11 films that are worth watching only in an embrace with someone warm


Frost is defrosting, and the worst thing for Muscovites and Pytherstess seems to be behind. So the winter thriller in the winter evening will cause not sobbing fresh pain, but what should cause - light chills and pleasant excitement. More precisely, of course, terrible excitement, during which it is so nice to warm in the arms of each other.

Here are eleven excellent thrillers whose action takes place in winter. Choose for a small home dating any, to your taste.

Mom (2013)

Guillermo del Torro


Del Torro is a big craftsman to catch up with a nightmare, without making it quite unbearable. A certain man paints his daughters, brings to the hut in the forest and tries to kill them - but at that moment he myself kills something. After a few years, the girls are found, and relatives are taken to themselves. But together with them from the hut, it seemed to have broken into a big world, then something is that the girls themselves are called "mom."

Special sympathy of the audience will cause uncle girls, the actor, known to us more by Jame Lannerner.

Fight (2011)

Joe Karnahan


For those who in childhood adored Jack London. Our days, a small oil company with ordinary employees on board suffers disaster due to a snowy storm. A group of survivors turns out to be in the midst of the endless ice silence of Alaska - but they are not alone. The fallen plane involved invaded the hunting grounds of fierce northern wolves, people for them - both rivals and mining.

Now the survivors need to get to at least some kind of civilization before the wolves are overgrown by one.

No ghosts and vampires. In real life there are things much more terrible. The film keeps in tension to the last.

In the role of the main character - magnificent, will not be afraid of this word, Liam Nison.

Bagher rivers (2000)

Mother Cassovitz


The scientific townships lost in the mountains, mysterious murders, peasant children who are born blind or with other flaws ... It looks like a classic horror film with a bleeding, satanists and vampires. The bloodstream in the film will be. But instead of Satanists and vampires, some worse will be discovered ... People.

If you missed this instantly became a classic detective thriller, perhaps it is time to see it. Moreover, the investigation leads Jean Reno.

Through the snow (2013)

Pon Zhong Ho


A strange, beautiful, constantly holding in the tension of the anti-nightopia, which one belongs to the thrillers, others - to the action. Due to the climatic catastrophe on Earth, the scary of the glacial periods occurred. All living things - and people too - extinct.

Everything, except for the servant and passengers, specially designed for survival of the super-trip. He rushes around the planet through endless snow, and people are born in his cars and die. Some - in comfort, others - crowded in the third-class wagons, starving, constantly "thinned by the army under the control of VIP passengers.

Every year the train chief takes a strange tribute - several young children. No one ever sees them later. The next fence of children gives rise to a bloody riot, and the head of the riskers, Kortis performed by Chris Evans, decides to go ahead, to the very first car, in search of truth and justice.

The ending will surprise even the sophisticated viewer.

In winter hibernation (1997)

Tom Tykver


Pastoral and idyllic Alps, ski resort, tourists and local farmers ... It seems there is no place for the bloody drama there is no place - but it is located. The film was shot on the novel of the French writer Ann-Francoise Pijora, he is not all right, even the tight, melancholic, beautiful, defiantly filled with symbols and alluzia and very good for philological devies, who prefer a thread for a thread to unraase that terrible, what happens inside people, and not to watch On bloody slaughter.

The chain of our mistakes is never interrupted - and necessarily ends with someone's death.

Our advice: climb under the plaid with thermos with hot chocolate, do not get out to the very end. And be sure to take with you under the plaid of the same melancholic introvert.

Child of Darkness (2009)

Zhauma Colel Serra


Parents of two children, Daniela teenager and a little deaf-membranee Max, are decided to adopt one more child, Romanian orphans of nine years - singer, artist and a very optimistic girl.

Only the girl turns out to be a girl, and over the whole family hangs the threat of terrible death.

Sea of ​​stress, game in children's and parent fears and some blood.

Krampus (2015)

Michael Dogrti.


In Christmas, except for the Good Spirit, Santa, there is evil - Krampus. Just not everyone knows about it. Krampus loves to kill naughty kids and families who did not find consent to the Holy Holiday.

Classic on building a horror movie, where someone runs away, hides, kills one by one and more with a clown-butter, wherever without clown.

Frozen (2010)


Two guys and a girl in the winter at night forget on the top of the mountain. Ahead is a long weekend, around - snow, wolves and either a gram of food.

For recent adolescents, the city of young people, about Jack London heard only a glimpse of school, survival seems almost impossible. But they are very, very trying.

Good son (1993)

Joseph Ruben.


Little McColalia Kalkin once again plays a cute boy - a good son, a nice brother, a cute cousin. At least in the eyes of all surrounding adults. And only the cousin Mark sees the real face of the boy - the little killer of his brother Richard, trying to kill and all other applicants for the love of his mother.

And several times it turns out very close, incredibly close to the implementation of their plans.

By the way, the brand plays a boy with the most pure eyes in the world - no wonder him after many years they took playing the Hobbit Frodo ... Yes, this is the young elaja Wood.

Dream Catcher (2003)

Lawrence Caesdan


The film is recognized as one of the most dinner thrillers zero, but it does not interfere with the picture of having their own fans. Perhaps you will find one of them!

Four friends are faced with the invasion of aliens on Earth; Action on the detection and destruction of huge white worm-telepaths, implanted in the bodies of people and escaping from their ass, bizarrely intertwined with elements of mysticism - prophecies and visions. However, when you deal with telepaths, mystic may well be not mystics.

Blood, Suspantly and the salvation of the planet - if such a cocktail is like you, "Catcher of Dreams" - a film created for you.

Ghosts (2007)

Gregory Jacob.


In Canada, not only hockey and photos of deer, but also films. If you liked everything in the winter hibernation, but disappointed the absence of mysticism, then the "ghosts" is that the doctor prescribed. Melancholic, gloomy and with embittered souls, waiting for random travelers on an abandoned road.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: Frames from movies

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