How to care for the tattoo so that it does not turn into parak



Tattoo is a gentle and capricious thing, especially in the first weeks. In order for a cute drawing over time, it was not transformed into a terrible blue blossom, get ready to holic and cherish him.

Right after


If the master is well done, he will cover the tattoo with a special protective breathable bandage. Tattoo is, in essence, the same abundance, and while she is fresh, it is better not to substitute all winds - there are bacteria. The protective bandage must be worn about a day without removing.

If the master was common, the average, he will cover the tattoo with a food film. The film is better to remove the clock in five, the greenhouse effect is created under it, especially if you are hot, and the heat and moisture in the first days after applying the tattoo do not benefit.

The average master can be closed you into an ordinary sterile bandage, it is better to remove it immediately, as you come home, otherwise it will sucks to the tattoo and will not seem little.

In the first days


From now on, your whole life is a struggle with the formation of a dry crust on the tattoo. She will still appear, but it would be good to keep it moisturized. Otherwise, she will begin to fall off with pieces with paint, and when it all heals, you will find on our tattoo oscillate. 2-3 times a day very carefully (right here) rinse a tattoo with warm water with a droplet of antibacterial soap (to wash off lymph), wait when it herself dries and lubricate the ointment like "Bepanten" or "Dr. Panthenol".

You can not sweat. Get out how you want. But in the first days you are contraindicated sports and even more so bath-saunas, as well as beaches. Yes, life will lose paint. But the tattoo will save them.

A day after 3-4, the tattoo will begin to get it. Everything is fine, you were not infected with rabies, it heals it so much. Do not dare to scratch it, even if it wanted. Some say that the brain can be briefly deceived, the scratches are not where itches, but in another place. Sometimes it helps.

After a week


After about 2 weeks after applying, the veto is removed on water procedures. But with the pool, all the same career - highly chlorinated water harms the brightness of the tattoo. Just in case, before climbing into the water, we have a fat layer of Vaseline on the tattoo.

If the crusts fell off and everything seems to be healed, but you see that the color is uneven, sign up for a tattoo correction. The master will paint all the bright spots. It is better to do it right now - over time, the tattoo changes the color somewhat, and if you go to the salon in a couple of years, you will have to work out separate bright areas, but the entire tattoo is entirely. Otherwise, the drawing will be spotted.

All life


Eat more products that contain vitamin E - it retains the skin elastic and elastic. This is a good advice for everyone, not only for the devices of tattooed. But the elasticity of the skin is especially important to you, so that land on vegetable oils, walnuts, avocado, beans, broccoli and kiwi.

Protect the tattoo from the Sun and apply sunscreen on it, even if you go to the bungeon behind Baton. The paints are very sensitive to ultraviolet, and without such protection measures, the black pattern for several years will turn into a shiny. In addition, the story knows when under the influence of solar color, some pigments became allergen - it is necessary to be wildly unbelievable to induce this phenomenon, but it is better not to risk.

From time to time, lubricate a tattoo with cosmetic oil - first, it will look brighter and more beautiful, secondly, it will provide uniform leather exfoliation and the drawing will remain clear and evenly scratched longer.

Keep in mind that sooner or later you will still have to go to the master - let it after 5-10 years, but will have to. No matter how try, and the pigment is still fading and washed away. Black and blue colors hold longer, green and red - worse, and pale shades - pink, blue, yellow and white - lose saturation very quickly.

Help may be required in the event that the contours of the tattoo "floated." This happens for various reasons - the master caught cruise, the pigment was not for contour application, the needle was wrong, the paint was introduced too deeply, you shed somewhere with care. It must be said that the thinner the skin, the higher the risk that the tattoo is blown. The same applies to areas with active blood circulation (neck, hands, grooves, grooves) or places that are often exposed to water (again hands that you constantly wash).

Small and very detailed tattoos - a special risk group. So if you want to portray something miniature on your finger, pick up a master carefully and picky than a husband, a university and a nanny for a child combined.

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