7 things that need to know about each other before marrying


7 things that need to know about each other before marrying 38872_1
Marriage is strange. I just can't tell it. It doesn't matter how long you already together or how well you know each other - the marriage will change everything and will show what you did not know about the partner (and would not want, perhaps).

So about something strange every couple should ask each other before the wedding.

Your little shameful pleasures

Remember that scene from "Sex in a big city", where girls say that they would not like to give up their strange habits, such as eating jelly or crackers in the kitchen for reading mod logs when they start living with someone? You, perhaps, you should know about your beloved things so as not to be shocked, getting it for something strange for you. And you still need to know about each other, when and how much you need space, time alone or the support of one or another type. Without this you will not be good spouses.

Especially relatives

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We all love some of our strange uncle or clumsy cousin, because we had years to learn to interact with them. But before you two get your families in one place, and then also connect their property, you should learn what you taste. Give each other fast course on all the playful granny and loving to bother to the guns ... Well, you know about whom you tell you. The main thing is that the collision from the relatives then did not cause drama or injury.


If you are at the stage of the relationship when you are ready to marry, you most likely know about all the current and past preferences of each other. But until now, many people have a hand in hand with the addiction, so you may not know about some things.

Connect this with the fact that people often change one addiction to another, and you can find that your partner does something strange, about what you do not have the slightest concept. For example, replaced its addiction to drink tablets on the obsession with collecting music records.

If you don't know about the nature of this collectibles, you will throw out some of these records on one day, and then you will be perplexed why the world of your chosen one turned over.

Nasty hygienic habits

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If you have eaten with each other, you probably already know them, but if not, it is worth finding out what they are concluded and whether you can accept them, especially if you have a lot of reflex. Maybe he jumps the sores, likes to crush acne, sings when he pokes, declares each bunch or cleans the ears with the keys (FU). If a partner has a number of such habits, and you still do not know about them, if you meet, they can too stun.

Rituals to maintain sincere equilibrium

With my wife ADHD, so our life is filled with routines, otherwise it will turn into chaos. There are seven specific elements of her morning routine, which must be perfect in strict order. That is should. If the execution of some element is spoiled, the day is lost.

I found it on hard experience when I got sided very early to cook her breakfast, and she refused to eat it - it led to our first quarrel in marriage. If she said: "Do not break my morning routine," I would like this: "Great, I'll sleep a little more." Instead, her day had a rotation, and I was offended in the best feelings. If you even love to make certain things in a certain way, but it is not necessary for mental balance, but just important for your mood, give a partner to know.

Strange beliefs

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We were already married when I told my wife about my love for childbirth at home. She looked at me and issued: "You play me playing me?". I will never be able to convince her, and this seems to be affected by that, we will ever feel the willingness and desire to have children.

It is impossible to know everything about each other, but you can try each other and find solid positions on important issues for you. The likelihood is especially great if your beliefs differ somewhat from generally accepted.

How would you like to die

When you link your life with someone, you find yourself in the strange position of the person who will have to deal with someone's death and funeral. It is not easy to realize when you are young. I still seem to me if parents are managed.

You need to know if your partner wants to be reanimated and connected to the livelihood devices that he thinks about surgical intervention and blood transfusion. What a funeral wants. What will have to do with the remains. And you must be ready to fulfill all these wishes. This is what you subscribe to.

If you passed through all these conversations and still want to spend the rest of life together, this is fate.

Text Source: Bustle.com

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