How do zodiac signs fall in love


The main problem of humanity is that all people for some reason were born under some constellations. That is, we could live, work and - especially - to love perfectly fine. If not these bunk stars


Capricorps fall in love with rationally. There are no such people here, lightning, as from the ears, dried out and butterflies in the stomach. Capricorn knows that the butterflies in the stomach contradict physiology, and before you fall in love, you need to examine the tactical and technical characteristics of the alleged sudden passion. It is mistaken to believe that Capricorn herbivores. Oh no. They are sitting on a branch like Jaguar, and they can look closely to mining, to then make an accurate jump - and here the victim already lies with a torn throat (crushed) without panties and whispers: "I love you too."


Aquarius fall in love with correct. All other signs see love about this: "I love you, it means you have to me your time, attention, wallet and everything else that you have." Aquarius believes that if I fell in love with someone, it should take care of him. They own a fantastic gift - even when the novel is in full swing, not to be offended if the beloved () has no forty minutes for forty minutes. And at the later parishes reacts something like this: "Tomorrow I also knew at work? Here, take with you this sandwich with cheese. " And the sandwich is really with cheese, and not with Strichnin.


Fish fall in love classically. For clear canons of love romance - to passion, hormones, torn shirts, happiness, pain and bloody snot. An important point: the object of love should be as difficult to accessible: to live in another city, even better - in another country, and, ideally, to fly with the research mission to Mars. The fish should suffer and overcome obstacles, otherwise there is no point in stitching the gills. After novels with fish, the burned desert remains covered with a thick layer of colorless ash. And only bloody snot with bright balls fly somewhere in the orbit of Phobos.


Aries fall in love quietly. This is a rare case when Aries lay down aside his fiery temperament and quietly sits on the banks of the river with a blade in the teeth, until the corpses of all rivals succeed. After that, Aries lazily approaches the object of his passion and casually says: "We went to bushes, collapsed."


Taurus falls in love with violently. The object of love should belong to the body completely - with all the giblets and credit cards. Because otherwise ... Oh, no, you do not want to know it. The passion of Taurus lives on the covenants of a little robbery: "I will order a scattering of you, and you will love me like a nice." Love, I said! So the calves always meet reciprocity (otherwise scary, very scary). And if you suddenly leave the calves, then - on tiptoe, under the cover of the night and what was.


Gemini fall in love sincerely. And forever. "Forever" lasts about half a year, and sincere love objects can be, for example, two. But both of them are really quite sincerely love. For the twin, it is absolutely normal in the morning to cry because of one hospitable eternal love, and in the evening to cut the veins because of eternal love number two. Moreover, the grief in both cases is completely genuine. And who does not understand this, that aquarius.


Cancer falls in love with carefully. Crawls in a circle, not approaching, and gently clicks with clashes: "What if it is not she?", "And if we are the most with her, and then I will understand that it is not her?". The object of love. These bucheloga movements are tired by a little more than quite so, so the likelihood of a novel depends on the patience of the elect (s) of cancer. But especially patient will be rewarded - the in love is capable of putting the whole world to the feet of his beloved. However, the process of shifting worlds under his feet beloved under the usual scheme: "What if this world is boring?", "What if the beloved breathes with chlorine, and she doesn't need a second oxygen world at all?" And so years, years.


Lion falls in love reluctantly. That is, it is clear that it is useful for health, but the modern public contract offers in love with equal rights. Lev is completely incomprehensible how to have equal rights with these insignificances. On the other hand, if you say a magic phrase: "And come on, you will be on top" (not only in the context of sex), the lion automatically takes you to the flock, which guarantees delicious cookies and other nishtyaki. Since the lions are usually really cool to the inability.


Virgo falls in love as the last time. Loving Virgo from the threshold provides the object of passion to the undivided use of his hand, heart, friends, children from the first marriage and cousin from Syzran. For a timid question: "But aunt, aunt, why?", In love, but still judicious, Virgo will answer that the farm also not such things suddenly did not fit. If suddenly the object of passion evaporates, Virgo will suffer humbly and wait for a couple of years that the object will change his mind. By the way, change your mind and return to the Virgin is the right decision.


Scales fall in love with love for art. Because the novel is beautiful. And a beautiful novel - a hurry. Scales will be beautifully careful, beautifully having sex and go beautifully on the night forever. And then it is beautiful to return. In general, running to the inability. But in no case with evil - just the life of short, and you need to try everything. After all, everything is so tasty.


Scorpio falls in love with a lunch break. Between the drama and a circle in the photo. In addition, the Scorpio falls in love with a very technique: the rapid selection of the victim, the point injection in the heart, and now the victim is already wringing in agony, begging: "Well, take me." Scorpio joyfully takes, kisses in the navel and runs away for yoga.


Sagittarius prefers not to fall in love at all. Because everything will be bad. Everything will be very bad as always. If the Sagittarius still lithes to fall in love, he will be sensitive to listening - and is it all bad? Or is it still normal? Or nevertheless there is no, oh God ... But if it suddenly, it will be possible to stop projecting the terrible experience of previous loves for each current chosen one, all other signs will be sad and envious to smoke in the corner.

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