9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure "Apple"


There are things that only girls who retain a round tummy seem in absolutely any situation. No one knows how to draw about our female problems comics, like Lorin Bransz.

In high schools, you were enviable when you looked at girls with any other type of figure

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

Weight striking only in the stomach and face

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

And the legs - as if not from you attached, at least henna

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

You are crazy about the New Look dresses and type

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

And what happiness, when the basks are in fashion!

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

Sometimes you want to scream when girlfriends complain about a set of weights That's it in those places where you wouldn't add to

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

Pants forever hise in the most unsuitable places

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

And when you manage to lose weight, you look like a cylinder, and not on a fitness nurse

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

But one day you just understand how to live with you, and everything is being built!

9 things that are so familiar to girls with the figure

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