Guide in Russia. Rostov-on-Don


Rost. said - made. Remember, we promised you guidebooks on the most cool cities of Russia? Last time we told about Vladivostok, and now we present you fresh, with heat from the heat, a guide to Rostov-on-Don. It turned out that it is almost the Russian Naples, only better. Want to boast your city? Write on [email protected] and tell about interesting places, and the rest will give us.

Rostov-on-Don is the "Caucasus Gate", the closest relative of Odessa and the Don Capital. The city, where Armenians, Cossacks, Tatars, Greeks, Jews, Ukrainians and Russians in two and a half centuries, were mixed so much that it was easier to separate whiskey from the cola than to say where the border was going on, separating these cultures. The city center is a fashionable Europe with hordes of hipsters, Nakhichevan - Little Armenia, where market sellers call you a "sister" and help choose the most delicious peach, and the waterfront of the don with ease removes the English Promenade in Nice. We are serious.

What is it at all?

In old days, Rostov was called "Don Babylon" - for a boiler life and a combination of incompatible. Behind the luxurious classic facades, the dilapidated yards are sometimes hiding, the real southern bazaars are hidden. Immediately behind the pompous theatrical square begins the fumeted area with the ungually name of the govnik. While the townspeople take pictures of Hollywood stars at the opening of the BRIDGE OF ARTS Festival, somewhere on the neighboring streets travels on a three-wheeled bike. The famous Baba Lyuba, a kind of Maskot Rostov - not to say that the city is crazy, but without a doubt a woman with oddities. And on Don, not only "Cossack is walking young", but also the geographical border between Europe and Asia passes.


What's happening?

In September, the international jazz festival is arranged in Rostov, which goes immediately on several sites, including in Gorky Park. In this city, some kind of terrifying number of steep dixiend bends - their participants bake in the local children's jazz school, and such institutions for the whole of Russia units.

But do not think that the Rostov team is completely - philharmonic aesthetes and sangules. In May, these units arrange races on tuning tractors "Bison-Track Show". The main prize of racing is the Belarus tractor. Jazz and Tractor Rodeo, yes. We have already said that the chip of Rostov is a combination of incompatible? Here you go.


In June, everyone can from the Puz to naughty Chuck Chuck on the Tatar "Sabanta", which is satisfied with the cultural center "Yaktashlar". I miss the "Sabantuy" - do not ride, in September, the holiday "Rostov Multinational" is held on the Embankment. Do not look at the dull name - in fact it is an epic food market, which presents a festive cuisine of all Rostov diasporas.

And in August of this year, the international festival of the Motivational Cinema of Bridge of Arts was organized with good films of the genre "Enough to whine, go and act", Celabriti and Fireworks. I liked everyone, they say, once again will arrange.

Where to walk?

It is best to start a walk immediately from the station square, in a large garden to Gorky Park. At the entrance to the Gorky Park there is a monument to the boxist. Major a desire, throw him a coin in the box. Yes, Porotnikov Kotanikova - Locals assure that after this ritual, the desire will certainly come true. In addition to their ritual - every year they curtail the merchant to the tan. He does not seem to mind.

The park itself is old, even pre-revolutionary, and some corners are preserved intact from royal times. Having emerged from the park, you get to Pushkin, the most green and cozy street of Rostov. She is almost completely pedestrian, and the Rostov-Taki pedestrously - here is always a lot of beautiful and pleasant people. Blowing in chic book collapse near the public library (in it, by the way, all kinds of fashion events are constantly passing) to intercept the cup of cappuccino in a small street cafe and presents to the historical buildings, which are holling and cherished - Paramonov and Eve Spiers, Supprunova, which is eccentric The owner in parts was driving from Italy. At the end of the 19th century, the alliance of generous merchants and young talented architects played a prominent role in creating a unique atmosphere and the style of pre-revolutionary Rostov.


Pushkinskaya Street rests on the theater area with a singing fountain, the main part of the city. The building of the Rostov Academic Drama Theater them. M. Gorky is a real masterpiece of constructivism and one of the two buildings of Russia presented in the London Museum of Architecture History. Because of the unusual form, it is called the "Theater Tractor". Under the "cabin" is a bas-relief with scenes depicting the Great Patriotic War. Well, you already realized that the most tender relationship with the tractors in Rostov.


Immediately behind the theatrical square, the Revolution Park was spread. Here are soft lawns and pathetic restaurants, red-hot proteins and pink flamingos, rope parks for adults and children, table tennis and rink, sports field, free Wi-Fi - in general, everything as we love. And across the road, in a small park, Viti Cherevichkina, with the onset of darkness gather the performers of the fayer show and train in a dilapidated amphitheater. The spectacle is fascinating.

In some distance from the city, in the lower reaches of Don, there is a green island, which divides the river into two sleeves. The place is strange, if not to say - mystical. People regularly see there with some glowing balls, sparks in the air and phosphorescent silhouettes of people among trees. Before the Great Patriotic War, the island took the NKVD troops and something secretly and very hastily took out from there on the trucks, and during the fascist occupation, this empty block of land was protected by somehow very zheno. Obviously, it was not all - those who entered the island, complained about the inexplicable panic attacks, dizziness and dips in memory. The cherry grows the size of the Ranetk size, and there are suspicions that once the green island became the place of the crash of an alien cosmolete.

And about the Rostov catacombs, which are allegedly located right under the city, tell us very terrible stories in the spirit of Lovekraft - people disappeared there during the laying of underground communications. All that they remained - a pair of bones and wished cables ... But not all the dungeons are terrible - some underground transitions of Rostov-on-Don are real works of art. They are decorated with a mosaic of the Soviet era, and the pictures cover the walls from the floor to the ceiling. One of these transitions is located at the intersection of a large garden street and Voroshilovsky Prospect.

One of the most famous (and sad) places of the city - Parmon warehouses, or simply paramons, ancient warehouse complex surrounding the mineral source. In one of the buildings not fully destroyed, a natural spring pool was formed. A cool place for photo sessions in the style of "All Tlen". The picturesque ruins were the hallmark of the city, but to the World Cup, which will be held in Rostov in 2018, the city authorities decided to "conduct a reconstruction" of Paramonov, that is, simply demolish them. "Well right now!" - said Rostovchant and launched a real campaign to save this melancholic corner of the city. PICS.RU Solid cards with them - if the Paramones take and suck, they will not be.


Here the old pasta factory was undermined - and the modern art center "Makaronka" turned out with theatrical platform and exhibition spaces. No worse than the "winery", by the way. You can join modern art and in the small museum on Dmitrovskaya - it is located next to the Great Sadovaya Street. The exposition is small, but very worthy, and the entrance is free.

What to eat?


It is possible to quietly feed on "tobacco" - a former tobacco factory, once encountered a whole quarter at the intersection of the Red Army Street and the newspaper alley. Here with a dozen restaurants and cafes. On Pushkinskaya Street there is a cozy coffee shop "8 grains", and in the district of the central city hospital there is a whole streetfood market - they are preparing everything, from donuts to Fakhitos. In the French Bagist "Baguet Pate" serves, naturally, pies, fresh pastries and Paris charm, in the "Bukovski" walk behind steaks and delicious local fish, and fetuly tailoring excellent dumplings in the cafe "sour cream" on a large garden, 80. and Understand the local specialty - the freshest, huge boiled crayfish. They are sold literally everywhere. Rosovchant themselves respect the "Cancer No. 1", where these monsters are not only boiled, but also deliver where to say.

Where to make selfie?

Done's embankment is a very photogenic walking route. Every weekend of the summer, there are festivals, exhibitions of retro cars, master classes on yoga and dance, and on the city day on the river are satisfied with the sailing regatta. Right from the tile of the walkway, the fountain jets are beaten, and many different monuments are installed along the promenade - Donu-Batyushka, Rosovchanka, Naulenka and other characters. When, after hundreds of Selfie, the pipe will sit down, go to the corner for charging gadgets. And then you can ride along the Don on the Wheelper, and you can just get into the soft lawn and look into the sky.

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