The Diary of the Young Mother ™: When GW really infuriates!



PICS.RU continues a series of publications about the life of a young inexperienced mother. In the past series, we talked about the first weeks with a baby and fatherly instinct, and today - Tadaaam! - It's time for a small holivar - a conversation about breastfeeding.

We do not argue with WHO and pediatricians. But there are situations when GW really infuriates! Here is straight infuriates and everything!

At night

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You sleep and see a tenth sleep about how John Snow takes you on the dragon into the sunset or how you are free and beautiful flirting wearing a dream man, but! Suddenly there is a loud crying and groove, and you be good to get the breast, swaying in the dotteches of the baby and docile a tool and with the B. Some of the lucky are managed in the process to continue to sleep, but I am not from their number: how the persistent tin soldier I wait for the end of the process , I put the baby on his mattress (which, however, is in our bed) and only after that fall asleep. What mothers feel, whose children sleep in a separate bed, I do not imagine at all. Because this need to wake up and make some actions among the nights annoying simply by virtue of its existence. Nothing, as they say, personal, daughter I adore.

When sores

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As a rule, discomfort during breastfeeding passes in 2-3 months after the start: the chest is fully adapted, gentle skin on the nipples is griste and the process becomes if not pleasant, then at least tolerant. But - Surprise! - not everyone. Yes, and these months must somehow survive, without falling crazy, which is pretty problematic, because at least 8 times a day your unfortunate nipples seemed to be poured with hot needles, remain calm and benevolent. You look at the greedy and demanding man, who spit on your pain, and are terribly infecting. Just because it is forced to endure all this in the format "Troy!". It is not surprising that exactly at this stage many women think a sacramental "and nafig I do so happiness?"? " and go to artificial feeding.

When lactostasis

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With this faces almost every woman. The chest becomes stone, hurts, the temperature rises, and the fate is that it is impossible to stop feeding in any way because it can become even worse. And so you watered the shower, making stinky ointments, apply the cabbage sheets, suffer with breastsos in the hope that it will be easier. And all because the baby, for example, knew sleep and missed feeding. Or spinning and hit you on your chest with hand or foot. Or just the stars so stood up, and it was in your breast that the milk was formed in an unknown. Infuriates, truth.

When mastitis

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It's even worse - purulent inflammation. The chest hurts so that you do not touch, the temperature takes off under the heavens (I had 39.6), and it is necessary to urgently escape to a mammologist, where you are quite painful with your breast, and in the worst, they will make a needle drainage. Well, the course of antibiotics, of course. In particularly launched cases, an operation is required when under general anesthesia chest cut and pumped up the pus. The reasons may be mass, mostly running lactostasis or cracks and cracks of the nipples (where bacteria penetrate). Naturally, despite the hellish pain, the child must be fed necessarily and the more often the better. I remember, I lay two days with a layer, swimming in the temperature delusions and chills, and when the husband brought me a daughter for feeding, I fouulated with flammable tears and seriously thought that I would die in color. To say that all this did not infiltrate me - to dispruit.

When you need to leave

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You, winding up with the breastsos, was hit by the milk of the future, wrote to the baby with the giving mom or mother-in-law, wrote ten pages of valuable instructions for them, removed the whole apartment (so that they did not fit), the husband was charged to be on a low start from work if that, he was laughed at a manicure , pedicure and haircut (last time was six months ago), and I also wanted to go to the gym to resume the map and walk alone. But it was not there! The baby will freeze to spike a bottle, care nipple, yell and take you as a meal, only you and anyone besides you. Your manicure, pedicure and haircut to him to the light bulb, you have talked dairy kitchen! There are two options: Mention and leave or speck and stay. And that, and the other - not very. In the first case, you risk crushing yourself a brain on the topic "Yarchah", in the second - to fall into depression on the topic "Life of Confin". So it's better to jabby and transfer plans for another day. The main thing is calm.

When everyone is watching

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You are sitting on a visit (in a cafe, restaurant, in the park), and suddenly the child seizes the desire to eat, and turning it, and it is not much worried that the people are that you are not ready, that for successful drains you need privacy and tranquility and in general, You did not plan to feed it before returning home. Established to eat! And so you, Punchovaya from embarrassment, hiding in some kind of kuts scarf, trying to connect to the gun again and with the B. Tool and friends are still looking with interest and poorly hidden sympathy. And that's all in the aggregate infuriates. I want to cry the day when you generally decided to get married, and did not become a lesbian.

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