The best articles 2015 - what they say about you!



Girlfriends summarize for the new year, so we decided to see what corona articles we went out in 2015. But in their popularity we can analyze your interests! Well, well, let's see that you most often smoked, Laikal and what it talks about you (Magic Ball Sasha Smilanskaya to help us).

You are - grammar-nazi!

The most-presser, the mega-super-popular article of the year is called "the words for which you want to cause bodily harm." Wow, you with "lie" and "Pokhist" on the eyes better not to come across!

Are you - a historian ???

Or Communication? Or opposition? Or do you want to catch up at school? Otherwise, why did you read so much and distributed the brutal quotes from the heritage of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin?

Are you married

The best articles 2015 - what they say about you! 38748_2

And you are concerned about the theme of sex. So the third place in popularity is the mockery kamasutra of married couples. Sex theme excuses you, even if we are talking about the kingdom of animals. But, it seems that you are married recently: read funny SMS newlyweds and reflect: to give birth or still not give birth?

You trust us

When we wrote that only 5% of people can solve this problem, we lied. We took this fraction from the ceiling. But worked. Sorry!

Do you drive a car

And do not get enough sleep. Therefore, you seemed helpful tips for sleepy drivers.

You are skeptic

The best articles 2015 - what they say about you! 38748_3

Therefore, you gladly read the breakdown of the covers with the filming of the "fashionable sentence" and chose the retelling "50 shades of gray" viewing this stupid film. You can't believe the fashion trainings of personal growth too - and do it correctly. And you indignant the poor mafia on the streets. By the way, we also suspect that you earn you yourself and know the price of money.

Do you believe in love

And for the sake of her even ready to believe the horoscope. Of all our horoscopes - your favorite - "How the signs of the zodiac are falling in love."

And you have a great sense of humor!

After all, most of our popular articles are the humorous.

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