, by the way, sing:

I glorified him - our Lord, the defender of your people giving a rich wealth consisting of cows. To you, Indra, strong songs, about the strong Lord, the defender; They ascended to you! No danger, no disaster, about the gods, will not affect the mortal who together lead through the Mid of the enemies Ariaman, Mithra and Varuna.


Veda spells. These are Indian magical conspiracies. Let's say if your cow suffers from helminths, you can appeal to the gods:

Let us kill the worms ascending the sun, let it kill the rays - (those) worms that inside the cow!

What is interesting, in India still argued about whether women will allow women to read Vedas. After all, they are studying only after the rite are falling - initiations. And it is held only for boys from the three highest vessels. This, by the way, also means that all sorts of shuds (lower caste) and, and it is not supposed to read the Vedas. On the other hand, in ancient times, wise women even composed some of the texts of the Vedas. Critics are responsible for this: then the times were others. And now solid Kaliyuga (era of the fall of morality). So it was not enough to trust anyone sacred texts.

Parable about women's fate

Sometimes the fifth lead is called Mahabharata. This epic work, longer than Odysseas and Illiads combined, tells about the distribution between the two groups of cousins: Pandava and Kaurava. Hindus say that everything is in Mahabharat. So there is such a parable about the female share:

... The pious hermit of Kaushik once stood under the tree, plunged into the reading of the Vedas. The village of Zhuravlich village, and her litter fell on Brahman. The angry Kaushika killed a bird with a violent look, but immediately repented in his act.

The sage went to the village, appeared in one of the houses, where I was before, and asked the hostess about the alms. The woman asked him to wait, but the wait was pulled out, as she had long been cared for the returned spouse. When the hostess finally came out with the appearance of Brahman, he began to ask him for forgiveness and explained the delay in concern about the hungry and tired spouse. The woman read his spouse as the highest God from all the gods and cherished the dharma of obedience to her husband.

As a visual fetus following his Dharma, a woman demonstrated a phenomenon of clairvoyance - she learned the supernatural way that Kaushiki's anger was hushed up by a crane. The woman warned him from further manifestations of anger and advised to apply for the instructions about Dharma to the hunter living in Mithile. Brahman thanked the hostess and went ravoisi.

To read the husband as God - that's it already seems to be closer to the case, but where are the specific advice, as caressing, kind words and lace peignoir to send an unemployed husband for an interview?

Seat femininity

The fact that scientists call the Vedas, we listed. But, fortunately for Torsunov and others, the Hindus themselves are often called "Vedic" not only sacred knowledge, but also household traditions. So-called sastras.

Of course, "Sexian femininity" sounds not so solid, but here the rules are the sea flashed. A lot of such rules are contained in the old good kamasutra. We usually know her as a guide on intricate sex with 14 assistants, but it also has a section "relatively married women" with these, for example, recommendations: "It contains housing in clean, carefully tied, puts different flowers, pollinates floor, So that everything pleases the eye; Three times a day makes the inspection, disorders of food and honor the sanctuary. " Do you feel like Vedic femininity reached immediately?

But that's not all! "Let it prepare cream from milk left from food, as well as - oil and a molasses; Spent threads of cotton, a clan yarn, weeping loops, ropes, networks, handles urine, engaged in grinding and cleaning grain, uses water in which rice boiled, screaming, ball, branches, pollen, coals; delivers a salary and food to the servants, takes care of agriculture, care for livestock, appropriate handling of hardened animals; It looks after the rams, roosters, quails, starlats, cucks, peacocks, monkeys, antilopes and let them know how to coordinate daily accumulations and expenses. "

If you are already in a hurry to take care of the rams and curtains, we will be part of the recommendations for the eldest wife, younger wife, Harem, advice on having funny wives and tips to professional curtains.

Only the question remains why in beautiful texts about the life of Vedic wives that the Internet was sleeping, never see links to sources. We seriously suspect that by a very simple reason. Invest your own "Vedic femininity" is much easier than to adapt to the life of modern Russians the tradition of ancient and someone else's culture. You have the full right to compose your own rules and, by the way, the benefits will probably be much more. And with our leaders, fear, during the work of the Vedas for blasphemy would be harshly:

"If the sudra is heard by lead, let him fall into the ears of molten wax or resin; If he tits the sacred texts, let him cut down his tongue; If he keeps them in mind, and they will dissolve the body on him. "

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