Motmars introvert in real life


The introvert does not need to watch horror films. It is enough to live ordinary human life. It is worth getting out of the house, as you get into the next circle of hell. And we understand it! Oh, how we understand it!


Hell. Circle first. It is impossible to leave. Sit at the desk, where you want, it is impossible. In the corridor hide nowhere. And in the sorter too. Even if you are able to convince these strange people, by the will of the fate of the fate of the coented in one flock, leave you alone, the teachers do not calm down. Answer to us at the board, with an expression. Socialize, come on.


Hour there, hour back. Stand, trying not to inhale other people's smells and do not look at other people's noses and crowns, wet fur collars who climb long hair, someone's angular bags sticking in Boca (and well, if these are bags, and lacking your hands). And for some reason, everyone consider you invisibility and whenever you try to escape from the car, almost hurt. But to become invisible, sitting, never happens. As soon as you omit your ass on the seat and cover your reader, all grandmothers, pregnant and sociable alcoholics, as if by the signal, run away precisely to your place.

post office

This place is cursed. Just stand up, go in line here will not work. That someone asks how to fill the receipt, it is silent to the window to "buy an envelope, I quickly." Someone has a list of custom letters on a half-kilometer. And you've got a valuable parcel, missing somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. We do not know anything, contact the central office. But you were there! And here in the queue will definitely begin the dispute about who heavier all lives. Won in it post service, you can not doubt.


Okay, with the reference, you will somehow handle after mail. Think, three forms of recording and two queue formats. Then pass through the corridors, full coughing people. We will try not to participate in the battles of beneficiaries (many children against veterans, for example). And all this so that a stranger asked you tactless questions that have nothing to do with the fact that it hurts. And, of course, at the crucial moment when the doctor goes from words to study your body, in the office someone will call. For example, to discuss the weather. And look at you. Interestingly.

Auchan on Saturday

This is the end of the world. You push the cart, you stumble about, dropping toilet paper rolls, and ice cream for you. And by the way, you did not stand here. You are hot, closely, scary, and you no longer remember why I came here. Above the missing children without end, you also want someone to find you and taped for the sake of the saint of this place forgotten by God.

Bayanist Tamada Services

Once he will catch you. If not on your wedding, then on someone else's, on an anniversary or corporate party. Shot Eye Maniac will easily calculate you hiding behind a bottle of mineral water. Will be calculated, and pull out to participate in contests. Guess riddles, roll eggs without hands, remove clothespins from women's clothing. And the worst thing - he will make you pronounce a toast. He clapped his hands, and everyone in the restaurant shut up and stared at you with curiosity drunk. And you, touching and squeezing a glass by sweaty fingers, you will start: "In this e-uh holiday day, I want to congratulate the dear E-M ..."


As it was good to sit on all his back, to the computer face. But here someone again decided that you were not socialized enough. And it was not brightened to ordinary drinking. You dragged for training. You were forced to share stories from childhood with colleagues. Or, playing in trust, fall on his hands with closed eyes. Solve logical tasks, run with a toy gun, or, forgive the Lord, compose and read the improvised speech in front of everyone. And worst of all, forget this weekend as a nightmare not work: everybody liked it! They want more!

Parental committee

If it seemed to you that you already knew the flour of public condemnation, then, consider that you did not touch you to the parent meeting and the finger. Everyone has already understood that you do not know what glossy paper is different from matte and why the first for crafts is needed, but there is no second. Shame. Your attitude to repairing the fence does not honor you. Your idea of ​​a New Year's gift is ridiculous and contradicts spiritual scrapers. And, by the way, let's exchange VKontakte addresses! Let's chat there, we will discuss all the time. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!

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