Babkina Tales of Health, whom it's time to stop believing



Some health myths are so stubble that no research and evidence by them are nipple. We absorbed them with grandmother's compote. But in general, sometimes approaching the wisdom of generations with healthy skepticism is even useful.

Sugar children become violent

It seems like enough to look at small devils on any children's holiday: the cake is sick, roll out the sodes and flies with cutting. Sugar is the same energy, right? Well, it means too much sugar - too much energy. Yes? Not. Sugar is absorbed a little different. Some of these simple carbohydrates immediately goes to the muscles and internal organs - to satisfy the urgent needs. Surplus are stored in the liver in the form of glycogen. What does not fit into this storage, turns into fat. A bored dietatko can devour a box of cookies and jam jar, and then lazily cut into video games. At parties, the baby focuses on overexcitation at the sight of the mountains of sweets, crowds of children and hay animators.

You will worry - get ready

Life collisions, of course, may dampen that you will and look older, and feel ruined. Chronic stress can provoke a bunch of diseases, from psoriasis (proved) to cancer (theory). But it is impossible to go overnight (or even for the year of a lifestyle). The date of the first gray hair is encoded genetically. And already abandoned black, blonde or brown hair are not sad - they live about three years and calmly fall out. Gray hair immediately grow gray.

With a cold, you need a lot of vitamin C

Myth nodes from the 1970s. Created his brilliant chemist Linus Powling. His book "Vitamin C and a cold" enjoyed great respect from housewives, they were even ready to forgive the scientist that no convincing study for his statement stood. After all, the chemist offered such a cheap and simple remedy for colds! I probably knew what he said. The share of truth in the statement of Pauling is, but very small. In 2007, a long-term experiment ended, during which people took a triple dose of Vitamin C. Those who did not argue ascorbing, hurt a cold on average 12 days a year. And those who bombarded the body with shock doses of vitamin C - only 11. The result is on the verge of statistical error.

The head should be warm!

Many still think that half of the heat (if not more) we lose through head. The reason for this is one old experiment, which, to put it mildly, was spent somewhat incorrect. Volunteers dressed in warm boots, pants and jackets, but they did not give out the caps. Then the volunteers were released on the frost and measured how much heat they emit. Naturally, it turned out that 80% of the heat goes through the head. It is logical if the rest of the body is covered in a hundred clothes! In fact, in a calm state, we lose about 7% of heat. With serious physical exertion, this figure can not grow up to 50% for a long time, but very soon the vessels are narrowed and heat loss again returns to the same 7%. However, the cap in the frost is still needed. But it is not more important than gloves, shoes and a jacket.

Carrot improves eyesight

Only if the vision was originally bad and its weakness was caused by a strong lack of vitamin A. The deficiency of vitamin A worsens twilight vision. Carrots can improve the situation - however, like spinach, and the Bulgarian pepper, and the other greens, under the stripped carothine. All other problems with the vision of the carrot does not have any effect. The image of a carrot as a miracle vegetable for township was supported by the British military during the Second World War. The radar, the last technical novelty, was still half-shaped, and the Guidelines of the Air Force explained to the general public a supernatural accuracy of pilots during night departures of carrot in their diet.

You will click the joints - earn arthritis

Clicking fingers are really dangerous for life. Someone, brought to them to white cation, can easily strange you. Because it is just unbearable. But this "click-click" does not harm. The joint is hidden in a bag filled with liquid - it works as a lubricant. Slimming with your fingers, you stretch this bag. Its volume increases, the pressure inside decreases sharply, and the gases from the liquid form a bubble - at this moment you hear "click". It takes time so that the gas can dissolve in fluid again, so you can not click the joint two times in a row. Arthritis is a degenerative disease that destroys the shell, which covers the bones in the joint, and it has no relation to the moderate stretching of the articular bag, nor to the formation of gases in the eye-cutting fluid.

Cats stitch babies

Why can't cats around babies? Well, firstly, they are curious that this is for the crying facility invaded their cozy world. Secondly, the object lies in a warm soft crib, full covered and blankets - from the point of view of the cat, a great place to build. Thirdly, the babies smell like milk. Despite the fact that most adult cats suffer from lactose intolerance, they are not completely indifferent to milk. There is nothing wrong with the cat - even if she perceives the child, as a usurper and an irritating factor, she will not take revenge on the owners, trying to harm him. Cats express their chagrin otherwise - they begin to mark the house and shit everywhere, but not only in their tray. The bad glory of cats is the result of such a sad phenomenon, as a sudden death of babies. The respiratory system of the child in the first weeks of life works at impaired. Sometimes kids just stop breathing. And if at this moment the cat is lying next to them - there is no doubt, whose wines. At least our great-grandmothers did not have them.

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