How not to marry a psychopath


    How not to marry a psychopath 38829_1
    Who is psychopath and what is they eating? This is not necessarily a mental patient who should be closed in a mental hospital for seven castles. In general, he is a healthy person, often with normal, and even with very high intelligence. But something is wrong with him, the character is heavy or strange. Some say that they are "with greetings", that is, with oddities. These oddities are manifested in moments when something emotionally hurts, "clings for living." And here the oddities go to the surface.

    Some psychopaths are very aggressive, easily come out of themselves, and when they do not leave, then arrive constant evil longing. At such a normal woman, it is unlikely to "bend", and therefore it does not carry a potential danger as a person who was not worth marrying.

    Let us dwell on the types that may be interesting and attractive, but, like husbands, are not desirable. Upon learning of them closer, you run to divorce or endure, losing the best years and hoping to somehow re-educate. It is impossible to change a person if he does not want himself, better learn to recognize them to a hike in the registry office.

    How not to marry a psychopath 38829_2

    We, Virgo, usually love guys of bright, fun, which are always in the center of attention. In fact, this charming handsome man may be pathoral in hand, selfish and non-permanent. This is an exteroid psychopath for whom the attention of others is most important in the world.

    Men are also very attractive - romantics who look at you, as a goddess and exhibit you in every way. In psychopathic personalities, such an attitude continues until you blow the dust from him. It is worth only to chite it a bit or disappointing somehound, and the person will turn to you with the other side. With you quickly remove the crown. You will hear aggressive screams and charges. Most likely, this will happen in a situation where you will depend on this person.

    How not to marry a psychopath 38829_3

    If suddenly insult happened before the wedding, the reaction will be somewhat weaker. He will be offended at you so much, as if you were in the soul of a bucket of leaning. Do not dig in yourself, trying to find your guilt of such changes in your loved one. Cause only in it. And in his family, who did not launch basic confidence in the world and stable self-esteem. This deficit, he seeks to fill out at the expense of your limitless love. The slightest mismatch causes a sharp negative.

    In the field of your vision, a purposeful talented scientist who gives high hopes on his field and at the time of your acquaintance has already achieved something. In marriage, it may be that this person is cold to everything, besides his case, is not able to provide care and support, does not know how to build friendly and partnerships.

    How not to marry a psychopath 38829_4

    Perhaps, according to these descriptions, you already remember someone. What else are there signs of a pathogical person? Read and remember:

    • Psychopaths are usually "owls".
    • Psychopaths are usually not infected with a yawn (a sign of low empathy).
    • Usually they love the products with bitter taste.

    If you like the guy before building a serious relationship, check it. This can be done in the following ways:

    • Wrong it. For example, break the "random" one thing or loss of movie tickets.
    • Watch how it belongs to other people. If there is injustice, dishonesty, confused, then it will go to you.
    • Organize the situation when you need it help and see the reaction.

    The most important thing is to listen to your heart. If you feel at least the slightest false or discomfort, then this is not your person.

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