8 daily trifles, spoiling relationships


In order to dissess her spray, you can use one of the two equally effective techniques: either make one, but large-scale readiness, or daily on a little more annoying your neighbor.

Here are 8 actions that strain all without exception. And if it seems to you that some of them are not about your partner, just repeat this action more often and yourself make sure.

Padded into the phone when you are trying to talk to you

You would not have done on this date when he struggled to make an impression on you - and you are on him. Surprise - for all those years that you spent together, the rules did not change. And stupid into the phone at dinner, in bed or at any other moment when it was nice to talk to you, decrypt very definitely: disappearance or at least make the view that you are not here.

Simulate deafness

Sometimes we are just too lazy to open your mouth to answer the speech, which pushes the closest us. Lifehak: "Yeah" can be said, not at all free lips. It is not necessary to penetrate into the eyes on every revelation of the type "But the weather is good today," but at least somehow respond - Ignor does not please anyone.

Steal from plates

Tych pieces from his plate is not cute. Not charming. Not mimi completely. Especially - if this is the last piece. Almost all people are furious from such behavior to white crown, but still believe that when they are attracted by themselves - it touches and looks like a flirt. We assure it - no, it does not look like.

Leave garbage in the bathroom

You are not guilty that you mood like a cat, and the sink is constantly clogged with lumps of your hair. You are not guilty that you rubbing everything, except home slippers, and the plasters on the heels have to change it hourly. But scatter wool and wrapper from the plasters throughout the bath in the calculation that someone will remove it - just, sorry, pork.

Don't change toilet paper

This is just a podstava - to leave your neighbor instead of paper insensitive cardboard. Especially knowing that he will detect it at the very last moment.

Finish stories for it

Yes, you are so close to know all the stories of each other and you can even tell them the choir. You can - does not mean that it is necessary. Clip the storytellor in a second before the climax, climbing with his: "And then he, count, says ..." - Quite it is impolite and can withdraw even the Dalai Lama. Let me enjoy the story and laughter of listeners.

Redoing home affairs

Because he folds T-shirts not as your mom. And plates in the dishwasher puts without grouping in color. And the table wipes clockwise, and it is necessary against. Outing the eyes and defiantly correcting all the wrongness, you make an adult feel a unreasonable Date, which missed the pot. And you beat off all the hunt to take on your share of home duties.

Include air conditioning in the night

Or turn it off. Or to change the temperature, which in the evening was recognized as a reasonable compromise. Little pleasure wake up in sweat or in an ice crust.

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