Why in society differently belong to the female and male freedom of morals


    Why in society differently belong to the female and male freedom of morals 38828_1
    In the yard of the XXI century, and today no one will say for sure, as it was during the time of the USSR, that "we have no sex in the country." His presence is felt actually everywhere: in music, books, films, advertising. Publics on social networks raise intimate themes, men and women do not hide the number of sexual partners, sharing spicy details. Despite the current liberty, the relative destruction of many stereotypes, so far there is a thin line between "You Macho!" And "ah, you ... poison!".

    If for a man is characteristic, excusably and even normal to have a stormy intimate life, then the woman with such a "rich" luggage can still look at Kosos many representatives of strong sex. "Tikhoni" -OnGroups, colleagues, mentally sickling and even jealous, and something mentally, and even jealous, and about grandmothers on benches can be silent - here everything is clear.

    Why can men have a large number of sexual partners, praising an extensive list of "victories", and for girls so far is it relatively with shameful stigma? This is influenced by many factors that have been historically.

    Patriarchate - the basis of inequality between men and women is now there is a struggle of women for the same position on a par with men. But it was not always so. Patriarchate is a phenomenon that can be seen in many countries to this day, especially in the eastern one. Such a form of social relations implies the majority of a man in everything. He participates in politics, economics, is a moral authority, controls property and in general requires submission to itself in everything.

    Scientists suggest that such a model of society appeared about 4,000 years before our era. The woman should have obeyed a man in everything, because she belonged to him. He, so to speak, earned a living, killing innocent mammoths, and in the cave he was expected by the custodian of the focus, which was supposed to follow the house.

    Aristotle in his writings described women as defective compared to men, it concerned not only the physical side, but also intellectual and moral. In his opinion, the calling the "weak" half of humanity is to perform a reproductive function, serve her husband.

    In some nations, the so-called "purchase" of the future wife was distributed. The groom paid the "calm" father of the bride, thereby acquiring the right to her. Many marriages were against the will. If a man could afford to marry repeatedly, the woman was deprived of the opportunity to marry again. After the death of her husband, she became an unnecessary society and often superimposed his hands, as her life was meaningless.

    To maintain the patriarchal family model, it was necessary to ensure the birth of the heirs and the transfer of the ownership of the Chown of their descendants. It was possible to carry out this could be through the deprivation of a woman of freedom of choice in sexual relations, the possibilities of independent life without a representative of a strong sex. Laws, restrictions were created, in religious teachings it was described in detail the image of which a woman should be and therefore such rules were consolidated in society, transmitted from generation to generation.

    Why can they, but we can not?

    After all of the above described in general, it becomes awesome, how developed the modern society has become. But the Patriarchate left a big imprint towards women, because his echoes are still heard so far. For the very reason, a man should tend to make many actions to which society will react condescendingly. If he leaves children - it can be understood, but it is worth throwing your child to the girl, she will see the "cuckoo" forever.

    Another theory says that a man is a male, which in the process of evolution is trying to "fertilize" as many "females". It transmits his genetic material, thereby increasing its position in society, dominance among other "males". Evolution assumed that the woman should choose the best men who were distinguished by physical superiority. And if a strong representative could not particularly choose, then female partners should filtered potential partners, avoiding weak and underdeveloped so that healthy children were in the family. So to speak natural selection.

    If you pay attention to modern society, then many girls really prefer to communicate with those who are more worthwhile. Men are skeptical about this provision of things, calling women selling. Among the representatives of a strong half also have those who live for someone else's account, but are called alphasons, but such a rare phenomenon.

    You can conclude. In general, there is nothing galloping to dispose of your life as you want, changing sexual partners every month, if you really feel pleasure from this.

    Only an uncommitable rule is: Men really will choose from those who are less accessible. Of course, if we are talking about noble people, real gentlemen.

    Probably there is a superiority of a woman, because it is not for nothing that she is able to give life to a new person. In the end, the case in moral qualities, freedom of conscience. For someone, it is normal to brag about generous luggage of personal life, others are modestly silent. There is nothing good and when a man sleeps with all the right left. This does not paint his personal qualities, but only indicates that he is trying to assert the way. Therefore, women choose partners worthy of themselves so that there are no skeletons in the closet.

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