4 types of people from your past, meeting with which you should avoid


4 types of people from your past, meeting with which you should avoid 38849_1
The folk wisdom that "old friend is better than new two people know everything. But psychologists are confident that in fact this statement is fairly far from always. There is a category of so-called "old friends", from which it is worth staying away. For your own good. So, with what people from the past is better not to renew communication and why.

Business partners who were unreliable

If a person put you in a situation where you counted on his assistance in solving some kind of question, then not only to count on continuing cooperation, but also communicate with him. And if you really want to give a person to a second (or the fifth) chance, it's worth thinking well, whether you are ready to independently stand on our own and answer alone for what is happening. It is difficult to decide to break with a person with whom I started the case, or which you know from the young age. But psychologists are confident that "once betraying", this person will do it again and again. Do not experience fate, go further without these people.

Neighbors or relatives who turned your life to hell

Unfortunately, it often happens that it is the closest people who are substituted without a branch of conscience. Perhaps, many are known to the situation when some puppy stipulated you, and in the end, on a family holiday, you were frankly not happy. And guess that you have done so bad, it is useless. Perhaps this special was even if your parents for some reason. Or wants to exclude you from the list of heirs, configuring all the relatives against you.

And, perhaps, in each apartment building there is a sort of "grandmother of God's dandelion", which tells the neighbors of non-residents. And you most likely did nothing wrong with her. Thus, in this way, she will donate dissatisfaction with life. Boldly leave these people in the past and deal with your future.

School buds with whom the relationship did not make up

If I got to the meeting of graduates, and former classmates who smalleled life to you in school, rushing to the neck, rather politely say hello and leave them alone with memories. Most likely, they have only positive in memory, and you will constantly remember those nightmarish situations in which you have gotten them. By the way, with such people it is better not to meet, how to know what kind of anticipation from them.

Girlfriends who taught your cavaliers

You can argue for a long time, there is a female friendship or not, but there are always ladies that destroy relationships and lead to other people's cavaliers, and even husbands. And if you had such, and they again met on your way, do not rush to open the door to your life. And even if a lot of time passed, and life put everything into place, enough to remember how much pain these people brought you. If they unceremoniously intervened in your life and broke it once, you may not doubt, they will easily make it again.

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