10 seats in Russia that you must visit


Tourism in Europe and Asia is, of course, perfectly. And here's still in Latin America, well, I really want to fly. But do not forget that we live in a huge country, in which there is also a huge number of all kinds of beauty. We selected 10 seats, to visit which it is not necessary to equip a geological expedition. Both types and infrastructure - guarantee!

Curonian Spit (Kaliningrad region)

Curonian Spit is located near Kaliningrad. It represents a narrow strip of land in the Baltic Sea. This is a unique reserve that includes several natural zones at once, from sandy desert to birch forest. Spit stretches for 98 kilometers: in the widest place it is 3.8 kilometers, and in the narrower only 400 meters. Russia belongs to a little less than half of the Curonian Spit, then there is a border post and Lithuania begins. Here you can easily spend several days. Ornithological station, a huge sand dune, "Dancing Forest", in which pines are so buncifully curved, which resembles a tricky dance - all this is a Curonian braid. If you are going there, be sure to explore the environmental rules of the reserve. They are pretty strict.

Reserve "Pillars" (Krasnoyarsk)

"Poles" - the State Natural Reserve, which is close to Krasnoyarsk on the right bank of the Yenisei. Its title, he owes rocks in the form of high (up to 600 meters) narrow pillars. Incredible, exciting spectacle. It is believed that the age of these rocks has 600 million years. This is one of the most beautiful reserves of Russia and, here, in contrast to many other places, a tourist infrastructure is quite developed. The reserve go buses from Krasnoyarsk. If you decorate to conquer the rocks, then we do not advise it to do without appropriate experience or without an instructor. And do not forget what is around the taiga, and in it, as you know, the bear prosecutor.

Sea Cruise Moscow - St. Petersburg

This is an unusual way to get acquainted with new cities and get an interesting experience. The ship comes from one capital to another 5-6 days. If you sail from Moscow, then the route will stop in Myshkin, Kuzino and Valaam. On the way back, the motor ship stops in Mandrog, Kizhi, Goritsy and Uglich. So many historical cities with excursions at a time, and even a journey around the water - this is not forgotten. No wonder this is one of the most popular routes for foreign tourists traveling in Russia. For the service on the ship can not worry. The cost of the cruise includes a place in the cabin with amenities and three meals.

Dombai (Karachay-Cherkessia)

Dombai is the mountainous area in the Caucasian Mountains on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia. Here is the famous tourist complex and a bunch of small hotels. In winter, there is a ski resort, and in summer a large number of tourist trails on the Teberdinsky Reserve opens. Beauty is simply unreal, and infrastructure on a good level. You can master the mountaineering under the supervision of instructors, flying to the paraglider, ride on the cable car and look at the mountains from above. Dombaya Polyana is located at an altitude of about 1600 meters above sea level, so the lack of oxygen is not felt here.

Nizhny Novgorod

Beautiful vintage Russian city, built on the merge of the Volga and Oka. Everyone speaks about Moscow and about Peter, and the lower one is somehow forgotten, and in vain. Here everyone should be visited, especially since the expression of Moscow is just four hours. First, you will see the magnificent Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, which, unlike the Moscow Kremlin, has never managed to capture. And, secondly, the city itself is also very pleasant. Be sure to walk along the main pedestrian street - a great cover. This is something like Moscow Arbat - the place of attraction of tourists and various creative personalities.

Mountain Park "Ruskeala" (Karelia)

Karelia is generally a separate world. From the local natural beauty from the city resident can be spinning head. It is difficult to go around Karelia, but you can start with Ruskeala mountain park - a natural reserve with a unique marble quarry. The quarry has not been developed for a long time, now it is flooded with water and is a picturesque canyon, a unique monument of nature. By water on a boat, you can get into the grottoes and gallery, and if you are fond of diving, you can see underwater marble labyrinths. From Peter to Ruskeala 290 km, on the car you can rent just 4-5 hours.


Kazan is not deprived of tourist attention, it is often referred to as the third capital of Russia. If you were not here yet, then put this beautiful city in your list of places that need to be visited. In Kazan, a huge number of historical buildings, which, in general, is not surprising - the city recently noted the thousand-year anniversary. Mandatory to visit the Kazan Kremlin, here you can spend a whole day. There is here and your "Arbat", it is Bauman Street. Musicians, authentic national cafes, souvenirs are all here. Be sure to walk along the quay of the Volga, look at the Kul Sharif Mosque, the Palace of the Agriculties and the Palace of Marriage "Kazan". By the way, he really has the form of Kazan.


Speaking about the natural beauties of Russia, it is impossible not to say about the pearl of Siberia, Lake Baikal. Yes, Baikal is far from Moscow, but at least once in his life it should come here everyone. We all know that the Baikal is the biggest, the very deep, the cleanest lake in the world, but to evaluate the scale and beauty to see it. Previously, Baikal was not very good with a tourist infrastructure, but in recent years the situation has changed. Now without any problems, you can find a tourist company that will take place, will place and everything will show on the spot. On Baikal, gorgeous fishing, hunting. Of course, arriving, you can't not swim, although the water in the lake is rather cold even in the summer. It is difficult to pass the delight that you experience when you float on the boat and see the bottom of a few meters down.

Sea of ​​Azov (Krasnodar Territory)

Now disputes are being conducted to call the Azov Sea by the sea, because its deepest place is only 13.5 meters, and the average depth is 7-8 meters. This is the smallest and most shallow sea in the world. But it does not become less beautiful. Local nature is a steppe with forests, and sandy beaches here stretch for many kilometers. Thanks to a small depth, in summer, water can warm up to 30 degrees. The most popular cities of tourist cities - Yeisk and Temryuk.

Vyshny Volochek

Ancient Russian city, located on half endrage from Moscow to St. Petersburg. When you go from one capital to another by car, you must pass it. Try somehow not to fly it at speed, but to stay on the day, wander around the streets. This is not the most popular city in terms of tourism, it is not licked like Suzdal, but here it is all the present. If you appreciate not by the luffic, but the real story, woven into modernity, then you will like you in the Vyshny Volochka. By the way, the local railway station is the only building on the Oktyabrskaya Railway, which preserved the original appearance - it is the same as it was built in the early 19th century.

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