Test: What religion is most suitable for you?


Almost all religions speak of the same, but different words. Everything is good against all the bad. But it is not so easy to figure out what religion is most likely. We did it for you. Pass the test and find out.

1 out of 10: you hit you on the right cheek, your actions:

Substitute left

Talk to a person maybe he made a mistake

It's all a fuss, nothing to think

Grab the face of the bastard and knee

2 out of 10: what kind of music do you like more?

Hard rock




3 out of 10: you were fired from work, your actions

I'll go home, it's too late

Drink urgently! And post in Facebook to roll

I will update the resume on the job

I'll go shift the chef under the door

4 out of 10: What pizza will you choose?

With ham and cheese

With seafood

4 cheese


5 out of 10: How do you like to spend your vacation?

What vacation? Work without red

At the cottage, up

On the sea

Closer to nature and greenery, and even no matter where

6 out of 10: What is good and what is bad?

A lot of money is good, little money is bad

A lot of work is good, little is bad

Good and bad no, all tlen

It depends on who asks why

7 out of 10: What sport is closer to you?




Not interested in at all

8 out of 10: imagine that it is necessary to punish the offender. Your actions?

Fill the face of sterretsu and business

I can't even imagine what can offend me

I do not want to punish him, he is so unhappy

I will write a stinging post in the bed

9 out of 10: What kind of kinher is closer to you?

Rocky Balbo


Luke Skywalker

Ostap Bender

10 out of 10: if you are a beast, how?





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