What is - to be a child of an alcoholic? First person story


Do you know that terrible in stories with children from families with alcoholics? After reading them, you will not experience horror. Because hell is Nearby - this is normal. You got used to him. Everyone is accustomed to him. So, as if the children stopped suffering.

We collected real stories of our readers.

I remember well when I realized that I live in a disadvantaged family

Usually I did the look that I slept, lying quietly and caught every word of parents who swear in the kitchen, because there was such a moment in the quarrel when I had to run and distribute, I was afraid that they were afraid of each other. Here one of these evenings reached me that I was an alcoholic daughter.

When I became older, Dad most often appeared in a state, when he could no longer swear, because he could not speak. It was important for me that he came home to spend the night, at least what, but home.

I remember was winter, time to midnight, there is no dad and no, mom in tears and snot .. I was about 12 or 13 years old. I pulled a coat on the pajamas, the barefoot climbed into the boots and went to look for it. On the street after thawed, I liked it, I myself could hardly move - it was so slippery. I went alone to wander on our private sector on the outskirts of Minsk. (In a few years, dad is in these places will receive a fatal blow to a knife. By that time I already guessed that he would feel bad, and I was constantly dreaming of dreams about his death. Apparently, therefore I went to look for, it seemed to me that I could save keep from the most terrible).

The area was dangerous, I was afraid of terrible, but I was, for some reason I was sure that he was there

I walked, maybe half an hour, and saw him! ... how he stood on his legs on this ice - I did not understand. He led home. I thought only did not fall, because he was big, and I would one faithfully raise it. At the end practically fiber it on himself. I went home - and there mom sobs and moans in the hysterics, and the smell of the Valocard.

In the warm dad immediately removed finally, and he plugged in the corridor. Mom refused to help me, was too passionate about his unfortunate fate. As a result, I dad into some kind of section and put in bed, somehow calmed my mother, and with a feeling that now everything is fine, fell asleep.

And then he did not come home for the first time, and I no longer found it in our surroundings. I did not sleep all night, got up at five in the morning and on the first train went to the cottage. We then only received a plot on our family and on family of mother's parents. There was a shed with a small ottoy. He was there - he slept one drunk. How I was delighted!

Then the second one happened, the third time .. I thought I got used to, and no longer tracked him. I entered the university, a new life began, and I stopped thinking so much about the forever drunk dad. A year after my receipt in the university, it was killed.

PICS.RU will not write a word about how many families in Russia with father, mother or both parents-alcoholics. You do not need it. The likelihood that you yourself are from such a family, very high, even if you are a daughter engineer or professor. The likelihood that you see how much the problem is assessed, seeks to 100%

Dad began to abuse alcohol when I was about 13 years old

The house was tense, heavy atmosphere. I shoned that my dad was drinking. He was very aggressive periods, his aggression was mainly aimed at my older brother, less often on Mom, several times at me. There were situations when I got up between my father and brother, it helped. After that, I felt pride, I can stop the fight or scandal.

I was 12 years 12, when I poured in the toilet of fathers, stocks of alcohol

He came, I was looking for. Not found. She said that he poured - did not believe. For a few hours, he sat in the kitchen in front of me and wept "Well, give me, well, please. I really need "for different frets. It was disgusting.

I drank grandfather

Glass for dinner, plus once a month another care in the cutter. It did not prevent him from build a house, grow three children, work to old age. I myself was afraid of my grandfather in childhood, precisely because it was like two different people: sober - strict and laconic, veteran, and drunk is a surging clown. I was afraid and despised a little.

Children after five are very hard to experience the behavior of the parent-alcoholic behavior, even if (that rarity) he does not insult or beats the home. PICS.RU still will not lead research or numbers, because, unfortunately, you and you know all this

Live with an alcoholic - I don't care what to live with a short

Only the full moon do not track down. So he is the best dad and husband, you walk together or watch a movie or cook something. And here he is a disgusting, dangerous creature, which is inacked by insults, rushes with fists. Especially terrible was that I could not find the strength to even try to protect my mother. Maybe he would not dare to touch me, I heard a lot of these stories. But I just cried and watched.

Mom does not blame anything.

Fucked out of the house at the first opportunity, went to learn to another city. I do not believe in justifying the type "Well, on the drunk" was "or" the devil. " The devil could take a time, but when you are doing the disgusting things once at once, it means you want to do them. Hate father. I am glad that when I escaped, the mother found the strength to leave her grandmother and not return.

In childhood, almost imperceptibly, do not understand especially

Then the restriction of communication with friends (not from parents, herself) - I do not want to watch it. And the insult, it seems that the resource of the family decreases because of this (probably, Mom voiced). The most unpleasant was when the father was so drunk that he could fall to fall asleep right in the kitchen, for example.

Little saw in the news plot, where a drunk father raped her daughter

I already knew what it means. From that hour I was hurt by horror, I even had a dream that my father, got drunk, not only yells on me, as usual, but also throws onto the floor and burst tops. I was shaking from horror.

A large number of household killings are made in drunk. Fortunately, at the same time, children rarely kill. Fortunately, with the murder of a drunken father, their children or her children are also rarely present. There is something to be happy, right?

My father drank how much I remember

For the past 20 years, he drinks every day, but the ribs happen (this is when a person drinks without stopping 3-4 in a row). Health is enough for him. It is not aggressive, no. Never have a hand on anyone. But there is one huge flaw in it - it is impossible for him to rely on anything, even in the smallest. If suddenly I looked for a perspective to drink, he will forget everything - promises, oaths.

I was lucky, dad was not evil

Good glad and tearful. And I was bitterly offended every time he drank money that it was necessary to go to school on textbooks or on an excursion, or put on my shoes, or when I told me to walk, and I met in a friend's park, and they drank, And I dangle near a lot of hours, hungry, and by evening and frozen. Each time vodka was more expensive to him.

What is it - to be a child from the family of alcoholics?

This is very shameful. Because your stepfather shook in the front or lying drunk under the fence, and everyone sees, and it seems that you look at how to google (maybe, and in fact watching).

It's very scary. Because the alcoholic is aggressive, and at any moment in the house there can be a scandal and mordeobo. Alcoholism and domestic violence often go hand in hand. He poured the mother constantly, to us, children, flew when we tried to come up for her.

Alcoholic in the house is never any rest. These are booze with loud music to a deep night, and everyone doesn't care that we are early to get up early and go to school. These are spoiled holidays - because for the holiday, he will definitely go out and arranges all black life. For some reason, it is especially loved to spoil the holidays. These are made from home and impregnated things - or just broken in the attack of rage.

It is still hungry. Alcoholic cannot fully work. We eventually lost their work - he was a sailor, and became a sub-worker with whom the moonshine was calculated. True, he always enough for vodka, but for food for children is not a fact, not a fact. Alcoholism often leads to poverty, at least with our family was so. Mom worked and fed us, three children, and his, alcoholic, too, will of the Will-Neil.

Get rid of alcoholic is very difficult. It was not possible to write it out of the apartment, because he had no place to go, but "not anywhere" did not write anywhere. The police for family scandals did not help. I tried to call - it is useless, said: "When someone is killed, come." Mother once was able to stuff him in LTP for six months. It was a paradise time - silence, peace, and eating more. But then he returned and everything became even worse. On the very first day I beat my mother and broke her nose.

For years at 13, I was thinking at one time, whether it was not killed. Seriously. Considered two options - either a crystal scammer on the head, when he sleeps, or get a methyl alcohol and slip. I knew that there is no criminal responsibility at this age.

But then I was told that if the child commits a crime, then the mother can land, and the child is sent to a special boarding school for children. Only it stopped me.

But once I loved the stepfather, called him dad. He was a good man until he was cut. And then - gradual degradation, destruction of the individual, the transformation of the once normal person in an eternally drunk evil dirty animal. He even stopped to wash - he was not worried about the appearance, only where to get a "clock". As a result, he lived in one of two rooms, and we are all in the other, because no one wanted with him in the same room. What a stench was there ... He could scratch right on the floor, when he could not climb from the sofa. Well, or right on the sofa. It is disgusting.

I escaped from the house at the age of 16 - it was impossible to live there, and I still stopped feeding me. Returned after four when he died - the heart could not stand it so so, and he was only 40 years old. He died like a dog - fell under the doors and no longer rose. His death was relieved for everyone.

Do you know how often the children of alcoholics have heard from the small years that children of alcoholics are doomed to alcoholism and marginal existence? Such studies, by the way, no. But you think you imagine. And it still does not make the usual hell less familiar. Because it is too normal for this world.

I lived with my grandfather and grandmother

The grandfather drank, but nobody called him alcoholic. If only because in this house, where the tenants consisted of solid military and their families, so drank every second. Alcoholics are, in the consciousness of our circle of communication, there were some completely lowered people who are lying under the store. And our grandfathers and fathers are not like that, they live at home, wear clean clothes. And what can be drunk regularly to unconsciousness - the matter is everyday.

Father became an alcoholic in my eyes

I remember him still with my best friend, thereby dad that "can anything". It was calm with him, interesting, he always could teach something. And then ... He gradually began to separate when he ate. Put a bottle of brandy. First winemake. Then two. Then mom began seriously nervous about this. And dad began to be angry ...

Somehow the clashes came to the house. And after - scandals. And then - the ribs and nightmares, while there is a drink: the father became inadequate, he could swear for hours, not to sleep and eat, forbade the mother to communicate with friends and for any healing was taken to torment his mother.

Then the filing ended and became light. Mom believed or wanted to believe that he would fix. These days were very good.

And on these swings we lived in disabilities for a long time: my mother was afraid that if we and I would leave my sister - my father would destroy her. Only "married" was allowed ...

We can write that if you are an alcoholic - it is important to start treatment immediately. If you, the chances of what are higher, live with an alcoholic, and long one will be only worse and for yourself and children you need to get out of relationships with him. But that's what you know. Everybody knows. And nothing changes. Therefore, we do not know what to write to change.

Maybe you know?

The article is prepared by Lilith Mazikina

Photos shutterstock

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