How to pump your English with pleasure


The topic of effective language training has been signed by Oskomina to everyone who studied in traditional INAZ, and not some linguistic Hogwarts for chosen. Newly changed Sensei from linguistics that is also inventing unique copyright techniques, promising magical results in incredibly short time. I would like to get acquainted at least with one person who managed for a month or two to pump the language from the level of "Landen from Ze Capital ..." to "Native Speaker".

The unoriginal idea about something without a foreign one today (nor on good work, or profitable married) has long been adopted by all for the life axiom. However, somehow inhabitant to believe that the polyglot is dorming in each of us, whom only gently scratching the ear to wake up.

My inner captain is obvious: for successful learning a foreign language (any), great efforts will be required, responsible attitude, non-poor skills of self-organization, at least a bit of love and tolik abilities.

As already mentioned, techniques, concepts, textbooks, tutors, courses, webressurs and other assistants in the study of foreign exists today there is a huge amount. But in addition to the methodology it is useful to know several more rules that, perhaps, will allow the study of language to the process not only effective, but also pleasant.


Why it often happens that a person from grade grade grade is studying English, then a few more years at the university, but it does not boast of a summary of the knowledge of foreign at least at the level of "Upper Intermediate"? Of course, you can try to blame the school in the face of an incompetent Englishwoman, an outdated training program, an insufficient number of hours, the lack of motivation students, even low salary that beat the hunt from teachers to work with enthusiasm. In fact, the problem, as a rule, lies in the fact that it is impossible to know the language, if you do not communicate on it. Resets of served topics about Trafalgar Square and Shakespeare did not count.

What to do?

Options There are many, both for a schoolboy and age person. If funds allow, it is worth sending a child (go to yourself) to a foreign "business trip." We are talking about language schools, summer schools, foreign children's (adult) camps, volunteer programs. The main condition is the international team, the working language is English (if we take it out) and the absence of a large number of compatriots in the group (this is very important, because otherwise the bearded anecdote will become a reality: a month later everything will be spoken in Russian)

One of my acquaintances placed in Facebook post in English with a call: "Linguistic exchange! 2 hours a conversation in English I change for two hours conversations in Russian. " Friends, conquered by the profitability of the girl, quickly distributed the news, and after a week linguistic exchange took place. It turned out, students of such prestigious universities like Oxford and Cambridge are often chosen as the second foreign Russian language. In general, there was no removal from those who wanted to "exchange languages".

It is not necessary to fulfill such creative ways to find an English-speaking interlocutor. You can simply contact a specialized project that provides services for tutors that are native speakers.

In general, morality is simple: look for ways to communicate (informal) in a foreign language. Scroll on grammar, but pump a speaking speech (if, of course, your goal is not to pass the exam or, for example, the ability to write academic essays). But in any case, one thing is true: even if you can impeccably solve tests, but you cannot talk and understand the interlocutor - the efficiency of your efforts will be zero.

Find in the language impractical value

Quite often you can hear similar answers to the question why a person decided to learn French: "Oh, he is so frantic", "France is my dream" and other emotional attacks in the style of "see Paris and die." It is about the fact that the language is impossible to tear off the cultural context, it carries a train of fantasies, myths and stereotypes. At the same time, it does not matter at all, which there are generally accepted classifications and connotations, it is important how a person himself imagines the cultural "aura of" language learned.

In the period of study at the Linguistic University, we conducted an interesting experiment. There were more than 200 students on the stream, and everyone asked to answer the question about the language past (which was the school, whether there was a tutor, etc.) and motivation (why foreign languages, and not a webdesign, for example, or journalism ), and then classified answers, correlating them with student performance. As it turned out, the stars of the faculty (in terms of language training) were those who have studied in profile classes from an early age (walked in private schools, prestigious lyceums, etc.), as well as those who have impractical motivation. Experience has shown that people seeking to get aesthetic pleasure from the language achieve the desired result faster, and the educational process brings moral satisfaction. Even if you start learning the language, "because you need" or want your child to know several languages, "because it does not hurt," try to find at least one more sincere reason for this enterprise.

Some foreigners love for the work of Dostoevsky or Tolstoy leads to the Russian classes of language schools. And this is quite logical: the original in meaning is always deeper by translation. One of my familiar, grew, in his own words, exclusively on the fairy tales of Wilhelm Gauf, learned German in adulthood only in order to compare his children's impressions with the original. Is it worth saying that the boy has not needed 11 years to achieve their goal.

Form a habit

How much effort we make every morning and evening to brush your teeth? Yes, no. This procedure for each person is somewhat granted, this is our useful habit. In order for the study of a foreign language to be effective, it is necessary to form a habit.

For example, you can read 10-15 pages of an artistic work in a foreign product before going to bed every night, or watch one episode of the English TV series (without subtitles!), Or write 20-30 new words to your personal dictionary, practicing their pronunciation in the semantic context. Of course, such actions will not result, if they are introduced. It makes no sense to just watch movies on a foreign one, while not practicing the speech with the carrier, not engaged in the teacher, without performing exercises, etc. However, the opposite is true: even exhausting himself in a language school or visiting the tutor daily, you can not have the desired result, making a foreign language for the brackets of your personal space.

You must make friends with the tongue, he must enter the sphere of your intimate space. You should not be shy to walk with it in pajamas, hug with your loved one, chew in front of a Pop Corn TV. The language should become your constant companion, only then you will achieve the level of true understanding, and not a mechanical assimilation of words, phrases and rules.

Start thinking

There is such a rule: to master the language in perfection - means to start thinking about this language. It is impossible to force yourself here. Rather, you can make efforts and vote for some phrases to ourselves, but it will be more likely to attempt to reproduce the previously studied language structures. As a rule, a person begins to think in a non-standard language, having lived for many years in another country.

There is an alternative: there is no opportunity to make himself thinking on a foreign one, you can carry out internal dialogues in this language. Let's say you are standing in front of a difficult life choice. In this situation, you will certainly be constantly reflected, calculate options, predict the consequences. Why not combine useful with useful?

Talk to my souls on a foreign one. Ask all important questions, try to formulate answers, fight yourself. At the same time, forget about the rules: do not think about whether artist needs to use the preposition. You should simply immerse yourself in your thoughts, formulating them in a foreign language. By the way, psychologists claim that such an exercise will help to look at the problem differently. It is likely that you will be able not only to work out the tongue, but also to make a right decision. Learn or not to learn is no longer a question. The main thing is to organize the process in such a way that they will subsequently not regret the aimlessly spent days and huge amounts given in the rustling of a passionate desire to speak English (French, German, etc.). Each person can learn a foreign language, one or more. Everything that this will require - soberly assess yourself, stock patience and honestly answer the question: "Why do I need all this, in fact, you need."

Lecturer of English

In the online school TUTORONLINE

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