11 habits of happy couples for which they recognize them without error


11 habits of happy couples for which they recognize them without error 38848_1

Looking for happy couples, do you wonder what their secret? Psychologists revealed 11 major habits that are necessarily present in families of happy partners. Observe them is easy, and the result will not make yourself wait.

1. Show regularly how you appreciate each other

Happy relationships are based on positive emotions, attachment and intimacy. Each partner seeks to show as often as possible as far as it is important for him. And for this it is unnecessary something supernatural, most importantly, just be sincere. Leave each other nice notes, write messages about what you think about the partner. Do nice things that appreciate your favorite. At the coming to a psychotherapist, many couples complain that the other does not know what the partner lives what he likes. But be important for someone, one of the basic needs of every person.

2. In happy couples quarrels right

Even in happy couples there are quarrels, they are not going anywhere, but they need to quarrel right. The guidance of the correct quantities in the absence of criticism of each other, insults, ignoring. It will take a little time, and you will make it up, but said never forget. Therefore, try to keep an excess of negativity during the quarrel with yourself, realizing that all bad words in the address of the partner are born under the oppression of stress, and not sound sensit.

3. Always ask for what you need

Very often, psychologists have to hear complaints that the beloved / beloved does not know what their half wants. Moreover, they are also firmly confident that if they love them, they would definitely knew and did it. It is important to understand one thing - ordinary people do not possess the gift of telepathy, so it is very important to speak partner about his needs, tastes and preferences. And sometimes, especially at the initial stage, it has to repeat several times - and this is normal. Instead of offended by a loved one for his "worn," try simply to say about my desires and ask him.

4. Express your love partner

Each person expresses his love in his own way. For someone it is an embrace, for someone, words, but for other actions and gifts. There may also be people in the pair, who are differently seen by the manifestation of love and it is very important to know how it understands this feeling partner. If you are a supporter of gifts and words, and your man prefers actions, then show him your feelings with the help of actions and gestures. Such an individual approach allows you to constantly maintain spark in the relationship.

5. Perform duties together

A very large percentage of all the quarrels in a pair are on the household topic, namely, the question of who does what at home. But in happy couples because of this they do not swear, they just do everything together. For example, even if the man does not like to wash the dishes, he will do it so that his beloved was nice. You can sit down at the negotiating table and discuss who will deal with. Who knows, maybe in your man lives the spirit of culinary, and he will gladly deal with the house preparation of dishes.

6. Appreciate the arms

To maintain idyll in relations, communication is very important, nevertheless, it is not necessary to diminish the significance of the arms. Scientists have proven that during tactile contact in the body, a hormone of oxytocin is produced, which is otherwise called the "love hormone". He plays a big role in the psychological relationship between partners. Oxytocin reduces physical pain, contributes to the strengthening of immunity, brings together people and removes psychological tension. Therefore, the more often the couple hugging and contacting physically, the stronger their relationship.

7. Talk about problems

Someone used to avoid discussion of problems, naively believing that over time everything will be done in itself. That's just a similar method works in the opposite direction. Dressing exacerbates the situation - the problem increases more and more, it begins to annoyer and flows into conflicts. You should not wait until the volcano wakes up - even minor problems are better to stort with a partner immediately.

8. Observe borders

If personal boundaries are not respected in a pair - there will be no happiness. With the help of the boundaries, you can understand where you end and your partner begins. Such things should also be discussed with loved ones, then everyone will be able to satisfy their needs without causing damage to another. Psychologists celebrate 3 types of borders:

  • Emotional: what period of time to be together, in each other's society, and how much apart.
  • Physical: what and with what frequency will be sex, as well as the frequency of touches.
  • Virtual: Is it worth merging the circle of friends, whether to change the status in the social network, how often to correspond on the topic of relationships.

These seemingly little things, very much affect the quality of relationships.

9. Hell ask for forgiveness and forgive

Without the ability to forgive, they will not be able to survive any relationship - this is one of the key elements of peaceful coexistence. When a person apologizes, it suggests that he recognizes his mistake and will try to work it out and no longer allow. And a goodbye person understands the situation, accepts and forgets about what happened, no longer remembering about what happened. In a happy relationship, people never put a challenge to prove their partner.

10. Rest from each other

It is very important in relationships to maintain the balance of proximity and independence. Even being together, remember that the wedge did not come down on his beloved light, you still have a personal life, my interests remain. You need to respect each other's personal space, not fill out the whole world of your loved one. After spending the time outside the society of each other, you will be bored, and this will have a positive effect on the relationship. Therefore, learn to enjoy life out of society each other and trust your loved one.

11. Request help

In healthy relationships, it is quite natural when they seek help if something is not possible to do it yourself. Joint hike to a psychologist, viewing seminars on family relationships, etc. There are not afraid to ask the Council, no one is shyless of the problems, does not feel its inferiority and does not condemn the other.

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