As the signs of the zodiac copier with Deadline


Modern life without dedlamine is impossible, in principle. Our editorial faithful gray in the apples magic ball suggests that you have (yes, here you personally have a grandilan right now. And you read PICS.RU. This is the right approach - read us, and then everyone fell on the stars. They are all True guilty. Well, who?



Capricorn Stoic. He is experiencing Deadlayna, chanting his teeth and not getting out of the chair to the last point in the report. And never complains. If you need not to sleep a week - it will not sleep for a week. Because the case for Capricorn is much more important than some kind of stupid health. Because of this cute, the facilities of the Capricors are very loved by vampires of puberty - Capricorn's blood is used by them as energy, due to the excavatory caffeine content.



Aquarius are too high to keep track of the dates in the calendar. They always look in the distance and behind the horizon, not the fact that your landed stupid customer. If you are the head of the Aquarius, you need to clearly track the moment when the essence of the task is to coincide with the desire of the left heel of the Aquarius. Then you will receive a five-year apartment in three days. Aquarius is working in about the same way as high-way. They can do everything. That is - in general everything. Just need to remember the left heel.



Fish, as you know, live in the world of illusions. Therefore, they do everything on time. True, it constantly turns out to be at all right on time, which is actually. "And what did you need to pass yesterday? And what was the number yesterday? UPS. " After that, the fish before the cod beats himself in the chest and swear with a tear, that the pad happened for the last time, and from now on, never again! They certainly do not believe, but sigh and forgive. And fish, as usual, everything comes with hands. And why? Right, because fish are nyashki.



Aries lives in Permanent Deadline. If the work does not imply Deadline and "AAA, everything disappeared, we will die!" Aries will not take it, because work without nerves is some kind of work, and not work, I apologize wildly. Therefore, any strange people are constantly running for Aries, they are masting bills and are interested in: "And when?", "And you promised to call back yesterday, right?", "And where are you at all?" Naive. To shoot a drunk horse, you need to catch it at least.



When the deadline is unnoticed by the calf, his close spickers and canned food and rushing in a concrete bunker. If there is no canned food with them, they will eat matches, the main thing is to wash it on time. For the Battle of Taurus and Deadline is much epicer than the battle of Titans with Häkatonheira: Alive will not be left in the radius of tens of kilometers. And smart people try to stay away when Taurus Dedilan, and he cannot work in such conditions.



If twins are Dedine, instead of brain mobilization, they develop procrastination in the terminal stage. Rather, not so. If twins have a quiet job, they immediately find a thousand parallel affairs (including parallel work), so as not to make the first job, to arrange a grandilan and fill all the work at once. To engage in consistently in one thing, then another, to have a beautiful schedule and the twins do not manage to be bored. Yes, I had to write this horoscope three weeks ago. Yes, I'm twins. Cut.



In fact, raks are trying to find a job on which Dedlinins will not. So what is boring? But there is time on beer, and beer cooler adrenaline. But if suddenly the cancer falls into the situation "Dedilan", it is completely pointless to run around him, wave with his hands, rushing and call on his head sulfur, rain from the toad and insight. Cancer strictly say: "I work, do not interfere with", and it will be thoughtfully on the mouse. Not in the sense - just on the mouse, and in the sense - it's quite easy to work. At a convenient pace. And let the whole world wait.



Lions love deedlains. Maybe they are not recognized in this, but we clearly see it into our regular editorial astrological telescope. The lion's horse is the ability to make quick solutions - not every day in office routine can be in demand every day. And the lions like the real masters of Kung Fu, never demonstrate their art without necessity. Therefore, if the deedlanine is not, believe me, the lions will arrange it from minute. At least just in order to admire the mirror on its perfect combat rack. Well, the fact that everyone around has been seen even in intimate places is already the details.



If the Virgin happened to Dedilan, then there was some counterparty. Virgo herself to arrange a grandilan who cannot, by definition. She has everything painted, all is planned, everything is taken into account and can not be any linings. The problem is that the Virgin does not always work with robots, sometimes they have to work with these miserable insignificant people who will certainly push everything. Therefore, Virgo with a cute smile cleans the ends on their own (you want to do well - do it yourself), and at night sticks the metaphorical (or not) needles in metaphorical (or not) dolls of their colleagues.



Scales to deedlines belong without a pitue. Well, Dedilan, well, everything disappeared, think, work on. Moreover, their pofigistic attitude towards "all-Palu" scales spread to others, than they will be stopped by panic attacks in the office, and work will be worried about surrender. Or does not persuade. In the latter case, the scales shake their shoulders and say: "I have nothing terrible, next time you have time, put the stapler, raise your hands so that I saw them, and let's talk calmly." Maybe the scales later cry at nights from fatigue and injustice, but no one ever seen.



Sandine Scorpion has one, but solid, reason: the customer is stupid. Why are the most stupid customers on the planet get used to scorpions - this is one of the basic secrets of the universe. But the fact remains a fact - it is scorpions that receive TK in the form: "We would like to call our advertising campaign" Dead Drozda ". We are a little embarrassed by birds in the title, but it is impossible to change. " An hour before the delivery of Scorpio usually receives a letter with the text: "The situation is such. Customer against. But we are for. Get out? " Therefore, scorpions spend the night in the office and totat from there for the free wearing of firearm.



Sagittarius meets Deadline with humility and despair. Even if the most stupid in the world, the Customer accidentally missed the scorpion and got into the Sagittarius, the latter still will think: "I am guilty myself." Almost any other sign of the zodiac, deciding to progress in the situation of Deadline, will come up with a bunch of excuses - I work, just drinking coffee and smoke, and I will see the last series of TBV. But the shooter is not like that. He will not deceive himself. Sagittarius will be pronounced by self-fighting. He will explain in detail the mirror, as she reached such a life, hens himself, pay, will make this stupid work and will sleep for some reason wildly satisfied.

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