Come out into the courtyard! 10 games of your childhood who need to remember right now


In our young snipe years, we, the poor children of the Docifer Epoch, somehow came out without smartphones and tablets. And it still was what to do! We went to the street immediately after school, and returned dimly, and then only after the persistent call of "Aaaniya, Domomoo!" out of the window.

What did we do all this time? Do not remember? And we remember. Played as not in yourself. The yard games can come in handy and now, especially if the conversation on the picnic came to a dead end or darile guests devoured all the strawberries and bored.



What do you need: 4-5 meters of rubber band

Number of players: 3 and more

The rubber band is tied in the ring and stretches between the two players, and the third goat jumps through the stretched elastic band, highlighting all sorts of complex pretzels. Spacious for improvisation is huge. Gradually, the game becomes more complicated - the gum rises higher and above, first at the level of the knee, and there almost almost before the shock.

Rubber strokes train coordination, agility and feeling of rhythm, and such jumps are excellent cardio training.



What do you need: ring or any small object

Number of players: from 4.

Players sit in a row on the bench and fold the palm of one to the other, and the master bypasses them, saying "I wear a ring of a ring and give someone to someone" and puts his palms in them so that you can imperceptibly convey the subject matter. To whom the ring went, no one should notice. After that, the presenter says "Colecolor, go out onto the porch!" And the one who got a ring, jumps and tries to escape. The goal of the players is not to give it to get up from the bench.

According to the heat of passion and the need to follow the facial expressions of partners, it is almost that poker.

Traffic light


What do you need: Bright clothes and a piece of chalk

Number of players: Less than 4 uninteresting

On the asphalt drawn 2 lines at a distance of 5 from each other. Leading - He "traffic light" - becomes in the middle with his back to the players and calls any color, which will come to mind, and then quickly unfolds. Those players, in the clothes of which there are named color, are taken for the appropriate wardrobe object and switch the road. And if it was not necessary for the desired color, it remains only to go around - and quickly so that the "traffic light" does not catch. Outmaps type "And I have pink pants" not canvas. Either took his hand for color or not.

The game is specially invented for fashion.



What do you need: Ball

Number of players: from 4 and more

Players are in a circle. Beginner throws the ball to whom he wants and utters the word. If the named object is edible (for example, watermelon, fua-gra or cookie), the player catches the ball and quickly moves it to the next participant, saying the next word. If the object is an unbearable (shoe, for example, or an excavator, or a deadback rat), then the player should decound from the ball or repel it.

A sea of ​​joy and happiness ("Petka ate my sock!") And the skill training is quickly thinking.



What do you need: Asphalt, washer (or anything, a stone will come down or served his iPhone) and a piece of chalk

Number of players: 1 and more

On the asphalt draws a lattice of ten cells, each is written in each number. You kick the puck on the square with the number 1 and jump behind it on one leg. Shooting, jump back and kick a bit on the figure 2. Well, and so on. The main thing is not to step on the line and check the bit so that she fell into the center of the desired square. The rules of classics may vary and complicate - for example, on even figures you need to jump with one foot, on odd - two.

Classics train coordination. You do not believe - try to jump on one leg half an hour and do not collapse.

The sea is worried about


What do you need: Company and mood

Number of players: from 3, but better to play a big crowd

The presenter turns away from the players and the Naraspev reads the poem:

The sea worries times

The sea is worried about two,

The sea is worried about three,

Sea figure, on the spot Zershi!

The crowd at this time, giggling, depicts algae, octopuses, mermaids and Norwegian tankers - anything, if only about the sea. On the word "Zamri!" Everything naturally freeze. The master turns around, bypass players and takes turns to them.

He who was touched by whom again begins to portray the tanker, and the lead must guess that it is the tanker, and not a dolphin and not a "black pearl". We often complicated the game to the limit, imposing a veto on giggling in the process.

This game pumps artistic skills no worse than the "crocodile".



What do you need: rugged terrain

Number of players: from 2, but better more

The master turns away to the wall and considers to 20, 50, 100 - as you please. The rest at this time are hiding who where. The task of the master is not only to find everyone, but also to run with the ones detected to the very wall where it all starts.

The challenge of the player is not only to hide as not to find, but the first to reach the wall to knock on it - otherwise he will be leading in the next round.

Years 100-150 years ago hide and seekers were a completely normal salon game for quite adults, and it is not clear why we ignore them now. For summer cottages - the most it is.



What do you need: space

Number of players: from 3, but better more

Just like a shovel - the leading chasing the players to rally them - that is, touch the hand. Who osal, he becomes the lead. The sharpness of this simple game was added by the variation of Sifa - they needed to spool not with hand, but some soft thing that you can throw. Most often it was a smelly sweaty sock.

And even better, if each outstanding turns into a pursuer - then the last surviving has to surprise from the whole crowd.

An excellent idea for those who are boring to the marathons, but to warm up the hunt.

Will you go to the ball?


What do you need : never mind

Number of players: from 2.

If there is no longer forces to run, you can entertain intelligent. The presenter says "black with white do not take, and no do not say. Will you go to the ball? " The second player must answer the question so as to avoid forbidden words. But the presenter continues to trust - and the dress you put on? And will I have ice cream? And what color ice cream are served on the ball?

The goal of the lead is to ask as more crazy questions as possible, provoking the player still say "yes", "no", "white" or "black". You can play one one or ask questions in a circle.

How nothing trains the skill to "follow the Bazas" and look for streamlined wording. Champions on "Ball" are probably lawyers now.



What do you need: Wide selection of small objects of different value, piece of glass

Number of players: Strictly speaking, one. And narrow circle of favorites for demonstration

Not so much a game as thin art. Little pumped rushes in the ground. Treasures are laid out in the pink - scraps of foils, beads, dead bumblebees, dried flowers and bearing balls. All exposure is covered with a piece of glass and the ground is slightly rushed.

Everything, the beauty is ready, and now you need to find a decent connoisseur and whisper to him in the ear "Do you want to show secretik?" And proudly demonstrate their work.

What is your scrapbooking there! Secrets are much cooler. Especially if you have a child (preferably a female female), which can be conveyed to all the secrets of skill.

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