7 signs that you have to change jobs


You hate your work, and it is mutual. However, you have no reason to change anything. They are at least seven, and they all seem good.

There are dozens of texts where you will be told about the vital need for career growth and friendly business relations. In these texts, all rational reasons for the change of work are listed, folk signs and psychosomatics are not forgotten, but ... but you can not be deceived! You're not a brainless adventurer! You are rational and harsh, as the manul. And in response to hundreds of arguments about the need to change the work you have our own countersdowns.

For yourself you call them "but".

1. Work is so-so. But the salary pay white and regularly. Time is heavy. A crisis

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First, time is always heavy. It has an integral property. A year ago, there was also a crisis, a year and a half ago - waiting for the crisis, before this anticipation of the expectation of the crisis, and so on. and so on. Secondly, be honest with you, your "regular" salary is far from something you want to trump in front of former classmates. And isn't the fact that you have not raised the salary for three years not a reason to think about changing work?

2. Fact. Salary, let's say, average. But the office is close to the house. Well, I do not idiot stitch in traffic jams for four hours

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Actually, if you are not a polarist and not an astronaut, on the geographical-sympathetic perimeter you will find a huge number of other employers, it is only worth searching. In addition, for a favorite and well-paid work (and you know it perfectly) People are ready to rage at least on the edge of the world. Or even for him ... Well, if you are a cosmonaut. By the way, what prevents you from searching for a new interesting job next to the house? Or move the house closer to interesting work.

3. You can of course, but you will have to plow from call to call. But here I have freebies! I can be late. I can bother before. I can get sick when you need. Moreover, I really worried about the last time ... helps to get sideways, and you do not challenge the hospital

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But you, Mr. Futarthimer, hate your office so much, that we are ready for everything only if the employer will be preyneser and reduce the chatene to a minimum. That is why you and "worked out." You can lie yourself, only the CNS will not hold. She knows that you have long been time to change the job!

4. It is also good that the work itself is unfortunate. Nasty, boring, but I know her "from" and "to". And in a new place will have to re-prove that he did not manul ... that is, not a camel ... so well!

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Wait! If you are such an indispensable worker, why did your career growth stopped a thousand years ago at the position of the deputy head of the main thing, and since then has not moved to iota? Why does the chef take to negotiate not you, and the young and promising Pupkin? Why do you learn about all the events in the company's life at the last moment? Isn't that your ceiling at this place you reach? Here he is! And if you do not want all my life to sign it with a balding painter - you really should be changed.

5. Yes, you do not need a career! I need to calmly. Work - rubbish. But people are normal in the office. Do not climb stupid questions. Do not strain ... Chef is also sane. Once again fails.

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That's right. Your presence is no longer any importance for anyone, because you are simply not needed here. You are an extra link and know it perfectly. So why are you still here?

6. Well, do not care that the unnecessary link. But I can hang around in classmates as much as you like, play a "farm", listen to music, generally engage in all sorts of your affairs ... here, I plan to write a book

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You are lying again again. You can't write anything here. This work is not just your jailer. She is your killer. Your professional skills are lost with every second spent on growing virtual oats, making you less and less in demand, and less and less smart. Your self-esteem and your self-esteem falls down directly in proportion to the growth of the number of the next "farm".

7. All of course you say rightly say, but understand everything suits me. But I ...

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Not! There are no "but"! You came up with themselves to justify your fear and our uncertainty. All your "counter arguments" are actually the best arguments in favor of an immediate change of work, and possibly not only it. And your "but" first and main sign that time has come.

As soon as you caught yourself on the first "but" - run! Do not be afraid of anything, do not believe anyone who will persuade you to be smart and prudent. The one who will explain to you why you need to sit still, clutching your teeth in stability. The one who will appeal to severe times. To the one who says you do not know how to perform this boring, monotonous, hated work ... to the one who will call you an adventurer and fool. To the one who will laugh and swing heads.

Remember how you once dreamed of flying on a deltaplane above Niagara, see the giraffes and hear Lviv on the African safari, build a glass house-dome on the shore of Baikal and find out who killed Kenny ...

Be bolder - after all, 90% of those who changed their work never regretted it ... and write no ... .. not a book, but a statement on your own. Lions and giraffes are waiting!

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