5 very strange species of informal with whom you live on the same planet


Most informals are not news for us. The city landscape has long been considered ordinary, if there are harsh goth girls, sampling young punks or guys in raccats and wooden swords on his background. But there are groups of people to which even the capital's manual is not used to.

And, maybe it may not be able to.



People are modified by their bodies all the more or less conscious history of their species. Even, most likely, and you did this, because such familiar things like tattoos, piercing the uches under the earrings, the insertion of silicone breast implants, are considered to be the modification of the body.

Most of the body modifications refers to decorative, but are also medical (cutting the bridles of the tongue, for example), and ritual. In general, humanity has always had a weakness to improve themselves with the help of something with a stitching or cutting. And only bodymen elevated this weakness in the cult and lifestyle. The number of changes to which the representatives of this mug of interest are exposed to their body, is very extensive.

To tattooes and pierced, they also add figure implants under the skin (so that, for example, to simulate horns), stretching the punctures in the ears or lower lips to huge "plagges" and "tunnels", decorative shock, brand (yes yes, make patterns with waters ), cutting different organs (most often language or ears) to give them a new form, changing the shape of the teeth and even something that neither one of human civilizations did not know: staining the eye protein by introducing the coloring substance to it with a syringe (tattoo of the eyeball).

In Russia, there is only one girl with painted eyes, and she decided on this operation in the summer of 2015. Many body-modifiers are recognized that they are not only the final aesthetic result, but also the soreness itself is directly modified. Some see in the resulting pain the opportunity to strengthen the spirit or survive mystical experience, others get quite specific erotic experiences.



Once frigners were a type of vegans who allowed themselves for animal origin, provided that they would not pay them, i.e. Do not support the money set on the killing of animals. And since Frigner's friends were the same vegan, and there was no place to intercept the cutlet (and I wanted!), Frigainers came up with to climb into the garbage tanks in stores and restaurants. There, it was often possible to find those who were pretended for the day and not ordered by customers, or with expiring / only expired expiration date, or in damaged packaging. Find and eat. And what, and so the cow was killed, let me be walked in vain?

Over time, Frigainers realized that in the same tanks, you can take, except sausages and steaks, and more fruit-cheese-macaroni fruit, and completely ceased to buy food. Vegan's past is forgotten and replaced by a new ideology. Now the Friganner who had dinner who was mined on the garbage, opposes capitalism, breaks the system of "consumption" and does not allow evil marketers at all.

In the US and Europe, Frigainers are actively communicating in social networks, discussing, on what garbage the most delicious boards or salads throw out, and there are no ideological frigners in Russia. Only the elemental: from those that instagramimi do not use.

Radical anti-confessers


Anti-confessers are the guys entering our life a word "consumption". Aniconsers are applied all efforts so as not to maintain a bloated consumption system, do not buy too much, not buy branded and so on. Among their ideological motives, except for political and economic, concern for the environment, for the depletion of the resources of the planet, for the purity of water, air and soil.

The most radical from anti-confessionalists go very far: they refuse any not used or not thrown out things, avoid products sold immediately in the package, try to use as few natural materials as possible and as possible - recycled plastic and paper.

In order to protect children from the seducts of cachemism, they try to live in deaf corners and without a TV. By the way, bright and more newest children's toys are not approved by radical anti-confessional toys. The best toy is a formless, developing fantasy, and at the same time, of course, from something recycled. The best picture is from the eye of the thrown Barbie, the best sculpture is from bottles, the best gift is a rug connected from cellophane packages.

New Tsygans


It is difficult to say who invented them to be called first, but, in any case, this group has no relation to the Gypsy people. Rather, they simply dedicate the life to play a gypsy from cartoons and comics: wander in cars, live in professions associated with the nomad (much less often - ordinary freelance), deliberately dressed and fad and sing under the guitar good old rolling stones.

"New Roma" is trying to make money with circus or pop speeches, selling made by personally strange things and jewelry, private repair of cars or furniture. Their children are usually transferred to home learning, less often - mobile schools or schools for refugees and immigrants are visited (in these establishments it is not required to be specifically recorded).

On the one hand, such a life looks strong and romantic, on the other - to start requires starting capital to buy and equip for permanent residence trailer or bus. In addition, only "new gypsies" is probably owning a virtuoso craft to sleep in a hollow-all on one bed - that afternoon was their dining table - and going to walk during multi-day parking every time in a new toilet, so as not to get bored by the owners of refueling or cafe.

It was previously believed that "new Roma" live exclusively in Europe and the United States, but one of the authors of PICS.ru can boast that the group of "New Gypsies" has been observed for a whole week in the parking lot near Moscow.



With the previous group in distant relationship: they are also like to be called Gypsies. In fact, the Barefooters rarely dressed brightly (or not rare, but not ideological reasons), the circus performances are mostly not allowed and not suggested. They just go barefoot. Idean. Everywhere, where they are allowed. Always when the weather allows. That is: to work, in a cafe, shop, for a walk, in the clinic ... In Novosibirsk, the Barefuters even achieved the official cancellation on the ban on the use of the city's metrolytone without shoes!

The idea of ​​individual barefooters reaches the fact that they seriously dream of cities or countries where the entrance to shoes will be forbidden, develop theories, why a person is much better than an ordinary person, and even expect from the compatibility of enlightenment and personal growth.

It is important to increase the "amazingness" of the place and the time of driving the barefoot, they specifically master the joints on snow, ice, industrial garbage, glass, hot asphalt, and so on. Most, however, are harmlessly scream on the asphalt of the most ordinary temperature and structure, shocking only the most sensitive of passersby.

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