Sun, Sanskrin and Skin Cancer: 7 Responses Hypochondriat


Autumn came, the cabbage was plowed, you've already pressed everything in social networks that one and a half months of summer did not meet your hopes and expect to take revenge, waving on the sea, where summer (and the present!) And muscular, let's say, the Spaniards are available all year round. Great, most importantly - do not forget about protection! We are protected from ultraviolet, and what did you think?

How much SPF is needed for real protection?

30. You can, of course, more - if you have nowhere to give money. The cream with a degree of protection of 80spf is twice as expensive, but protects almost the same as, since after 30spf, the percentage of protection goes to the plateau and almost does not change. Cream-thirty protects from 97% of solar radiation, and the added fractions of the percent, which will provide cream-eight-grade, will not particularly change the situation.

How to apply the cream from the sun?

Generous hand, 15 minutes before the exit to the street. Approximate amount at one time on the whole body - vodka stack. Yes, it is quite a lot, so you will have to walk through the house naked and wait until the cream is absorbed. Update cream is needed every 2 hours if you just lying on the chaise lounge. And if bathed - then after each sunset.

If I am making Sanskrin, will I have a vitamin D deficiency?

Despite the fact that sunlight is actually needed for this vitamin, Sanskrin does not endile you with Rahit and will not turn into avitamin alga. In practice, Australian researchers who checked more than a hundred volunteers and who have established that there is no connection between love or dislike for sunscreet and vitamin D levels.

I have a Sanskrina polltybik left, postpone the next summer?

Do not. After you unscrew the cover, most of the creams from the tan begins the countdown - live left for them 6. This period is still shorter if your tube was lying on the heat. High temperatures destroy the compounds that ensure the efficiency of the cream. By the next summer, he will simply stop protecting you.

The cream protects from the Sun, but poisons my body!

Brave claim. However, some base under this is: a substance called Paba, or para-aminobenzoic acid, a newest chemical filter that does not leave on the skin of white divorces and allows you to make very light creams, it can cause pimples, although rarely. Zinc dioxide nanoparticles can cause lung diseases if you break the cream daily to your nose daily. Oxybenzon is suspected of the ability to shoot down a hormonal background, but there are no evidence from scientists yet. But what is exactly proved in the laboratory, and on the bitter experience of millions of people - this is what the sun burn without sunscreen is exactly waiting for a sunburn and is very likely - skin cancer.

How many burns can lead to cancer?

The more, the better, that is, worse. And in the expense there is a whole life - even those who use sunscreen now, but in childhood it was constantly rushed in the Crimean beaches red, like Lobster, have a higher chance of getting skin cancer. But even more depends on family history, from how often and how much you burn and so on.

I instantly burn - this is what, it means that I am the first in the list on cancer?

Well, in general, yes. Red and Flooking risks more than the natives of Egypt and Sudan. Palenic leather contains fewer melanocyte cells that produce a pigment melanin - the one that gives the skin a golden shade and simultaneously protects its deep layers from the effects of ultraviolet.

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