Men's idiot kitchen: Down Multivarka!


Our dear readers asked us last time two questions. First - Why are we in our male idiot-kitchen use a slow cooker? The second - why "idiot-kitchen"?

And we thought that we need a culinary manifest.

What is a male idiot kitchen?

This is something directly opposite to culinary art, complex recipes, culinary books, digestive wars on the Internet and culinary master classes. This is just a situation in which a person (most often is a man, but hunger outside the gender) wants to devour well. Tasty and right now. And also feed those who surround it so that they are also delicious, nice and fun. And beautiful. It is very short (no more than twenty minutes, well, good, half an hour) the process, at the beginning of which - raw meat and vegetables, and at the end - food on plates. This is the lack of accurate instructions, a field for improvisation (although, of course, when you boil buckwheat or lentils, dosages and deadlines must be observed) and the most approximate instructions. Idiot kitchen is when you deftly cut corners. You do not study, do not stand at the slab for hours, do not make a cult from kitchen slavery, but quickly and fun do something very tasty. Well, because we sell products in stores and markets that are quite difficult to spoil. How to ruin duck fillet? Or liver? Or chicken breast?

At the same time, by the way, this is an important argument in the sex war. If a woman wants to say yes, I cook every day and terribly tired, "you can always say:" This is the same 15 minutes! " And do not lie.

As for the multicooker, it is probably a very useful gadget. But for a male idiot kitchen, you need one small saucepan, one piece (better - Teflon with a thick bottom, but the cheapest thing is suitable), a sharp knife and culinary tweezers. Three spice bags: black peas, olive herbs and coriander for liver. The peppermint is already a kitchen gadget and Ponte, but we can simply let it just because it is cool and brass. Everything else is completely optional. And another strategy is to buy expensive Japanese knives, multicookers, bread makers, a powerful blender or a food processor. This is the way to nowhere. Food will not be prepared faster and it is hardly tastier, it will become more ingredients and culinary processes and as a result or you will turn into a culinary maniac, or all this will be dust. Men's idiot kitchen is the maximum laconicity with flag in pocket and ginger in the refrigerator.

And today's recipe will be completely simple. It is necessary to take a chicken breast, cut it along the thin, near the centimeter, slice. In a small saucer mix of one lemon juice with a teaspoon of honey. Bring out "slot" in sauce and fry in a frying pan. There is a little secret: you first need to fry them on a rather strong fire, so that there was a rosy crust, and then bring it very quiet so that they are juicy. In any case, this food is preparing literally about 10 minutes. Then it can be used in sandwiches, with a piece of cucumber, a sheet of salad and cottage cheese, and you can simply be in plates with a vegetable salad as a side dish. And no multicurok!

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