13 points that carefully facilitate the life of the Mother of the Baby


Of the entire wonderful diversity of devices, which offers a modern industry for children, we have chosen the 13 most necessary for you. It's really easier with them!


The task of the husband is to fuck, cherish, wearing on hand and perform any whims of non-in-honey-ly-tel. Nothing personal: The young mother is so tired in an endless day of the groundwork and jogs from the bed to the changing table and back, passing the diapers and knead the baby that it is vital sometimes to relax and capricious.


Against nature will not be speaking: Mom will always help simply because herself remembers what it is - do not sleep at night, forget about the full shower, feel zombies and suffer that the old life ended forever. If you do not trust my mother's native monitor, then you ask her at least help with cleaning and cooking - there will be a significant help.

Chaise lounge

Alas, not for you, but for a child. There is a million models for the smallest and older children, with a motor, the pendulum system of the tech and the ability to put the baby's favorite Muse, connecting to the chair through Wi-Fi. Uploaded the baby - and rest yourself! Want - boasting, you want - you wish the floors!

Mobile Device

And do not listen to skeptics who claim that the mother should fully belong to the baby, - so that you should definitely do anything. And in the time you spend on pointing and feeding the baby, you can master the entire Russian classics in a printed or audio, or revise the filmography of Fellini, or learn Spanish. And in the moments of despair to google "What is postpartum depression, and how to deal with it?"


Helps from anxiety and all control-frikov at the expense of times. Put the baby, brought the Oco Occupus on him and hang out with friends in another room, not afraid that the kid would go away or go somewhere to hang out somewhere.

Test strips for alcohol

It has reached the progress of Serge PMS: Modern doctors not only do not prohibit alcohol during GW, but some (for example, Italians) are recommended once a week drinking a glass-other good red dry wine to warn the development of anemia and increase the mood. If it fell and drank more - to help you tes strips for the presence of alcohol in breast milk: you drip a couple of drops on it and it is immediately clear whether you can feed a child or better not to risk.

Inflatable everything

Bath, a circle on the neck for swimming, a changing table - all this can be inflated, and when it serves his, carefully blow and folded somewhere on the mezzanine. Children's clothes, toys and fixtures multiply by killing and sprawling throughout the house, occupying all surfaces. So it is better to blow up-inflate.


Literally unleashes his mother's mother. She took the baby and went, went! And do not be afraid that it is difficult: a couple-triple times and you will wind the sling in the night with closed eyes. Danger towes where they did not wait: not all babies love to hang out in the sling, but these cases have backpacks and other carrying.


Let's just say - not all mothers are able to cope with the miracle aggregate, but those are happy, who cope, bake in it, fry, boil and soar soups, pies, cutlets and bald feathers. The desired thing, in general.

Washing machine

Well, it is not even discussed. Hands to wash infant things and diapers in endless poop - you will go crazy.

Mixed apparatus

If your baby is on artificial feeding, then this is truly a brilliant thing. Works on the principle of coffee makers: there is a water tank and a container in which a dry mixture falls asleep. Further substitute the bottle, press the button - and the desired amount of the mixture of the desired temperature is ready. Saves time, strength and precious moments sleep, especially at night.

Children's night light

Even the smallest children are perfectly sticking to the smoothly moving multicolored spots and pictures. And the kids are older and suppressed! In addition, the nightlight perfectly creates the so-called "ritual of disheaval to sleep" - gradually the child gets used to the muffled light and pictures - time to calm down and get ready to go to bed. Well, everything is more fun than dull adult lamps!


And the child can sleep where you please. Put it near the sofa - and watch movies. We came to visit the parents - organized a babbit sleeping place without departing from the box office. And you can not be afraid that it will lead. At least not yet learned to turn over.

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