Himself training: how to organize your own training personality training for 6 steps


Personal growth trainings are very good, very bad, so-so and rather good. All of them have two common properties - they cost money and, since he was discovered, they need to spend time. Let's truth in the eyes - you would agree to pay twice as much if the result could be pouring into yourself as from the flash drive.


The mechanism is the same as with a subscription to the gym - okay, you tear off the money from the heart! But now you have to walk! For a while you go, yes. And then the grandilage, then the parent meeting, then the grandmother was punished, that's the whole subscription, smack. To be honest - the cemetery of unfinished courses on the courier is no less than the cemetery of unearth slats.

What to do, if you have a day free exactly three gaps of 8 and a half minutes, except for a ten-minute thoughtful standing in the shower with a toothbrush in the mouth and twenty five minutes twice a day in the subway? Or - really this happens - there is no money on anything at all, bread with Margarine, I am a spear on Bentley.

In general, it happens that even on the most space-friendly and working training we violate as a fox to grapes, "Yes, where I still have a personally growing," and feel the ears themselves - did not come together yet? Going at the table myself, after a last year, will she die from boredom in my society?

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We need to plan a couple of weeks just to think about (we remember - three times a day for 8.5 minutes, the rest of the time you have something to think about) in which area you, in fact, you want to grow personally. It's not a bit no simple question! There are, for example, serious trainings are precisely in order to help understand what a person dreams about! And in these trainings, people do not fit at all. But we remember about 8.5 minutes and until the real training is caught.

Just slowly, small fools, discuss with yourself - what would I like to lie in myself personally? Knowledge of Spanish? Courage? Muscles on the pope? Patience? Diction? Boobs? Communicability? Ability not to be distracted from important cases? Sobriety? Sneakers on the left cheek? And what of this I want at all, and what - I want to be straight?

The first lower down the mentioned list, the second - raise higher. You can list the list somewhere in the voice recorder while you are sitting at a boring meeting. Remove in it there and a smart look. And you can not write. If something wants sharply, it will still not be lagging behind you. For example, _ Speed_.

Technically, from the side, you still do not do anything yet. But Figanka. Drawing and ranking a list of tasks is such a solid and important thing. And nothing that you make it small fuses, in the subway and under the shower. The process is running. Polly, polly, snail, along the slope of Fuji. Up, up to the very heights.



When "firstly" for you has already become clear how day. Thought a month? Normally, rejoice that not a year. Approximately decided what I want, in a week? Especially excellent. Cut off the entire bottom of the list, leaving only 3-4 points in the prominent place. And they do not care at all about the cut off. This is an important point. People very much spoil the quality of life of regret and shame. Especially if someone from loved ones helps. "And so that you have heard, do not train anymore?" "And I look, you completely threw the embroidery" "What, Book Reviews will no longer?"

Maybe it will be. But not right now. Now I want to sharpen another. And this - if I want, it is not sharp. I want to do. And what am I to you, hexady Shiva - and Reaper, and Shvets, and on the Dude playing? Have only 24 hours a day - not ashamed. Stay alive, do not drive yourself up to loss of beplaceability - not ashamed and even commendable. You need yourself for a long time. And maybe not only yourself.



We start thinking what are the cases of those that you have to do and so - is or may be training at. You can not sit and crawl off with a carriage, but cheerfully walk fast. Hour a day by quick step - Profit! Weekly report on the glider - here you are and courage, and diction. Writing in words with a very opposing first grader (yelling - you can't. Kill - you can not. To score - you can not) - Here you and Zen, like not any ascetic.

"Before enlightening Ruby Firewood, woed water. After the enlightenment of Ruby Firewood, woze the water. "



We think that what already busy intervals can additionally load additional meaning. Washing dishes After all, is compatible with listening to audiobook in English? But what it is only not compatible, Agata Christie, for example, so composed his murders. I did not like the dishes, but where to go. We knew women who composed poems to this case, exercised by Kegel and thought out the curriculum plan. Not at the same time, though.

We argue, are you already doing so? Well, it is impossible for nothing to think about the apartment with a vacuum cleaner. That is, it is possible, but you need to go to the goal and for a long time. And what, meditation is also the thing you need. Omm.


So, almost certainly, you think now - so what's new? A new approach. Thinking about outsiders during boring routine activities - the usual thing. Schedule yourself the themes, what to think about; Preparing to prepare for the material for thoughts and then have not only wicked linen pelvis, but also a pattern of a pattern on a children's sweater - to keep yourself a tick in personal growth.

At some stage, any routine, non-heading work begins to immediately perceive as a window for myself. There are people who read poems in this window, it would seem already semi-forgotten. But no, you see, and the whole "John Donna" remembered without rereading.



Start find out whether there is a technical opportunity to gnaw in reality any other pieces of time on yourself. Does the expensive want to send you to an internship? (And if you also throw up a list of useful for internships, so generally well). Doesn't your favorite child want to resemble a group of drawing, dancing, speech development, karate, beadido or the creation of combat man-like robots? A couple of times a week? And my mother will sit outside, playing in Lingvaleo. Do parents do not want to give you a robot vacuum cleaner for your birthday?

And finally, in sixth,


The most difficult thing is that without all the previous training most likely, it will not work. Unlighten from close recognition that you are living and how much time you need for yourself just for the sake of survival. "Once every two weeks I have to go listen to music." You go to the philharmonic, fall asleep in the chair. You fall asleep three times, on the fourth way you know the melody. And in general, hypnotation plus music therapy.

From this point on, the fact that you are doing something for ourselves, becomes noticeably surrounding. They, of course, will appear about this. But - for a well-closed woman, this is usually a surprise - this opinion is far from always negative. There are rumors that even children subsequently respect mom, who had their own interests and defended them than the one that was completely invested in their livelihood.

But it is also important. If you teach yourself and others that you spend some part of our resources to continue to be an interesting person, getting new and maintain old skills - then the day will come when you catch and understand - perhaps you can already Go to this training. I can. I have the right.

Illustrations: Shetterstock.

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