Anthropologist on the natural concerns of men and chastity women


    An anthropologist and Blogger Olga Rakitanskaya-Balynikov found how stable still the myth on the special sexual needs of men and the absence of those in women. And she has something to say about this error.

    My girlfriend wrote on Friday (and I completely agree with her) that the world around some strange: lonely and not in relation to a man will certainly consider gay. The idea that both a man and a woman may simply do not need no relationship at the moment - or they do not need ababa with whom, and they are in finding suitable partners - the world does not come to the collective head. Although it would seem - what could be easier and natural?

    Of course, the Vedic Mind Zhainschinsky was immediately in the comments (this is, if that, the conditional designation of the type, and not religion) and began to argue that gay is not gay, and the problem in the sexual sphere of a single man has exactly. Well, or secretly runs through the babam, and others just do not know. Because a man, he, unlike a woman, can not tolerate! He is the same! And if it seems to be tolerate and lives without a sex partner, it means that either a secret gay, or a secret client of prostitutes, or just impotent. After all, this is his nature, and so it was the time of the century!

    And immediately in the next post, the unfamiliar lady told about his second pregnancy as follows: "I gave birth to the second at 38, but, honestly, it happened to happen! I was so embarrassed, I go with my stomach and I think, because I also look at me and probably condemn - how, she still has sex?! After all, I am a woman, not a man-male, it's time for me to throw it all for a long time ... "and in the comments a choir of sympathizer, brazhanty disgrace of those who give birth around 40 (no, not at all because of the possible health problems or a child ).

    Every time I hear like that, especially about the nature and time of the century, and I hear very often - I happen to double Faispalm. Double - because I am an anthropologist with antique past and I know something about both these things.

    Dear Friends! (I will not contact Vedic Mindozes, because it is useless). If you want people close to nature, then here you have, for example, Bushmen. They still recently lived almost exactly just as our common ancestors lived in Paleolith (I mean the conditions and lifestyle). So, Bushmen believes that sex is approximately equally needed by both floors, but women are still somewhat more than men. The man is that he will suffer - although, of course, it will be unpleasant, and you won't get sweets without sex, but for a man, it is very important that there were Babies to raise them and get meals for them. But okay, will suffer, he is a man. But the woman without regular sex will certainly get sick and can even die! Therefore, one of the most important duties of the husband is to please his wife in bed and in general to be attractive to her, and then it can leave it (who wants to get sick and die). Free hunters out how much! By the way, this duty from her husband is not removed and after the marvelous menopause (Budsmen occurs in 50 years). Because sex for a woman is not only sweet kids, it is literally "food" necessary for life.

    And if anyone does not like Bushmen - they say, you never know how they have in the extreme south, but we have in Europe ... - that is, another example, you can say, the basis of the entire European civilization: the ancient Greeks. Oddly enough, with all their differences from Bushmen with Paleolithic egalitarism - the Greeks also considered a woman more sexy than a man. Over a normal man, according to their ideas, sexual appetites do not dominate, he can always control them with a mind (the opposite was ridiculed as an incompleteness and even straight "Babskost"). But a woman, feeling a desire (to experience it, she is ready at any time), literally loses his head and control itself is no longer capable (in particular, therefore, girls and women from good families are so strictly locked - they are "the female-goats that need Only one ", aha). That is, the conclusions from their ideas the ancient Greeks made directly opposite to Bushmen, but the views themselves were very similar. By the way, the Greeks, like Bushmen, also believed that without regular sex a woman (it was she) will be sick, and many ancient Greek doctors recommended women sex (of course, with a legitimate husband) as an effective medicine from many diseases (for example, headaches).

    Examples of such, if desired, you can also throw a lot and very much. And truth, as always, somewhere in the middle: Neither a man nor a woman without sex will die, but also men, and women he can be important and needed, and both men and women are fully capable (although often do not want) control His desires to mind. And if you see a man without a woman - absolutely not necessarily he is gay, impotent or someone's secret lover, it might be just a man without a woman. And if you see a pregnant 40-year-old or 50-70-year-old woman, kissing and hugging husband - not necessarily she is "depraved nymphomaniac and the younger old woman," it may be just a loving and beloved woman with good physical health. And all sorts "My grandmother / neighbor / familiar men always said that ..." Leave the speaker and remember that the year is a thousand or two years ago or even now, but on the other continent, these people would say exactly the opposite, because they are all Only social stereotypes are broadcast.

    And people with their lives are much more and older than any stereotypes.

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