Hate food of our childhood. Top 10


Remember this feeling when you go in the morning in the kitchen and think: "That's how Mama would fry croutons!" But Mom decided that roasted and flour - harmful, and boiled instead of her porridge. With lumps.

And ahead of the kindergarten or school, and you already understand what the day was not set, and there will be soup, and there will be a barley ...

Grind fruit

During the years of deficit or from extreme leaning, some parents decided logical: to start eating fruits with those worse preserved. That is, with crumpled, spotted, fallen. You crushed out on the pieces of a banana, spreading persimmon or an apple, from which all the "tasteless" cut out. In the meantime, the remaining "For then" fruits gradually moved to a state "and is disgusting, and thoroughly sorry." Separate mention deserve summer peaches. Untar such. Inside, peach is very tasty, but first you need to somehow bite it for this skin! Brr. And modest tenth place.

Dark Fish

Eat the fish - a difficult quest for a child or for his mother. We all knew this story about the daughter of familiar acquaintances, who did not pull out the bone, and the ambulance did not have time. Therefore, to a plate with fish approached as a flask with the inscription "poison". In kindergarten, the fish was also so pale, weak, unsalted and unturious, as if wet carbon black, with bones! Oh, if you really make something, then better, after all, cream-brulee.

Zhyhtrstrest Promsosisk

With what pride parents brought home sausages! And the child does not eat. Whether he sees that meat in this meat is not contained. Whether the taste is strange, whether the skin is nasty. But worse than the whole sausage when it is cold. The meat delicacy fler she loses instantly. Cold wet fat with fat. Here only ketchup saves, and therefore only eighth place. Parents usually treated Ketchu with suspicion, but he would even be relied on the TV.

MSE Sel de Rei

The smell of celery is felt from the threshold. Someone under the motto "Child needs vitamins" again counted these pale-green stems, leaves or roots (and even all at once, what to greeding!) In soup, second and salad. Thank you, even though not in compote. Celery, from the point of view of the child, was created in order to spoil the products and knock out every taste. And in the soup it is slippery and tasteless, and in a rigid and cold salad.

Get to liver

The liver in the ranking above the sausages, because it hurts it is terrible with sight, and raw, and ready. The most, probably depressing the cooking option - the sermny slices of the liver in the stratum sour cream sauce with slices of onions. It seems soft, but in fact, the mighty, incongover of the heat treatment of the veins were hid under loose liven layer. The liver fought with eater, but to death. And to drink food was supposedly harmful. And sprinkle indecently. But all these suffering, of course, nonsense, compared with those flour, which children experienced, whose parents had access to such exquisite sub-products as brains, stomachs and udder (and did not be able to prepare them).

Soup for first

For lunch you need to eat soup. Want you or do not want, and the soup is needed. Soup is a children's Nemesis. Or a cruel sphinx receptionist (why, why in it cucumbers?) Farmopil battle with borsch. The crowd of grated vegetables form a thick, in which the spoon is stuck and your chances to get out of the table. Soup Scill boiled cabbage with its unforgettable aroma, harybda dilated meat with a fat. And boiled carrots, a solid piece carefully fell into the plate. This is this, Marine Snake Yörmungand.

Onions from seven ailment

Boiled onion is a part of the set of dishes, which, not be it, would not fall into the ranks of unloved. Oh, these brillium onions in cutlets, meters, potato mashed potatoes or buckwheat. Cinderella did not go through millet as much as we chose the smallest pieces of Luke from everywhere, where he was supported with a worthy better use of persistence. Someone for the sake of vitamins, someone for the sake of taste, and someone from an amazing desire to certainly feed the child with the fact that he does not like, so that he does not notice. And we noticed.

Dairy shores

Incase dairy products and flour accepted through them are diverse in children's life. For example, milk itself can be tastefully cold or tastelessly heated, or creepy pair. And with foam. And more cottage cheese, dry and sour, or such, homogeneous, from a tube, or shroud-sweet, in the form of curd mass (good food will not be called). Noodles in a milk soup with yellow mugs of fat adequately replenishes the ranks of terrible soups ... We even found people who raised the nose from curd cheese! Because the tradition existed to issue them for ice cream, and children sequel difference.

Russed from Kashi

Buckwheat, rice, barley. Especially frightened, perhaps, desiccable gray, even a bluish bluff. What was done with her in the canteens, it is not known. Turned into zombies by killing and transmitting an electric current, probably. And from yesterday's buckwheat raised a terrible chimeura - a buckwheat-curd casserole. Honest word, just sprinkle with a boiled bow with top, and everything, the appetite is spoiled until the evening.

Molding in the top

The leader of the top we unconditionally recognized the manna porridge. Someone with tears remembers a relatively rare pea. Someone can not forgive their children's injury. Someone does not understand how people eat oatmeal in their minds, whether it is at least a gold sprinkled. But the other than such no, slippery, pale, cools down at such a speed, as if it violates the laws of thermodynamics, not corrected neither jam, nor honey, no condensed milk, like manna, we do not know however. And we are very pleased that today teachers with doctors consider it not particularly needed in the children's diet.

Photo to Announcement: shutterstock.com

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