Wild West, Aristocrats and Gangsters: 12 most truthful TV series


We are watching the serials for the sake of entertainment, and not tedious tours in history or science. But still, sooner or later, the divorce from reality begins to strain. All cops catch on the day by Maniac. All doctors are just done that they kiss in the corners ... How much can you?

For the discerning spectators, we gathered a dozen serials that were highly appreciated by their professional professionals.

About novice doctors - "Clinic" (2001 - 2010)

Oddly enough, it is this comedy series, full of absurd and almost fantastic scenes, doctors appreciate. It is in him that the dynamics of the doctor's work is best. There is a place for routine, stupidity, helplessness and fear. And, of course, the cleaner! Many doctors recognize in the main hero, Ji Di, themselves in youth. For realism Thanks to the creator of the series, Bill Lawrence, who, first of all, relied on the history of his friend youth, Cardiologist Jonathan Doris. And secondly, every year sent scripts to interview five doctors. By the way, he turned into the plot and the bikes sent by doctors on their own initiative.

About Doctors-Profi - "Chestova Service at the MASS Hospital" (1972 - 1983)

The author of the book, which reached the series about the work of the military field hospital on the days of the war in Korea, remained the film is dissatisfied. But not because of accuracy in the details! And because his main character from the conservative and the patriot made the hatering war. With military field medicine, everything is cool here, especially in the first seasons. The director consulted with military doctors and founded a lot on their stories, a medical jargon turned well and perfectly showed the image of a physician suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

About policemen - "Law and Order" (1990 - 2010)

According to American lawyers, it is this series that the best shows how police officers conduct investigations. The concept of the series was very unusual for its time. Each episode is divided into two parts. The first half shows the work of detectives on the streets of New York, the second is devoted to the work of the accusation of the courtroom. Cases (especially for the first seasons) were selected from real practice, and not from the most high-profile news headers. In addition, the tense relations of the police, prosecutors and politicians are very accurately reflected.

About the wild west - "hell on wheels" (2011 - ...)

The former Confederate Callen Bochhanon is looking for a soldier of the Union, who killed his wife and child. To do this, it is arranged for the construction of the Union Pacific Transcontinental Railway in Nebraska and leaves civilized places. Gloomy western unfolds under the knock of the iron wheels. Everything and all very convincing, from prostitutes, to geodesists, including, of course, costumes, weapons and locomotives. The history of the railway is written off, in general, with the events of the 1860s.

About aristocrats - "Abbey Dounton" (2010 - ...)

The exciting series about the life of the aristocratic family at the beginning of the 20th century, on the one hand, and his servants, on the other, the action of which unfolds in the present castle. Yes, it is not scenery. If you visit England, you can go to the Khaikler Castle, walk through all these rooms and, it is quite possible to chat with the hostess, Countess Carnarvon. If the journey does not shine, then admire the interiors and landscapes in the series. These nuances are also taken into account, the interaction of servants and hosts, and, of course, all the utensils, costumes and others exactly correspond to the period.

About gangsters - "Underground Empire" (2010-2014)

The series tells about the life and dubious exploits of Enoha Thomson, the urban treasurer of Atlantic City, who decided to put the condition on a dry law. And it does not matter to him, how many heads will have to go. But Martin Scorsera was damn it was important that Thomson was walking on a wooden embankment, whose boards would be exactly the same size as in 1920. For the director with a huge meticulousness, a whole city quarter was recreated with all interiors and 90 more than a damned embankment. You can not talk about costumes, weapons, music and other things.

About War - "Brothers in Arms" (2001)

The series is dedicated to the events of World War II and shows the combat path of the company E ("Easy") of the 2nd battalion of the 506th parachute regiment of the 101st airborne division of the USA. Starting with the training camp in the United States, including landing in Normandy and ending with it, the final of the war. The creators wanted to show the war without embellishment and relied on the stories of eyewitnesses and the book of the historian Stephen Ambroza. They interviewed most of the surviving veterans from the company, and the actors were picked up so that they even look like the real soldiers from her. The actors also communicated with veterans. As a result, the old people remained completely satisfied with the series, and critics, by the way, too.

About Court - "Silk" (2011 - ...)

The name of the series is explained by the fact that in England and Wales only the royal lawyer (this is not a respondent's lawyer, but just a title) can wear a silk one of a special form. For "Silk" barriesce, one friend is ready to grasp the throat, but, of course, in the strict procedural framework. And here in these subtleties of the procedure and psychological intrigues and immerses us a series. Writer, Peter Moffat, the former barrister himself, so he knows what he writes about. Traditional wigs from the horse's hair (they are also standing like a cast iron) there are also the most real.

About government - "Vice President" (2012 - ...)

In the comedy series, the history of Celina Meyer, fictional vice president of the United States, is told. The workers of the White House believe that the "vice president", even if in a humorous key, but very accurately depicts the work of politicians. If in other popular political TV shows, the heroes in each series are committed to accepting an important law that makes the world a little better, or to realize the ingenious multiple multiple power, then the whole series can be devoted to the scandal due to the fact that the portrait of a native american was removed from the wall. In general, the whole truth about that absurd, on which taxpayer money leaves.

About computerists - "Stop and burn" (2014 - ...)

The series tells the story of the 80s, the times of the revolution of personal computers. Small desperate team: Charismatic and non-marketed marketing specialist, a brilliant hacker and a spidal engineer trying to intercept IBM leadership, developing its own PC and embodying the principles of open architecture. Specialists from IT companies that make those times, they say that everything is pure truth. Ancient computers boxes with flashing green lights and 8-bit music and no fiction.

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