What is feminism? They say men


Sooner or later open network (and not only) the discussion about feminism and feminists turns into a sklock. On the one hand, furious men, with the other no less angry women, fastened fat trolls on the "tasty", somewhere for the middle of the dispute, everyone is forgotten, why are they here and are accepted desperately extinguish opponents.

Our columnist decided to approach the truth and spent an almost sterile experiment: asked women to move aside and not comment, and men were seriously answered to the question "What is feminism?" And here is the result: Feminism is when the masculine is not normal! Feminism - until the first happy marriage. The guys involuntarily stated that feminism is due to bad men. That would be for a couple of steps to move. Feminism is the desire to smooth out household and social practices that have developed before the emancipation of women, in accordance with the principles of gender equality. Feminism is a historic, initially aggressive, movement for the equality of women who successfully developed in the totalitarian sect with attractive for the intellectual majority by calls and slogans, serving the disunity of the progressive forces of society in the fight against world capital. Feminism is the desire of a ridiculous, contrary to the desires of reasonable, as a result of the imperfection of the situation. Modern feminism is the continuation of the struggle for female equality after its actual achievement. Feminism is when women and men have equal rights, while men are obliged to give way to women. Feminism is a socio-political movement, the purpose of which is the eradication of the gender in all public areas. Feminism is an ideology of women superiority over men. It only remains to know where world backstage issues fees. Feminism is the desire of women (it was Baba) to become a man and hysteria because of what to write is still sitting. Feminism - the struggle for the right to write standing. Guys, you - here (the problem of vertical urination has long been solved). Feminism is when a woman is taken for traditionally men's roles - not from cruel need (there is no man next to), but voluntarily and on their own initiative. Including, yes, to carry gravity. Feminism is when a woman shouts all the time that I'm yes, and everything myself. And after 5 minutes it reproaches - you are a man, what are you not a man? And this ridiculous feminism in everything. Feminism stretches to the first punctured wheel, and then he evaporates somewhere))). Feminism is when a woman refuses the status of the goddess in favor of the status of an equal dongoy. Feminism is when the feminist goes with a feminist, carrier of a five-liter water bottle and she does not disappoint that he does not offer her to help. Feminism is when women are struggling for the right to serve in the army. Feminism is the right of a woman to work with a grinder, while a man is doing household chores. In general, if you fell, raise your head: And men are resting - know, it suddenly was feminism. Feminism is when the thought of "equality" is trusting the awareness of the existence of sexual differences. Something like this. The reverse side of the Medal of Male Superiority. Extreme. Feminism is an ideology that combines carriers of sharp, at the neurosis level, problems with self-esteem. Feminism is a cultural or genetic injury. Feminism - oversupply of men's hormones in the female body. Be fighting for equality .... And there is no desire to understand that we are different. Feminism is when the woman does not want to play female role, and men can not. )) Feminism - Women's struggle for equality. But equality also means and refusal of privileges caused by physiological features. Feminism is a disease that arose in the heads of some women who grew up, as a rule, in incomplete families and poorly understand that there is a male beginning, and what is women, and for which all this is so conceived. And as a result, we have the consequences ... Women are lying, and men degenerate ... Feminism, it turns out, is the fight against the textbook of biology. So write. Feminism is when the chicks of the Lailed to such an extent that the man is not needed. And for whom we wrote about "chicks"?! Feminism is when the equality of the rights of all people, without looking at the floor and other differences. Feminism is when Maya Ilyinichno nobody indicates that she can not be done. Feminism is when a woman wants recognition and respect for his personality, not gender affiliate and related prejudice. Feminism is the liberation of women. And men too). Feminism is a movement, philosophy, lifestyle, you can call as you like, but the basis of feminism is the concept of public, social and political equality between all people, regardless of their gender status. Cookies in this table! Close to dictionary, but with great feeling. This is the ideology and practice of the only possible and unique good social revolution. And this is the jar of jam from the radical sector. As a boy I give my definition, although, probably, few people agree with me: feminism is about love. Here we were slandered. Well? This is the sample. You yourself see what happens in men and professinist views. But nevertheless, most of the representatives of the strong floor, obviously, still dream of barefoot and pregnant wife near the stove. And only the women themselves choose.

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