Dangerous "useful" Food: 5 products with flag in pocket


Not all that is a sick that Muesli. Come to the food, which we used to consider correctly, with a healthy fraction of skepticism.


Packaging can scream at vitamins, minerals, fiber and instant weight loss, but many such bars are no more than vitamined candy. Yes, they really contain a lot of fiber - if compared with chocolate or mooring. And in them a bunch of sugar and fat. But we have a rack on the words "Muesli" and "fitness", and we calmly eat them as a dessert - and this is an extra 300-400 calories, by the way.

If you have already hooked on these bars, seek at least those that contain less than 15 grams of sugar and 2 grams of fat, and it is desirable that the list of ingredients is short and intelligible.


By themselves, the fruit fruits are good. It would be even better if some were not used with their manufacturing sugar syrup, sweet yogurt or ice with sugar. Sweetened smoothie on dietary food does not pull - one cup may contain 300 calories. Moreover, these "liquid" calories are not saturated and not perceived as food. We drink a smoothie for health, and then we believe that they got an indulgence at Hamburger.

If you love smoothies, do them myself, the good thing is simple. And do not add anything sweet - the fruit themselves contain a lot of sugar.

Sports and vitamin drinks

And again, the problem is in sugar. American Heart Association calculated the most secure quantity of sugar per day - 6.5 teaspoons. Some sports drinks contain even more - 15-20. If it seems to you that you lack some vitamins, creep with a doctor and buy a regular multivitamin complex in tablets.

Degreased yogurts

Fat gives taste to luxury, saturation and brightness. No fat - there is no taste. To disguise this, manufacturers often add more flavors and sugar to low-fat yogurts. By the way, this applies not only to yoghurts, but also to all products with a reduced fat content.


Not a word about Olivier, but chicken breast vegetable salads should approach the definition of "healthy"? Not all and not always. Sometimes a bowl of green lettuce can pull on 800 calories - if the fatty sauce or oil was generously poured, added to taste solid cheese, crackers, and something squeezed or canned. Sprinkle finely grated cheese salad, replace tuna from jars and eggs on baked chicken or boiled beans, and crackers - on seeds or pushed almonds.

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