Hi scientists: that porn actually does with people (18+)


So far, simple mortals simply and without a guarantee shy on pornames, scientists stick to them with questions, turn everything into an anthropological study and knock out grants to it. And after all, not in vain eating their bread - in the process, curious things are found.

More porn - more feminism

American Journal of Sexual Research analyzed the data of polls 28,000 respondents for 36 years - from 1975 to 2011. In addition to the addiction to porn, researchers were interested in the attitude of the respondents and men to women in general. It turned out that the most passionate fans of porn at the same time and the most feministic representatives of their sex. The more the man looks through porn, the better it refers to working women and women leaders and the less inclined to consider an abortion of the crime.

More porn - more loyalty

But another candy for statistics lovers: men who often watch pornography in any form, less change their girls. Regularly watching porn 72% of faithful husbands, but among those who often grab someone strangers in someone, there are 34%. In parallel, Journal of Sexual Medicine noted the relationship between the size of the collection of porn and the quality of sexual life in a pair. Watching hot videos pushes people about each other's arms (however, researchers still admit that this does not concern the rare cases of dependence when a person will most likely prefer to Porn the real sex with a living representative of his biological species).

Women also watch porn

That are surprised. Could just ask us. Well, okay, asked someone else. It turned out to be a third of women watching pornography weekly, and 10% - in general every day. At the same time, only 12% of those in principle love such entertainment, at least once watched her with a partner. And only 20% shyly admits that they are a little shame for this little weakness. The remaining 80% do it with pride.

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