Seven reasons why an entertainment is needed by an interact



Why does the Atost need a port site? Then why Holmesu is Watson. For equilibrium!

If you have a subtle mental organization and a rich inner world, then the company you have - like that pension: small, but good. And consists of a small number of proven diamonds. Mostly of the same thin and rich. But if you have no one at your time, there is at least one of the most tavering useful extrovert, there is no final and irrevocable harmony in your life. You yourself are in the depths of the soul feel ... But we will now tell you in detail why it is.

The reason is the first. For fire chance

No matter how you love a couple of hours to shout into the sunset and no matter how preferred Sibelius disco, and the bass discussion of children's matinees, periodically you happen the state "urgently need ears." That suddenly Batz - and Baso with a sunset for some time cease to work. And here you, creaky heart, climb into the chat. Or even - Carnegie Salo! - Voluntarily take the phone and call your phone book (already five!). And then you remember that your best friend does not include your phone at all (it works in the telephone booth mode), a dusty girlfriend left for Vipassana, and in general in chat everything is as always gray. Well, yes, tell me who your friend and I will make you a diagnosis!

It is here that you begin to regret that it did not make friends with that young lady at the last work - just because she spent loudly. She, at least, always answered invitations to go together for lunch within a few minutes!

Cause of the second. For communication with reality


Any self-respecting introvert is periodically buried in his inner Mongolia by the most paincoon. Only the tips of the ears stick out. There he has a thought - and he is bright, stormy and thinks in detail. Unfortunately, the thought does not come alone. And sooner or later you begin to think the next Duma: "Oh, it seems, I completely broke away from the world." Sometimes you probably wonder yourself in the mirror for the appearance of greenish wool on the ears. In general, in the depths of the soul afraid to completely stern, finally and irrevocably.

In this case, periodic infusion of violent activity is required. How to go to some day of each other's friend's friend - it is so used ... And now, behind a glass of brine, you can return to your branches in the inner mongola.

The cause is the third. For rapid response

A friend-introvert will think of ten days before telling you "and I too." And then you will think about ten days, whether it was in this impulse, or the irony, or the excuse. This process of interconnection of thin signals is extremely fascinating. But in some situations you need to hear not: "I understood you, the offer is accepted ... it will be necessary to brag it ... I'll call you back ...", and at all: "Yes! Okay! Alive in nine minutes I will have to leave the subway! " For example, if your cat is a sharp attack of the maternity heaven.

The reason is the fourth. For useful disassembly


You are no longer October and you know that people are able to misunderstand each other thousand different ways. Yes, they all do it. Only a friend-introvert will take, will understand you wrong - and go beyond the horizon and to reflect and suffer in mink. You will see that a friend went beyond the horizon in a mink, you decide that no one loves you, or you said irreparably offensive, or the world is cruel, or everything is right ... and you will take to reflecting in parallel. Behind the other horizon to another mink. So you are still ten years old and you will not know that the fault of the whole incident was the indignant of the stomach or a typo.

And an extrovert ... yes, he will also be wrong, it's like to drink. But he immediately will leave you, you will have, say: "Yes, you cho?" - He will say: "And what am I cho?" - And you will eventually figure out. Traves and holds in a tone.

The reason is the fifth. For research

We, people thoughtful and thoughtful, love everything to go, look inside and fold. And in this sense, an extrovert is an equally curious field than bison or boson. He waves his hands, shouting the slogans, grabs you for a button, drags into the bar, it arms with you and at the same time with two on the phone and three in Facebook - and you watch it. If you perceive all this bin-speaking disgrace not as violence over your free person, but as an interesting phenomenon of nature, you can open something. Prize to get. And go to Altai alone.

The cause of the sixth. For mimicry


In some cases, the introvert must assign a hose. That is, on the contrary. In general, to portray something lively, sleeper and inhumanly active. Well, for example, at the interview. Have you ever come across announcements: "Are quiet, thoughtful, vapor, thin and deep?" So we do not. Before everyone, you need to dance Jig and fight in ecstasy. At such a case, it is simply necessary to go through a short course from anyone, who has itself so somehow it turns out.

Think about how it is done is not necessary. Anyway is incomprehensible. You just need to look and absorb. Nervous tick after communication will be accepted for creative-communicative dust :) Well, the party does not hurt to grab such a person - you can hide behind him, he will distract unnecessary attention from you.

Cause seventh. For contrast

The day is not so browned when the night does not occur after it. Summer is not so hot without winter. Why the climber climbs uphill? To see from the side, how everything is fine there - where he has just been rambered. Sometimes you just need to feel this contrast. You often forget with your sunsets, as it looks like - a real life, the need for which the Bolsheviks said so much.

Only a full-fledged meeting with high-quality extrovert will remind you how many sounds are able to publish a human speech apparatus per minute. How many tons of information can be rocked on one square centimeter of your brain. How many noise, gamas and any disorder in this world are in this world.

And only heartily shattered with a cute man, you can easily feel fresh and appreciate Basy, Sibelius - and blessed solitude, and Divine Silence!

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