"It was the hands of the German mother." The strange ways that people earned themselves on bread with butter


When you need to get the money of the money, or feed the child in the evening, for any job, it seems to grab.

We asked our readers to tell, what the most strange ways they were made to earn their bread with butter.


Somehow I was offered to scan, recognize and combat the text of the book ... which was so on the Internet. They paid me 100 dollars with one-dollar bills, such crashes that 8 of them did not accept in the bank. I did not understand what it was.


Once I worked as an election observer, in fact, for lunch. From 8 and to 8 murzles in the school corridor and communicated with his grandmother - an observer from the Communists. She quoted Khayam's memory and told me what kind of batch as feeds. An apple is best, but she has principles.

Our candidates lost. And they fed me with a bun with a sausage and a tomato juice package.


Edited a report from the role-playing game to order.


Not quite sure that this is a job: the batch in the preference received an invitation to the banquet, and since I had no suitable shoes - then a couple of shoes.


One painted the motor ship. According to the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg, which go. For three days, and inside and outside.


Pushed speech for money on the beach. In a flight helmet.


He played the "Hands of the German Mother" on the installation of the modern German artist, who took place in the foyer of the theater Lenk. The "German mother" was a gypsum doll in a wheelchair, her face was a white pancake, the film "Stand's face" was projected on it from the film projector. And the hands of the old woman knit an endless scarf (according to the idea of ​​the artist just moved the loops on the knitting needles, but I knew how to knit blindly, so the scarf knitted seriously). I sat behind the chair, hugging the old woman for the waist and leaking my hands in her robe's sleeves. Sessions were 30 minutes, I had time to impose quite decent slices of scarf. The people were puzzled and watched: exactly, doll, accurately, face from the movies, but it knits! Once I have fallen a needle. For some time I shifted knitting from one hand to another, made all sorts of gestures. The people looked with interest. And then I got up because of the chair and stated: "Help the elderly woman! Serve! " I got the needles, I sat down in place and continued to knit. After the session came out due to doll and crushed. Ovations


It was virtuals. No politics, just created a dozen characters and they communicated with each other, such as the forum is not empty.


I did somehow the site for the three-liter jar of honey.



She worked in three beautiful girls on a dating site for catching rich foreigners. It was some surprise: I took compliments to the pictures of unknown maidens, from whose names he wrote, and the salary depended on the number of letters written to me. Throwing because it was tired of hell. By the way, the salary never received


Somehow I worked as a model for body art and painted me with fluorescent paints. A group of Chinese schoolgirls. And so, more stable - in the youth, periodically treated in the cafes for the story about molecular and epigenetic mechanisms of memory and learning ... Oh, in 13 years I participated in the Christmas installation, and I portrayed the Virgin Mary. Satisfied a few hours with a kolka baby Jesus. The installation was discovered for a week, but I sat only one day - with my characteristic, in general, Jewish appearance, replaced the smoking freckling classmate with red hair, which got sick and could not come. And then I barely took me, because the nose did not come out!


He wrote a book for a person with a certificate of schizophrenia. The goal of the book was to cause dissatisfaction with the Russian authorities to give refuge to the author. The book was with the analysis of historical events. In my opinion, not rolled.


I composed letters and answered them immediately on the face of the magazine "Preschool Education"


When I didn't have any money at all, and a decent such debumn was already paid on a credit card, I looked at Eurovision, thought and in despair put the last credit money on the Portuguese. The Portuguese won, and now my friends are joking: "I gathered the money gathered you for supporting the pants!" By the way, I won exactly as much as it was necessary to fully repay the debt.


In Dagestan, they returned with a friend from the beach, they remembered that "there is no bread" on the hut ("everything else", however, it was) - I revented from Uzbek, the owner of the bakery, Churek in exchange for a porcelain opener, found just at that beach and selected like souvenir.



We had to save an advertisement plane for a tour tour of one Russian singer. The only one at that time is certified for this company. We are a guarantee for film and security, on the part of the customer a correct aircraft that the film does not fall off with the paint. We came, made a test film sticker, waited an hour and left it. The paint should have stayed on the spot - it is possible to glue. On three times, airplanes were served, from which the paint was erased simply wet hand.

For each of our vain departures paid half the cost of work.


Decipher porn. I sent rollers, and I described them - which category belongs to who there, etc. (Only the type of models - fortunately, the artists of the genre I was not obliged to know ...). They paid a little, but at once: right on the same day could translate, at the most later - to the next one, and this was the most important thing at that time.

Not only must be at accelerated viewing to understand exactly who there and where, so much and 200 know. Cut the decoding - and there usually text times in two shorter comes out. Yes, even in each block of 25 rollers there was no literal repetition. Yes, for another 5 rollers so that one text is not 200, and on 400 characters was ... This is not to mention that among the rollers came across ... Hmm ... very strange. I then could not see a month ago!

Stories are collected for PICS.RU

Illustrations: shutterstock

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