October scandals. Mizulina, slave psychology and rope-sewn


According to numerous requests, PICS.ru readers decided to continue the reviews of the Runet Scandals. In the current issue - Holivari of the outgoing October. Hurry up to participate until they are forgotten!

Students stated that they could not be olders, because women

A student of Varvara Mikhailov, who entered the Higher School of Economics, told in his blog about the conflict with representatives of the leadership of the university. On October 5, the manager of the Faculty of Law, Mikhail Palamarchuk, suggested that the group choose the headman, but only exclusively from the guys - they say, such a tradition.

At first, she expressed her opinion out loud, but since it did not lead to anything, demanded written confirmation and justification for the ban to her, a girl, to become an old-age.

At this stage, Dean of the Faculty, Tatyana Alekseeva intervened at the conflict. She stated that discrimination in the said Palamarchuk does not see, and Mikhailova is stronger than smiling.

Barbara asked several graduates of HSE and learned that the "tradition" appeared at the New Dean six years ago, and before the student, Jurfak became free to become olders. The situation with which I had to face, Varvara wrote on his page in social networks. The record instantly became scandalous.

The leadership of the university took measures: a special meeting was collected, where a large number of people began to explain to Varvar, that a) there was no pot, b) gave him already cracked, c) they really returned to the whole. That is, that a) the expressed restriction was a joke, b) this is a restriction from the care of girls.

Approximately on that and diverged.

An article in the topic: 11 quarry that you will not shine in Russia if you are a woman. Until

Suitable ropes

Runet users are actively discussing the text that a group of sexual doctors appealed to the Ministry of Education with a proposal to ban girls to climb on the rope in the physical education lessons, since the girl from this later experienced problems in the sexual sphere, related to how thinly hinting, with erotic experiences From exercise.

Fake or sought? Need to girls fishering or housekeeping will be better? Do girls seduce ropes? Customer Runet willingly share memories. Some reports that no one, except the teacher, did not try to seduce the girls of girls, but why there are still no teachers. Others recall how they hurt after the rope and abrasions on their feet and the hips and try to understand how these sensations interfere with them in adult sex life. Third recognize that if the rope was canceled for it, they would portray ten orgasms every time they were drunk there. And another ten - on the goat.

Article in the topic: The strangest devices for masturbation (18+)

There is nothing to do abortion safely!

Discussion of the withdrawal of abortions from the OMS system or even their full prohibition continued all October. On October 23, the Marathon began to collect signatures for the legislative prohibition of pregnancy interruption. In response to the instructions that, in the case of an output of abortions from OMS, it suffers first of all, already vulnerable and moreover, extensive groups of women - for example, mother from families with income below average, forced to rely on unreliable ways of contraception and not able to feed children, If their number will increase - supporters of the output directly declare that women are better to die from the underground abortion. Since human life is valuable. L - logic.

Nevertheless, 70% of Russians against the withdrawal of abortions from the OMS system (and not surprisingly, since most of the population of Russia has an income below average and soberly assesses situations in which women go to abortion).

Article in the topic: Direct Speech: Russian women - about what an abortion is for them

Beat those who are weaker in the family: vice or family life?

Every year in Russia several thousand women are killed by official and civilian husbands after a long month or years of beatings before. 4% of crimes against children are committed by their parents (remember Any Lajasts, killed by the Father, who also beat his wife before, before. Obviously, the desire to reduce the number of such cases and the number of families, the relations inside which are being built on violence, moves the authors of the draft law "On the prevention of family-domestic violence", introduced for consideration in the State Duma.

According to the idea of ​​the bill, now run, losing sneakers, the victims of Tiranans do not have to have, because the police caused immediately isolating the aggressor, and he will lose the opportunity to return to the house and approach its victims until he learns to keep himself in his hands as a normal person.

The bill caused aggressive criticism from those who are called themselves by chambers of traditional family values. Eassentable E. Mizulina as opposition made a draft law, generally prohibiting the possibility of attracting criminal liability for family violence. The project was rejected that only added degrees to Holivaram on the Internet. Supporters of the idea that family values ​​are violence and respect for Pakhana ... That is, the father, of course, be fighting against supporters of such family values ​​as love and mutual respect. Opponents of a traditional family as an outdated construct also act as their small front.

An article in the topic: beats - it means, loves to beat. How to protect yourself from domestic violence. Specialist advice

Rabbish psychology

"It is this article that did not have enough Soviet atheists for complete victory," commented Diakon A. Kuraev instantly became the widespread and discussed text of Archsia Chaplin's Archsia "On Lost Slavery and Market Freedom" from the Internet magazine "Fellow Fire".

"The main problem of modern Orthodoxy and, in fact, Russia (because Russia is not without Orthodoxy) - this is what we learned to be slaves. Christianity is the religion of conscious and voluntary slavery. Religital psychology is not some kind of hidden subtext, but the norm of a ministry for an Orthodox Christian. "

Many believe that according to the odiousness, the text survived the reasoning about the need for Russian women to take a cruel economy from a man fastened by black caviar.

"In order to comprehend the truth, we must stop" turning on the brains "and begin to entitle themselves to reject anyone. In a word, we must cultivate a slave. The path to slavery God lies through the challenge to a person: children - parents, wife - husband, Christian - Sacrednous, citizen - a state with all officials and security forces, including the president. "

"It is not clear if the author himself believes such faith - what did he not worry the Ukrainian police and his Zaporizhia Luke Zaporizhia? How dated this hob to go to someone else's Barina? And who blessed him to writing this article? " Notes Kuraev.

The most interesting places of Holivar, we still reforestantly quote. Looking for and unite.

Article in the topic: Saints that are honored for incredibly strange actions

Homeopaths are shipped with the magazine "Around the World"

"National Council for Homeopathy" sued the magazine "Around the World", indignant Article Asi Kazantseva "Divided Magic". In the article, in particular, it is said that the effect of homeopathy is similar to the placebo effect at least some serious illnesses with its help should not be treated. The organization needs to be placed in the journal a refutation on seven pages in the form of a text already prepared by the Council.

Does the right journalist have to voice the views of traditional official medicine as faithful and scientific? We are silent to ask.

Article in the topic: how the signs of the zodiac are sick

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

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