The striking live customs of the peoples of Russia


Globalization walks on the planet, and residents of large Russian cities seems to be that the world has become more or less than the same, and the wonderful traditions are the lot of ethnographic museums.

In fact, many archaic customs in Russia are still alive.

Castlating, extreme north


Castlating is nomads after the deer herd. In the conditions of the Far North, the only possible type of cattle breeding is the breeding of reindeer. Deer is constantly changing pastures, because the vegetation cover in the tundra is restored slower than in more southern regions. To follow the flock, the shepherd family needs to be finished at any time to play and go after the cattle. Currently, the shepherds do not allow complete stretch of pastures and decide themselves when they walked further and distinguish to a new herd place. Of course, such a way of life directly affects the organization of life: you have to put traditional tents, and since things would stumble, SKARB store mainly on huge sleigh.

Cold oven, Tatarstan


According to custom, which is still respected in Tatar villages, in the house where someone died, from the moment of his death or bring to the burial house and three days after it is necessary to "keep a cold stove", that is, it is impossible to cook. Despite the mention of the furnace, the prohibition concerns and cooking cold dishes like sandwiches and salads. So that the relatives of the deceased did not sit by the European man, they are in turn invite to themselves for lunch and dinner neighbors.

Mary Mary El


Not all the peoples of Russia moved into monotheistic beliefs, atheism, agnosticism or Buddhism. Among Mariers, there are many traditional beliefs. It is believed that now they make a transition from a multibium (the main god and a few gods are smaller) to his own attitude of the monotheism (when the gods are smaller become no more than the assistants of the chief God, like angels or saints). On large holidays, Mariyza from the villages and even places from cities go to the milesticks in the sacred groves - Kyusoto or Yumu-Oto, in the center of which is the altar tree - onpa. In addition, they pray during major family events or to get rid of the wrong misfortune. Separately, Mari men always note that their faith cannot be considered idolatry. The sacred trees are not intense for praying, just the grove itself is a place where you can burn out from the bustle of the world and turn the soothing soul to the gods.

Gorl singing, Siberia


It is not known why, but it fascinating the extraction of sounds from the very depths of the human throat seems to be something left in the Stone Age together with shamans in the skins on a naked body. In fact, this is a developed type of art, jested through the century to the present day in many nations of Russia. Gorel singing is considered to be their national species of art Tuvintsy, Khakasi, Bashkira, Yakuts, Buryats and who had once again to the west of Kalmyk. There are even several different techniques of thorny singing! And also - the movement for the ban on women to fulfill him, because traditionally it was forbidden. It was believed that the throat singing adversely affects fragile female health. However, none of the performers from his singing has not yet suffered.

Sacrificing Animal, North Caucasus


In Judaism, the animal sacrificed to God, having hesitating him. In Christianity, they decided to refuse an animal from killing, and the last bloody victim to consider Christ. In Islam, they decided to abandon the failure to challenge the sacrificial animal and cut the lamb for the holiday, which is called: the feast of sacrifice, Kurban Bayram. So hear the lamb breaking in a modern asphalt-concrete city is not that a miracle. In more northern cities, Muslims are trying to sacrifice in forest parks to avoid skirmishes with shocked citizens of other denominations.

Buying birds. Everywhere


Until now, even in the largest cities of Russia, the Russians respect the rite of issuing birds for the Annunciation. Custom beautiful: you need to buy a bird in a cage, take it in your hands and throw it up to flew to the will. It is confused by the fact that the bird then dies. First, from injuries obtained when capturing. Secondly, from weakness: she spent two days or two in stress and without food from the seller in a cage (they simply needed to feed the birds from which they soon get rid of). Bird forces often grabs two or three cotton wings. Taking into account the number of people who comply with the number and correlating the number of birds dying every year every year, forces the ecologists to grab the heart. But the beautiful custom is more important than any arguments of mind and humanity, so it is not possible to negotiate it.

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