10 beliefs that prevent you from being happy


Do you know what is bad in the capital's truths? They are so often repeated that we cease to believe in them. It seems to us that all this is nothing more than a stamp deprived of any meaning. But if you drop bias and listen carefully, it turns out that the wisdom is hidden asking asking words.

Enough to worry about what people will say

People, if this is not your close, on you, in general, do not care. Do you have a deal to Peter Petrovich Kozavykina? What? Do you not know anyone who is Petrovich? So most of the homo sapiens in this world does not recognize about your existence, and the rest are concerned about themselves and what you say about them. So, score people and live your life on the opinion of others.

Enough to worry about what is no longer changed

In the past, you certainly did something wrong. Wrong. Stumbled. Maybe performed a non-custody act. Well, so what ? You are a person, and the person is typical mistaken. However, now the idea that you could do otherwise, it torments you and does not allow to live normally. You know? Enough to chew what can not be changed! Let the past remain in the past. You need to move on, and your past mistakes are valuable, because in the end they made you stronger.

Enough to worry about what you will be wrong again

Yes! This will certainly happen. Sooner or later, you again will be nose to the nose with failure. But what about this is terrible? Doesn't your experience taught you that sooner or later everything will end. What will happen after the night again that spring comes in winter? And still failures - the fastest steps to success. So do not be afraid of them!

Stop worrying about what you don't have

Do you have no yacht? Do you have an international computer corporation? You do not have a husband? But you have a cat, new great and skype with three hundred contacts. We know that it does not comfort, but we also know that the stronger you focus on what you do not have, the smaller you have a chance to purchase it. They say that too much is something wishing, we create a psychobor who does not allow us to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is enough to be sealed with a yacht. Just forget about her and learn to rejoice great. And everything will work out.

Stop worrying about zomboapocalypse

Paranoia is an excellent thing if you use it in small doses. But if you scroll through a scary future in my head for whole days, you can either go crazy or sticking trouble. Of course, "Zomboapocalypse" we took as a very impossible example of an example (although there are comrades who are seriously preparing to him), but we know many people who cannot sleep due to the fact that they lose in the scenario's head of something terrible. Problems should be solved as they occur. And the rest of the time it is better to just live.

Enough to bother the "coming happy future"

"Here I will become the head of the department, and then" ... "Here is a birth of a child, and then" ... "Here I will move to a new apartment, and then" ... what then? Then the long-awaited happiness will come? Perhaps and will come. We do not deny. But why keep today's keeping in standby mode and not allow yourself to be happy? Happiness is not a destination point, but what is happening here and now.

Stop worrying about work

Not. Of course, it is necessary to be punctual, scrupulous, neat and professional. But it should be remembered that the work should bring not only livelihoods, but also joy. If there is no joy, if the contract is shot at night, balance sheets and director of sales - in the conservatory you have to change something. And even better - change the conservatory.

Enough to worry about other people

This is normal, worry about loved ones. Normally nervous when parents fly to Brazil on a charter flight. Naturally twitch when the child has an annual control. And for the brother speaking in the final of the competition Mr. Taganrog should also be worn. But please be alert with dosages. Do not like to be like your grandmother, on duty near the nightclub with homemade cakes and scarf. Think if your alarm is not over. After all, with most problems, people are able to cope on their own. So enough to live with other people's concerns - you and your throat!

Enough to worry about to advise ...

Now, to meet the requirements of society, it is necessary to get out of the skin from the skin - literally - paint it with a tan, pump up the straticles with sequins, moisturize with cream and put on again. To be slim, to be sports, be rich, be beautiful - society, like an insatiable monster, requires you more and more victims. And Kamarinsky this society does not need to be saved? In general, to neglect health and beauty should not, but at the same time it would be good to respect and love yourself. Love anyone. Even without stratic.

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