Breaks are violence without violence, and the "Nutcracker" is the occult. 5 scandals from which the year began in Russia


Half of the month of the new 2017 has passed. And almost all she passed on holidays - nine days of folk festivities officially and, as usual, fourteen and fifteen in practice. Even this circumstance did not hurt to flare up new scandals, battles and holivars.

We collected five brightest of them in case you have fallen a little from the message from the holidays.

People against Pugacheva


After viewing the next "blue light", a citizen of Russia V. Manukyan felt extremely aesthetically insulted and ... created a petition that was immediately called the petition against Pugacheva. Following him, citizens created several more such petitions. To, then, forbidden to allow it to screens and mock people.

Petition instantly signed 150,000 people. Many Pugacheva insulted not aesthetic feelings, and the most common - they say, it's not good to sing a song about how you have to save due to the crisis, people who are really forced to seriously save, standing in front of them in diamonds.

Pugacheva answered in the tone "you just-all-envy."

Fans and Heyters break spears on the Internet: Is our all Alla Borisovna, or not everything, or not even our?

In the meantime, the creator of the very first petition, Vadim Manukyan, took and apologized to Pugacheva.

Spiritic sessions from Tchaikovsky


In Novosibirsk, the local Metropolitan Tikhon caused a scandal, in general, calling the ballet "Nutcracker" by the occultism, and the enchanted boy from the fairy tale is "clutch". It must be said that the same Metropolitan was previously fought with the Opera "Tangayer".

Incompleteners are suspected of fighting ballet from Tchaikovsky. An ordinary attempt to eliminate competition is suspected, because as an alternative, Metropolitan promotes the "Christmas" of the authorship in Novosibirsk.

The statement of Metropolitan caused a wave of indignation in the ranks of the ballet admirers. Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova spoke in relation to Metropolitan very sharply: "Popam I would advise you to sit in the church, pray for all of us and not climb into secular life and art," adding what the ballet Tchaikovsky "Saint" believes.

Beatings as family value: deputies voted for decriminalization of beatings in the family


In the news, in fact, the very fact, but the additional scandal is generated by the statements of our lawmakers about the incorrectness of criminal responsibility for beatings from those who should be your most close people.

So, Elena Mizulina stated that the beatings are "violence without violence." She also believes that the non-commodity in the family violates the "principle of equality of citizens on a family basis".

The second major clown of domestic Russian politics, Vitaly Milonov, said the protesters who spoke to him with him, which oppose the beatings is to speak against family values. In an amazing way, we note, Milonov and other deputies never attended to defend such family values ​​as love and mutual respect.

Noting that women are usually solved far from the first victims to appeal to the police, some Russian lawyers call on to write an application for systematic tortures.

Russians forced to answer for the king of Herod, for one day banning abortion


Civilians of Russia living in the Yaroslavl region have deprived of the opportunity to use the medical service to interrupt pregnancy in connection with ... killed, according to Christian beliefs, the king of Herod of Bethlehem babies.

The Department of Health sent a letter to hospitals with a recommendation to take a recommendation and such a way to note the memory of the Middle Eastern Infantt Cide of the two thousand years ago. 80% of hospitals did not decide the recommendations not to follow.

What happened to the resident of the Yaroslavl region, initiated the newsletter Yaroslavl Metropolitan and actually the Yaroslavl Department of Health explained not to decline.

New clip Pussy Riot: Trump rapes and kills America


Participants of the Pussy Riot group visualized the outrage of Americans and American women with statements and promises of Donald Trump, releasing the clip "Make America Great Again" ("We will make a great one again," Quote from Trump).

According to the plot of the Police Woman group with the hairstyle of A la Trump and the trappow-shaped police-men torture the Russian immigrant (Nadia Tolokly), putting stamps on it for inconsistencies in the image of "Right American" - non-American citizenship, not enough sexual appearance, unconventional orientation.

Then the joyful of the victory of Trump, the police detects that it is for what to declare incorrect. It is raped, branded for the perfect abortion and kill when trying to escape. A smiling policeman puts her leg on his back, like a hunter - an animal. The clip ends with words "(this) end."

Discussion of the clip, both in the United States and in Russia, are instantly turned into holivari.

Overlooked scandals: Lilit Mazikina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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