8 tips from which one is already bad


It is worth a casual cut out that you are tired of being alone, and the whole dump truck of recommendations immediately extend to you on how you find a suitable man, to surround it and in general what to do with your life. These tips are always the same - and they are always harmful.

Let us eat you and give scratch

It was they sawing in Kina about how the zamhrochshushka put on heels and she immediately turns the goddess of sex. In the Sinematographer, Zamhrohshka Ahaets and thanks Good Fay, and then goes to dinner with a small offshore millionaire. In cruel reality for such passages in decent houses beaten candelabras. Because to roll out this - I don't say what to say: "You are scarecrow, and I will teach you to live." And this is a pig.

Do not hover constantly with girls, so you will not meet anyone


With girls, which they say, hang out and truth is not worth it. And real combat girlfriends is your priceless support and battery group from which you charge.

Go on dates!

What? Never mind. Any. With everyone. If you cook the dumplings a hundred times, fua-gra-gra-gra-gras will be discovered on a hundred first in the pan, because the amount always develops into quality, is it not true?

Daily dates with the first slag cracked below that they kill self-esteem - they also suck forces so that any twilight vampire visits.

Parents of the child for himself, then you will understand

Gold words! In general, to be a child's baby's child, especially such that is not just a single, and lonely - there is a high-quality difference, feel? It is still steeper to become such a mom-loner, because loneliness, multiplied by trafficking, despair and anxiety is cool and fun. Well, never forget: kids give birth mainly to solve their psychological and existential problems. In any incomprehensible situation - Riga.

Go there where many men


For example, on football, which you visited the coffin, or a conference of polymers manufacturers. Stove, slam eyes, shouts "Goal!", When they scored our - well, so that it was immediately clear that you came here from despair in the hope of even with someone to meet.

Don't go to do business

How good that there are so smart advisers. And then you have already interrupted all the Bablush, all the pears have fallen, from the soul he dug in the left nostril and began for the right. Once you are alone - it is clear that only you know what to do in the ceiling. Do not abandon the advisers, go with your head to work, in order to accurately reduce to zero all the chances of a personal life - if you leave the office at 10 pm, no longer before dating.

Rejoice, the fool is so much freedom


And she is bad - she has a husband, and a child, and the sedentary these family holidays on the damned this Majorca. Well, nothing, everything is fixable - the husband can be thrown, the child is released into the forest, to the will. And finally enjoy the long-awaited freedom. Much easier.

Stop already seeing in every potential husband

Pretend that you are not interested in serious relationships in any way. Only adventure for one night. Picture an awake tongue, which the stamp is afraid of a fire, warn from the threshold that you only sleep entered, on the word "love" demonically hawk and call in numbers. Those who also want family and children (there are such, there is) immediately understand that you are what you need.

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