5 errors that every woman performs in their lives


5 errors that every woman performs in their lives 38819_1
As if parents did not try, giving akin tips, children prefer to learn from their mistakes. This applies not only to childhood and youth, a and adult life. Women are distinguished by high emotion, so they perceive their defeats with a chagrin, turning themselves, giving themselves the word to listen to the senior sentences.

So, mistakes that every woman performs at a certain stage of life

1. Incorrect selection of life satellite

Communicating with a man, the girl sees all his flaws, mistaken that he will be different towards her. But people do not change, hope this makes no sense. At first, the relationship is not with that man is wonderful, because young people are in love. After some time, misunderstandings begin, conflicts, and then the union breaks. And the woman begins to understand that she made a big mistake. Well, if at this time she still does not have 1-2 children.

2. Unsuitable girlfriend

The ladies have a property to envy, make nasty. Bad, if a friend smiles in the face, saying pleasant things, gives delight advice, but he discusses his back, trying to harm. Smiling, she will definitely say that the party is worth putting the outfit, in which it is actually better not to throw garbage. Such friendship can last for years.

3. Wrong selection of hair haircut and color

Stylish woman becomes over the years. In the youth, all young ladies conduct experiments with a hairstyle, clothes style. Stay naughty curls instead of straightening them. Crop the curls when you can make a biochemical twist. Only with age it turns out to find the perfectly suitable hairstyle, style of clothing, and also learn to serve yourself. 4. not the university and work. In my youth, it is difficult to understand what you want from life. Here and love looms on the horizon, and it seems to work not particularly there is a desire. As a result, after graduation, the girl comes where their parents want, or where the best friend, the guy goes to learn. After learning, it comes to look for work, getting experience. And after a year or two it turns out that this education and the work has been chosen incorrectly. Of course, there is still time to get a different education, choose work for the soul, but it makes just a few.

5. Used opportunities

Each young lady is simply obliged to take the wrong decision at least once in the life. When they offer to go abroad by the company by an inexpensive ticket to look for there the opportunity to get an education or work, then because of the fear of change, the woman refuses. Or offer work on Poltavka during training in the university, because after graduation it will not be so easy to find, even having a diploma in his arms. And such missed opportunities can be a dozen hundred.

Errors made in life helps to gain experience, grow up, get rid of uncertainty and fears. But, of course, I would like to avoid serious mistakes that influence further life.

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