Strange Myths of Contemporary Men: Franjon and Other nonsense


There is nothing new under the sun. The whole story of civilization boys who did not have a special experience of communicating with girls, invented fairy tales on relationships and trusted each other with trepidation, which women actually want. The difference between the historical epochs and the twenty-first century is only in the fact that the boys of our time are often thirty years old, and they behave in their strange myths so that they leave us without the slightest chance of themselves.

And then also offended, beech.



The most popular and strange of modern male myths says that there is nothing worse than to be in the position of a friend or even just a good buddy of some girl and that every girl is deliberately making himself male friends with mercenary goals.

Fredsonza is declared almost any situation when the girl boy smiled, but "did not give." And break out of this zone allegedly.

You will be announced by a fronnestone if you: 1) just very nice and try to be in good relationship with everyone, and the guy clearly initiates these good relations - not to span it, 2) the guy is really interesting for you as a friend and for the same reason as a person , but in my bed, you never imagined it, 3) Finally, if you still imagined this guy in bed, but you want to first establish normal, human relationships and learn it better; A rare girl is thrown into the ohwut at all. A special case - when you pull to the guy, but you are in a permanent relationship with another and for some reason you do not want to interrupt them and do not consider it possible to change it.

According to the ideas of modern boys, the girls hold Franzon with two targets. First, to force the guys, calling for friendship, repair it, and help in general. (Do you suggest your help in response, not taken into account). Secondly, to have a spare chakhal in case the current relationships are not priced.

In the last myth even there is a rational grain. How many girls, sobbing after parting, were looking for comfort and new love for those who have long known and who have proven themselves as a good man! Here, by the way, the answer guys, whether it is possible to get out of Friends, like why. But if the guy is friendly only for the sake of this chance and nothing more, then, honestly, let him immediately be in the ass.

The most tin, when you more than transparently hinting a boy: "I would like to have my boyfriend look like you!", And he shouts "Ah-ah! Franconzer! " Runs into the sunset.

Sex for food


Really, the hungry years are far from us almost like the moon, but many modern boys assure themselves and each other that a woman who agreed to choke a hamburger or even chop by a man, automatically agreed to sleep with him. Some even believe that a glass or a cup of any drink means such consent.

Most likely, the fact is that the concept of flirting is now or disappeared at all, or brightened to a look at this cute game, as for the prelude to a mandatory sexual act. Traditionally, the flirting was fun not consisting of men and women, allowing to keep in a tone, to receive innocent pleasure, look after each other and, perhaps, gradually get closer. Why did the man paid in the order of Flirt? Just because the men were traditionally the men were better with money. And now often too. In addition, this allowed the guy to demonstrate its social consistency and, albeit in conditional form, generosity.

Here the girl at all advise nothing, except how to directly warn that it does not fuck for food, or to share the score in half. A guy with myth in my head we advise you to go to the ass.

A man should be a little terrible monkey


A woman on the appearance of a man does not look, but only a gay watch. No, the boys really think so! Well, not all, but many. Probably, they also believe that all men up to the twentieth century were gay, because it was practiced to use perfume and lay the hair throughout the men everywhere. Even in the peasant environment: guys to attract the attention of girls, mined their own shirt and walked with scallop, constantly leading to her hair. Also flowers on the cards and caps clinging.

And correctly did. In fact, most of us are very strictly belonging to the tidy of the potential partner and between the tightened and with a pretty haircut and a loose miracle in stretched workings choose, of course, the first one. Love for clean and beautiful in girls, you know, since childhood is raised.

Alfa-Samutantness, or women love bad guys


Myth, which in disgusting, perhaps, survived all three preceding. According to the ideas of some modern boys, the girls sleep only with Alfach, and to be Alfach, it is necessary to depict an aggressive schmuck, constantly criticize the girl, threaten her, to behave like the last Ham. Some even recommend resorting to physical and sexual violence.

I must say that girls with childhood injuries, from dysfunctional families with alcoholic fathers or sadists, can really stick, finding a copy of the father, and not even understand how it happened. But, first, it is sin to use other people's injuries, secondly, not all girls are so wrong and, thirdly, nothing can justify the desire to be an asshole. Just nothing. And yes, gentlemen "Alpha". Go to the ass.

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