Louis Si Kay: rules of life without silicone, shine and gmo


He is a comedian and screenwriter, director and producer, he has "Emmy" and "Grammy" - and also the brain in the head, and a sharp tongue in a poisonous mouth.


PICS.ru strongly recommends Taking Louis as a medicine.

Indications: Zadrabannancy positive, political correctness and deep emptyingness. Contraindications: Chronic zero, progressive hypocrisy. Side effects: Режения with chrikovania and timid reproaches others are that you are cynical cattle.

Si Kay about work, friends and other diverse garbage

  • Life is too short to be an asshole. Although as an employer, at least as an employee.
  • Of course, foreigners take your work. But if someone without ties and without knowing the language selects your job - you are worthless.
I do not think women are better than men. I think men are worse than women.
  • The man will turn the arm to you and throw it into the river, but your human nature will not affect. He does not run into your brain. Women are not prone to violence, but they will make you right in the heart.
  • I finally got such a body as I dreamed. It is actually very simple. It is enough to dream about a hidden body.
My friend uses the phone as a messenger, and I really wish him to die. As fucking messages got me: "I'm in a shoe store." And all! We are that secret agents, what do I need to know where you are?
  • At Bill Gates 90 billion dollars. If I had so much, it was not for long. So many crazy things could be checked! This guy, yes with his 90 billion, he could buy all baseball teams and make them get dressed in the dress, and he would have 88 more !!!
  • He says that if he had a time car, he would kill Hitler. I would not kill Hitler. I would raped him. I think it would be enough to stop him from all this shit. If I did it, he would not begin to demonstrate all these my pieces. "Well, attack Poland?" - "Oh, I don't know, I would be in a shower, I'm not good for me ..."

Si kei about relationships, sex, family and kids

  • The guys have such a crap: we need to end periodically. In women, this is an emotional garbage, they cry after sex, and all that. And for guys, it's just what they have to do is not to start killing people. Type of maintenance. Just open the valve sometimes ...
  • We have no sex with my wife for a long time. And I used to be angry: "Damn! Yes, she was not fucked with me for a month! " And now I look at myself in the mirror, and I think: "Lord ... how she could fuck with me for years ..."
Divorce is always cool. I know that it sounds strange, but this is true. Because good marriages are not terminated by divorce. If two got married and everything is wonderful with them - and here they are bred ... Yes, it would be the truth sadly. But such cases - exactly zero.
Louis Si Kay: rules of life without silicone, shine and gmo 38856_3
  • "Hearing with him." This is really a formula that saves the family. Not: "We love each other!" A: "Had with him."
  • Imagine: There is a tortured milf with his child and yells on it from top to bottom: "Shut up, the jerk! You got me already! ". And people around whispering: "God ... Well, the mother ..." You know, these people do not have their children. Because the real parents seeing it, think: "God! What did this little scratch made a poor woman?! "
  • All sorts come to the show and say: "How should I explain to my child that two men get married?" Well, you know, it's your fucking child, you explain to him. This is just your problem. Two guys love each other, but can not marry, because you can't explain it to your child!

Si kei about all this, her, life

  • I have a lot of beliefs, but I do not live according to any of them. Like this. It's just my beliefs. I like to believe in them.
  • What you are older, the smartest. I'm sure. Even if the senior interlocutor is wrong, his wrong is more informed.
I already 45, so I either lived half a healthy life, or almost lived not very healthy.
  • When I put on my socks - this is the worst moment of my day. Always! Even if something terrible happened to me - for example, one granny finished off the other - still the worst in this day will be the moment when I wear socks ...
  • Optimist is a stupid. Such type: "Ah, perhaps, something wonderful will happen!" Yes, with what should hell happen to him?
  • People I generally like hate. Not because I have something against them. I just like it. I relax so much.
  • "I'm bored" - the most useless and stupid phrase in the world. You live in a huge world that you have learned at best one percent. Even your own consciousness is an infinite and unstasted space. So much than you can do and what to ask. Yes, and the fact that you are generally alive, is beautiful in itself, so you will never dare to say: "I'm bored."

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