Viva chicken! 10 of the most delicious and creative chicken recipes


Danar: I want meat; cheaper than all chicken; Chicken is tired. It is asked: what can be cooked from the chicken so that it was not "U-y, the same chicken", and "wow, that was just a chicken?!" Answer: Yes, anything! And the first, and the second, and such, and this is ... well, except that not compote :)

1. Legs stuffed with mandarins


Ingredients: On 6 turbines - 6 mandarins, ginger spine, 4 cloves of garlic, 4 tablespoons of soy sauce and a pair of olive oil spoons, a little cognac, red pepper, salt.

The process itself. Of the washed and dry legs, carefully remove the bones, trying to preserve the shape (legs, of course). Fry them in a mixture of oil and half of the soy sauce to a golden crust. Grinding ginger and garlic, mix them with the remaining soy sauce, I should have a drop of brandy, Solim-Perchym - and in all of this we are collapsed (that is chicken) legs. Of the two tangerines, we give juice, one we leave for the decoration, the rest disassembled on the slices. Stripped the legs with slices, put into the saucepan, pour out sauce and juice, minutes 15 minutes on weak heat, decorated - and absorb the eyes with covered with pleasure.

2. Chicken croissants


Ingredients: Approximately sheltered chicken fillet, gram 400 ready-made puff pastry, you can 250 g of spinach, olive oil, pepper salt.

The process itself. Dough to defrost in a cool place. Fillet cut into 4 pieces, grasp salt-pepper and fry on oil. If you want to wrap meat into the spinach, we blanch the last in salted water, press and turn around each piece of leaves - but you can do without it. Dough roll over and divide on 4 squares. Each on the heat is put a stuffing, wrap on the diagonal and tailoring edges. We lay out our croins on the cramped baking sheet, lubricate the yolk mixed with water (approximately a tablespoon) - and send the oven breathely to 200 degrees. In half an hour, golden crust should be formed - and small happiness in the croissant form!

3. Chicken lasagna


Ingredients: 400 g Kurfile, 200 g of ready-made Lazagna sheets, sheltered canned tomatoes with pieces, butter, 130 g Mozarella, 250 g of solid cheese, thyme, at the request of cedar nuts, salt pepper.

The process itself. Bacon cut thin stripes and fry in oil until goldenness. To it, we send chicken chicted with small pieces and a couple of minutes, spilling and pepper, fry on quite strong fire. Half solid cheese rubbed, half cut into cubes, Mozarella dive them, mix all the cheeses, leaving a little grated. Tomatoes Solim-Perchym-Timyanim. Lazagne's sheets lay out on the arms, we water the tomato sauce, lay meats, sprinkle with cheese, repeat the layers until the ingredients end. From the very top there are nuts, then the full balance of grated cheese, then a little creamy oil. All this is sausage in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, 40 minutes - after which it comes simply day and a solid holiday begins.

4. Chicken Supach under the "Lid"


Ingredients: Sheltered chicken legs, bulb, carrot pair, parsley root, parsley bundle, a bit of dill, a pair of garlic cloves, a couple of lemon juice spoons, a slightly rosemary and saffron, laurel leaf, salt pepper. For pellets: 3 cups of flour, egg, yolk, salt.

The process itself. We make a roaster of onions, garlic and carrots (roasting to half-preparation). The chicken together with a parsley root drunk in 2 liters of water, the broth is filtering, we throw roasted vegetables into it and cut pieces of meat into it. I bring it to a boil, we send the spices and cook for a few minutes. Spill in the pots, adding chopped greens and lemon juice. Lepings are sculpting from the dough "like on dumplings" (flour + salt + egg + glass of water). Hovering the edges of the pots, they sculpt the cakes from this dough on them - and smear the yolk with the addition of a spoon of the driver. Now all this minutes for 15 minutes goes into the oven, heated to 180 - and a gentle aromatic soup under the fresh breadpage teases appetite!

5. Chicken with mushrooms and grapes


Ingredients: 400 g chicken fillet, 200 g of champignons, 100 g of grapes, a pair of tablespoons of sour cream, half a cup of flour, bulb, vegetable oil, a little dried basilica, can be a little turmeric, you can a little olives, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Fillet, champignons and onions cut: fillet on the middle pieces, mushrooms fine, the bow is large. Grapes cut in half, remove the bones (and leave the part so). Mix flour with spices, chip pieces of meat in this mixture. All components, except grapes, we send to the oil into a frying pan, after a few minutes toasting there and grapes are also. During a minute before readiness, we water all this sour cream, removing, decorated with the remaining grapes and olives - and we use with satisfied interjections like: "Ukhta!" and "yep!"

6. Acute Chakhokhli


Ingredients: On a kilogram currency - gram of 700 onions and grams of 300 rubbed tomatoes (on a more fastening chicken - respectively, proportionally more), a bundle of cilantro, a little cream oil, how much soul asks sharp red peppers, dried paprika, coriander and zira, salt.

The process itself. Chicter disassemble, fat separated. I melt it in a skillet (if the bird was slim, add oil), sliced ​​to be frozen to a transparent state. The chicken lay out into the cast-iron, fry, until the blush is started, and the fatted fat thrust from it is drained to the bow. Now there are tomatoes and ribbed spices to him - and all this is 15 minutes on a small fire. Now we try, add something to the soul asks (maybe salt, maybe sugar?) - And the chicken in this sauce, until it is ready. We decorate the dish of the cilantro and rejoice loudly and violently - how much allows a snack mouth!

7. Chicken with pineapples

Viva chicken! 10 of the most delicious and creative chicken recipes 38842_7

Ingredients: On the shelter fillet - 300 g of canned pineapples with pieces, lime, 3 cloves of garlic, small chili pepper, hammer ginger spoon, vegetable oil, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Crumpled garlic and chili mix, spitting ginger and salt, rub the fork, add oil and also rubbing. Filly cut into pieces of fillet in this marinade and put in the refrigerator for the watch. Now in a frying pan heating the oil, add in it the juice of Lyme with a droplet of his own zesto - and send it first a chicken, then pineapples (drained them with liquid, of course). When they spend 5 minutes on a strong heat, reduce it - and shops, until the chicken prepares. Serve or without - tasty for anything!

8. Chicken with apples in Sider


Ingredients: On a 2-kilogram chicken - approximately one and a half kilo apples, a glass of cider, 250 g sour cream, 150 g of butter, a pair of cereal bulbs, spices (thyme, ginger, a couple of cloves), a little sugar, salt.

The process itself. Cooking with apples, fault by oil (leaving about a third), Solim - and 20-25 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees, sometimes turning. Onions of tomim 5 minutes on the remaining oil. Now we organize the meeting in the Schill, there is also a fat person, spices except ginger, sugar and the residue of apples, pour a sidrome and shop on a slow spot. After half an hour, we fill with sour cream, mixed with ginger, mix - and even literally in minutes we can get, disassemble and enjoy.

9. Japanese chicken


Ingredients: The chicken row - two glasses of vegetable oil, 4 tablespoons of starch, a tablespoon of sake, a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, a bit of sesame oil, a piece of ginger.

The process itself. From ginger, we give the juice to the adaptation for shrinagration, add soy sauce, sak and sesame oil to it - and marinate in this all sliced ​​chicken chicken, how much patience is enough. Now, in deep container, we pour oil - and pieces of chicken, jammed in starch, fry to gold. Excess oil can be blocked with a paper towel. We drink, according to the logic that remained Sake - after all, we didn't buy it with a spoon, even for such exotic yummy!

10. Pumpkin, stuffed with chicken


Ingredients: Pumpkin, sheltered fillet, large carrot, large onion, dried herbs (oregano, basil - what you like), vegetable oil, you can solid cheese, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Cut off the pumpkin "cover", scratch the seeds from there and scratch a good deepening. Extracted flesh cut. We cut out erupical and fillet, and onions, and I rub the carrot. Onions fry, until it starts to go warm, then we launch the carrot to him, how it starts to soften - there is meat. After 10 minutes, the pumpkin content is sent to them, as well as salt with pepper and herbs. After 10 minutes, turn off - and how little cool down, we put all this treasure into our pumpkin. Cover the "lid" - and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Shortly before readiness, the lid can be replaced with grated cheese - for sweeping beauty and tasty. Although in them, the lack of flaws will not be!

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