Five questions that will help stop worrying on trifles


Anxiety, fear, anger and longing is not enough that dubious pleasure. If you allow them to seize their thoughts, they arrange natural sabotage, preventing you to think of healthy and incitement to do all sorts of nonsense.

Then, of course, you yourself can not believe that it was so smaller because of some nonsense and reversible. No need to wait "later", take the helm in your hands with the help of these simple issues.

What happened to me?

We all go around the circles, from time to time, coming on the same rake. The beauty is that every rake seems unique and fatal. Stop, threshing a bump on the forehead and before riding in the puchin of despair, remember: you have already been cut by salary, you already sank with a friend, you have already said some unimaginable nonsense on a date, you have already happened to go to a new job, having the most vague idea About your duties? Surely, and not one time. Did it lead to a monstrous catastrophe? 99 out of 100, which is not.

I want to be?

Imagine in version 3: 0 - everything seems to be the same, but the speed is better and the interface is simpler. Imagined? And now stop breaking your fingers and act as in this situation you would have been acouted. Cool you would not postpone the visit to the dentist until the latter, but would go to him tomorrow, a flirtary with a doctor right in the chair and would knock out a 30% discount for awesome. You would have ceased to hypnotize a silent phone to hypnotize and walked on the rollers.

Does it really need it for happiness?

We do not have a sliding caps-lok, we intentionally printed it. So, is it really that you are not given, then what they did, what you are waiting for and what you hope are, so necessary in order to be happy right now? Suppose you see in Facebook a photoclaim that some of your friends has buried kebabs in the forests of the Moscow region - and you are not angry with this picnic. The temptation is greatly inflated as the mouse on the Crupe, and write down such friends in Portites - and there is already not far from thoughts that you don't need anyone.

Yes, friendship seems to be an important thing, agree. But didn't you really have enough invitation for happiness for happiness precisely on these near Moscow kebabs? Or damn with them, still one antisanitary and mosquitoes? I did not increase you, and the clawdia stapeanne is submitted - and you still need to be this increase, there will be a dream, like Sidorov Goat? This is an expectation of those situations when it is worth thinking as narrowly and not to make gigantic conclusions from particularity.

I really did not expect anything like that?

Pretty risky position - every morning to leave the house with a smile on the lips and not expecting a trick from the world. Very cute, faded, but even if you smile peace, he is not always smiling you - and do not believe the motivators with kittens and rainbows. The world should not be anything and a smile nothing to do with it. Samurai pumped up the power of the Spirit, prepared daily for death. The modern city dweller should pump the power of the Spirit, daily preparing for Hamsia, indifference, desection, traffic jams on Leningradka, counting and sinking, deceptions and ignorance. Be sure you will encounter all this, and this is generally normal. Perceiving the world is realistic, you insure yourself from the offended impact "I am with all the soul, and they!". Maximum - Fine shoulders: "Well, people such people."

Can I do something?

The trick is that you can always do something. If there is a nervousness before the interview - sit down and prepare for him, attaching what you will be asking and how you can answer. This is entirely in your power. If you do not find yourself a place due to the fact that he read a message, but did not answer, go to the cut claw cat or write a media plan for a year ahead. The head, not occupied by anything but anxiety, begins to produce dark thoughts on an industrial scale, but it is worth switching attention - and nervousness retreats to the background, since consciousness are more interesting.

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