You yourself are Krasapeet! Appeals to women who got us


There is a lot between close people. For example, you can call each other "Petrov" and "Poksaška Mashka", meaning "dear friend". But people would have an outsider to hold the language when they are drawn to use the following words, referring to women.

If you do not believe that these words are terrible, check them in a simple way - on men.


"Moms! Stood-queue to inspection. Diaper Do not forget. " I thought, give birth and become my mother. And became mommy, if not a milf. And no tenderness from this word and does not smell. It is usually followed by some gestap procedure, at least, an explosive interrogation of a doctor, and at the end of the accusation in the next maternal sin: "You see, mommy, what a child of rash from your buckwheat!" Check on men: "Daddy! Do you keep your child!? (Well, how nice?)


And even so: "Beauty girls! Do you remember that today we have a commission? Cognac ready? " The authorities are older, especially male, loves this appeal. The meaning of the word (beautiful woman) from him has longwhelled. Such a sense remained: "I will not give you to forget your place and I will pay for your self-deployment of a government compliment and the allowance for taking the sausages to me on March 8." Check on men: "My handsome people. Well, all march for the meeting of directors "(BGYG!)


As well as female. Word for your own. For intelligent, digested, able to beautifully insert a material bend in an article about the satellites of the Earth (well, it seems to them). Such a small, imperceptible humiliation, passing test to stay in a narrow circle of understanding like-minded people. Checking for men: "We have been burning here about how not to offend chicks." (I'm sorry, what!?)


Deuki. Internally, languid circulation for a female circle in some community of lover of tattoo eyebrows. "Virgo, what do you think, ethically take two limits in one hands?" A faithful sign that the epic brand will soon take place on the clutches, but the startings will be covered with sarcasm, and everyone will take a position together "And for what!?" Checking for men: "Young men, who else take Chinese Wobblers?" (A ha ha!)


Babians. And even better baphorrowers. Babofogurs, as you know, stupid. I heard such an appeal, know that you deal with a brine "Babologo", which considers women with a scope as a kind of ridiculous animals. And for real knowledge in biology, you can not count on. He has three idols: Novoselov, Weijung, yes Vitaly. In general, the indicator of a miserable flint. Checking for men: "I heard my husband, know your place, go, feed the regiment."


From one of this word on the wall, the carpet grows, the water turns into a cocktail "Jaguar", and the browser opens "house-2". All the words following him usually make Rosental spin in the coffin. If this is so writes the young inhabitant "in contact", God with her, and let the Russian teacher understand with her spelling. But why did the "D1 mufftonok", are Nadezhda Pavlovna, the owner of the beauty salon, and Olga Viktorovna, a deputy for the study part? Mimicry? Are we small, pretty, none do not affordable protection? Checking for men: "Boys, give a Paste!"


Oh-oh, no, but not that. From this word, it is starting his appeal or a man in rabies ("Madame, your hairpin pushed my hanging bone") or someone who leaves the controversies of mind: "Mm Madame, Pzzzvolt to introduce themselves! Pasipater! " Check on men: "Sir, pass for travel!"


Appeal generated by despair. Citizen - old, comrade - funny, madam - went. So the endless sounds: "Woman-ah, you go out!?" Immediately in the head textbook of biology: a type of chord, a class of mammals, a detachment of primates, a family of hominids, a genus - people, the view is reasonable, the floor is female. Well, thanks, otherwise I forgot. Let's just just: "Sorry" and then without any appeals. Checking for men: "A man who occupied you?"

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